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"Cupa CSTA BUCURESTI", Bucuresti – Sambata si Duminica – 24 si 25 Septembrie 2022
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organizator principal
- 13.sep.2010
- 8997
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1137
Inscrieri Hobby/Avansati (24 Septembrie) - 22:27:34 - v5.3 / cls_2022-sep
1. Lupu Mihai, Bucuresti, 1094 - 18.22 - AW
2. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 267 - 17.72 - AW
3. Topsaneanu Valentin, Chitila, 676 - 17.7 - A
4. Ianculovici Svetozar, Bucuresti, 466 - 17.35 - A
5. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 741 - 16.93 - A
6. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 385 - 16.29 - A
7. Constantin Mihaela, Bucuresti, 801 - 14.11 - AF
8. Busuioc Stelian, Bucuresti, 1079 - 12.55 - A
9. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 506 - 12.34 - A
10. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 647 - 11.69 - A
11. Gihan Sefcati, Bucuresti, 964 - 10.36 - A
12. Tonciu Costin, Bucuresti, 643 - 9.67 - H
13. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 1704 - 9.43 - H
14. Boroica Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 1838 - 9.03 - H
15. Marin Alexandru, Bucuresti, 2336 - 7.6 - H
16. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti, 1707 - 7.25 - H
17. Vladu Daniel, Bucuresti, 2106 - 7.03 - H
18. Busuioc Marian, Bucuresti, 1851 - 6.63 - H
19. Varbanescu Radu, Bucuresti, 2250 - 6 - H
20. Khashan Salem, Bucuresti, 1300 - 5.94 - H
21. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti, 1626 - 5.75 - HW
Inscrieri Open/Elite (25 Septembrie) - 22:30:20 - v5.3 / cls_2022-sep
1. Boaca Valentin, Bucuresti, 8 - 53.45 - E
2. Neculai Alexandru, Tulcea, 1 - 52.92 - E
3. Neagoe Costin, Bucuresti, 11 - 46.55 - E
4. Ursu Teodor, Bucuresti, 326 - 41 - E
5. Buhai Andrii, Odessa, 898 - 39.77 - E
6. Iordan Alexandru Constantin, Bucuresti, 882 - 39.2 - EL
7. Rogoz Nicoleta, Bucuresti, 361 - 38.62 - EF
8. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti, 388 - 36.58 - EF
9. Istrate Cristian, Timisoara, 3549 - 36.4 - E
10. Boroica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1986 - 33 - E
11. Craiu Catalin, Videle, 71 - 32.99 - E
12. Campean Adrian, Bucuresti, 78 - 32.21 - OW
13. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti, 484 - 31.03 - OF
14. Dumitrescu Cornel, Bucuresti, 87 - 30.94 - OW
15. Stoica Patricia, Bucuresti, 330 - 29.36 - OLF
16. Chirila Robert, Bucuresti, 629 - 28.25 - O
17. Ionescu Mihai, Bucuresti, 185 - 28.14 - O
18. Marcu Nicolae, Bucuresti, 588 - 27.93 - O
19. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti, 766 - 27.82 - O
20. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 147 - 25.78 - O
21. Docan Cristian, Bucuresti, 259 - 23.45 - O
22. Enculescu Mihaita, Dobroesti, 346 - 22.87 - O
23. Badescu Andrei, Bucuresti, 309 - 22.25 - OJ
24. Mihai Andrei, Bucuresti, 667 - 21.96 - O
25. Serban Leonard, Bucuresti, 546 - 20.96 - O
26. Acu Paul, Bucuresti, 1445 - 20.47 - O
27. Baican Alexandru, Bucuresti, 728 - 20.15 - O
28. Constantin Gabriela, Bucuresti, 653 - 19.73 - AFD
29. State Malin, Bucuresti, 1511 - 19.13 - A
30. Ciripan Camelia, Bucuresti, 1185 - 16.4 - AF
31. Alexandroaie Emanuel, Bucuresti, 580 - 15.8 - A
senior- 10.oct.2019
- 1310
- Videle
- 28
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organizator principal- 13.sep.2010
- 8997
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1137
