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- 19.oct.2010
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Carlos Santana (70)
Sarbatoritul zilei: Carlos Augusto Alves Santana (70), n. 20-Jul-1947, Autlan de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico, naturalizat cetatean american in 1965, inclus in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 1998
- - - Actualizat - - -
1,77245385- 26.mai.2010
- 11921
- Timișoara
Likes given: 1505Likes received: 5365
Chester Bennington, solistul trupei Linkin Park, s-a sinucis. A fost gasit mort de ziua prietenului sau, Chris Cornell.
Chester Bennington, in varsta de 41 de ani, era cunoscut mai ales ca vocalist principal al formatiilor rock Linkin Park si Dead by Sunrise. Potrizit TMZ, care citeaza politia din L.A. County, cantaretul a fost gasit spanzurat in locuinta sa. Chester era casatorit si avea 6 copii din doua casnicii.
Chester a decis sa-si puna capat zilelor in ziua in care celebrul rocker Chris Cornell ar fi implinit 53 de ani. Era prieten apropiat cu Chris Cornell, care s-a sinucis in acelasi mod in luna mai.
Chester Bennington a fost abuzat sexual cand era copil si a fost dependent de cocaina si metamfetamina ca adolescent. A lucrat la Burger King inainte de cariera sa de muzician si a admis ca a incercat sa se sinucida in trecut.
Sursa: protv
1,77245385- 26.mai.2010
- 11921
- Timișoara
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"I keep waking up in the middle of the night and remember, fresh again, that you are gone. An absence grows in my stomach and slowly turns circles like a far off galaxy on a grainy tv.
The same questions follow and my heart races...searching for reasons and what ifs..
I'm so selfishly sad that I'll never get to see you again, never play with you again, never feel the bask of your approval or be part of your life.
We all miss you so was always a given in my mind we would all spend more time together when we got older, we would play more music and love and be loved like we dreamed...this was your time and you shared it with us...thank you.
You were too much...
Your talent was jaw dropping...your songs, lyrics, your could you have all 3...
And then, the not so obvious...your wicked sense of humor and your playfulness...
all of us are heartsick and we will never get over losing you.
We hope you're in peace and that your particles are mutating and transforming in harmony with nature. We wish your family our utmost condolences and sympathies.
We love you Chris,
Happy Birthday"
Words by: Stone
Photo Credit: Jeff Lipsky
Înțelept- 19.oct.2010
- 6979
- Blaj
- 67
Likes given: 198Likes received: 478
[QUOTE=Bogy;367407]Iuliu ma provoci cu Clapton si nu e bine. O sa se supere flokistul pe noi ca-i transformam sectiunea, din "Muzica-Amatur", in "Eric Clapton"
100 % ! Vali are insa un simt al umorului ... pervers de acid ! Sa-l lasam sa fiarba in "folk" propriu (ca doar el a lansat "campania", nu ?
Bun, am inteles ! Sa schimbam (putin) registrii ....
Este weekend! Atentie cum conduceti !
1971-2020- 29.iun.2011
- 10932
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- 53
Likes given: 242Likes received: 808
This is a song about a La de da de dum! And it`s not the nose we talking about.
You figure it out, eventually!
La de da de dum
On the 17th of March in La de da de da
A son was born to Mrs La De Dum
He had two arms, two legs, a mouth and nose and ears
And the usual La de da de da de dum.
He was duly christened La de da de da
And they gave his second name as La de dum
And through his life, and he lived for 90 years
He was known as La de da de da de dum.
Then as he grew up his la de da de dum
Grew quicker than his other la de dum
And when he was fifteen, everyone remarked
On his great big La de da de da de dum.
Then he met a girl in La de da de da
She was pretty but a little la de dum
But the reason that he loved her most of all
Was that she didn't mind his La de da de da de dum.
Her mother was awfully la de da de da
Her father was completely la de dum
And they all sat down that night to salmon mayonnaise
And a bowl of La de da de da de dum
And all went well till La de da de da
Got up to take a bite of la de dum
He tripped and fell into the salmon mayonnaise
And it fell upon his la de da de dum.
Her mother cried loudly la de da de da
Her father kinda mumbled la de dum
And her mother said, "Dear you must try to find a boy
With a smaller la de da de da de dum"
They were married in the spring of la de da de da
And they honeymooned in sunny la de dum
But they found they couldn't get in the double bed
For his great big la de da de da de dum
So newly married la de da de da
Decided on a plan for la de dum
So they slept together and they used another bed
Just to rest his la de da de da de dum
He died in the winter of la de da de da
A victim of the dreaded la de dum... La de dum
But the undertaker couldn't shut the lid
For the great big la de da de da de dum.
So the undertaker of la de da de da
Decided on a plan for la de dum
So he built another coffin roughly 3 x 2 x 1
Just to take his la de da de da de dum.
Now you can read upon his tombstone la de da de da
The son of la de da de dum
Here lies his body and the in the next grave up but one
Lies great big la de da de da de dum.Blade: Butterfly Amultart; FH: Andro Rasanter R42, BH: Andro Rasanter R37
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