Inscrieri Hobby/Avansati (24 Septembrie) - 21:18:50 - v5.3 / cls_2022-sep
1. Lupu Mihai, Bucuresti, 1094 - 18.22 - AW
2. Constantin Eduard, Bucuresti, 459 - 18.14 - A
3. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 267 - 17.72 - AW
4. Topsaneanu Valentin, Chitila, 676 - 17.7 - A
5. Ianculovici Svetozar, Bucuresti, 466 - 17.35 - A
6. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 741 - 16.93 - A
7. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 385 - 16.29 - A
8. Pelcea Alexandru, Bucuresti, 892 - 14.86 - A
9. Constantin Mihaela, Bucuresti, 801 - 14.11 - AF
10. Busuioc Stelian, Bucuresti, 1079 - 12.55 - A
11. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 506 - 12.34 - A
12. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 647 - 11.69 - A
13. Gihan Sefcati, Bucuresti, 964 - 10.36 - A
14. Tonciu Costin, Bucuresti, 643 - 9.67 - H
15. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 1704 - 9.43 - H
16. Boroica Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 1838 - 9.03 - H
17. Marin Alexandru, Bucuresti, 2336 - 7.6 - H
18. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti, 1707 - 7.25 - H
19. Vladu Daniel, Bucuresti, 2106 - 7.03 - H
20. Busuioc Marian, Bucuresti, 1851 - 6.63 - H
21. Varbanescu Radu, Bucuresti, 2250 - 6 - H
22. Khashan Salem, Bucuresti, 1300 - 5.94 - H
23. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti, 1626 - 5.75 - HW
Inscrieri Open/Elite (25 Septembrie) - 21:25:09 - v5.3 / cls_2022-sep
1. Boaca Valentin, Bucuresti, 8 - 53.45 - E
2. Neculai Alexandru, Tulcea, 1 - 52.92 - E
3. Neagoe Costin, Bucuresti, 11 - 46.55 - E
4. Ursu Teodor, Bucuresti, 326 - 41 - E
5. Buhai Andrii, Odessa, 898 - 39.77 - E
6. Iordan Alexandru Constantin, Bucuresti, 882 - 39.2 - EL
7. Rogoz Nicoleta, Bucuresti, 361 - 38.62 - EF
8. Bejan Alexandru, Tecuci, 209 - 37.13 - E
9. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti, 388 - 36.58 - EF
10. Istrate Cristian, Timisoara, 3549 - 36.4 - E
11. Papacu Bejoli, Bucuresti, 170 - 33.8 - EW
12. Craciun David Mihai, Bucuresti, 141 - 33.43 - E
13. Boroica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1986 - 33 - E
14. Campean Adrian, Bucuresti, 78 - 32.21 - OW
15. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti, 484 - 31.03 - OF
16. Dumitrescu Cornel, Bucuresti, 87 - 30.94 - OW
17. Stoica Patricia, Bucuresti, 330 - 29.36 - OLF
18. Chirila Robert, Bucuresti, 629 - 28.25 - O
19. Ionescu Mihai, Bucuresti, 185 - 28.14 - O
20. Marcu Nicolae, Bucuresti, 588 - 27.93 - O
21. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti, 766 - 27.82 - O
22. Hodis Marian, Bucuresti, 1513 - 27 - O
23. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 147 - 25.78 - O
24. Docan Cristian, Bucuresti, 259 - 23.45 - O
25. Enculescu Mihaita, Dobroesti, 346 - 22.87 - O
26. Badescu Andrei, Bucuresti, 309 - 22.25 - OJ
27. Mihai Andrei, Bucuresti, 667 - 21.96 - O
28. Serban Leonard, Bucuresti, 546 - 20.96 - O
29. Acu Paul, Bucuresti, 1445 - 20.47 - O
30. Baican Alexandru, Bucuresti, 728 - 20.15 - O
31. Constantin Gabriela, Bucuresti, 653 - 19.73 - AFD
32. State Malin, Bucuresti, 1511 - 19.13 - A
33. Pasoveanu Silvian, Bucuresti, 682 - 18.91 - A
34. Curelea Petre, Lehliu Gara, 610 - 18.78 - A
35. Ciripan Camelia, Bucuresti, 1185 - 16.4 - AF
36. Alexandroaie Emanuel, Bucuresti, 580 - 15.8 - A
Lista de asteptare:
1. Serban Bogdan, Bucuresti, 570 - 26.52 - OW
2. Gavrila Aurel, Bucuresti, 236 - 33.87 - EWD
3. Panea Ovidiu, Bucuresti, 283 - 39.87 - E
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