Exista destul de multa confuzie legata de subiectul asta, dar paleta de rezerva nu trebuie sa fie identica cu cea de joc.
Regulament: (link: http://www.ittf.com/ittf_handbook/ittf_hb.html)
3.04.02 Equipment
[...] The racket covering shall be used as it has been authorised by the ITTF without any physical, chemical or other treatment, changing or modifying playing properties, friction, outlook, colour, structure, surface, etc.; in particular, no additives shall be used. A racket shall successfully pass all parameters of the racket control tests. A racket shall not be replaced during an individual match unless it is accidentally damaged so badly that it cannot be used; if this happens the damaged racket shall be replaced immediately by another which the player has brought with him or her to the playing area or one which is handed to him or her in the playing area. Unless otherwise authorised by the umpire, players shall leave their rackets on the table during intervals; but if the racket is strapped to the hand, the umpire shall allow the player to retain his or her racket strapped to the hand during intervals.
Exemplu real: http://tabletennista.com/2012/8/must...ave-always-an/
Discutie pe un forum legata de exemplul cu Baum: http://www.tabletennisdaily.co.uk/fo...hp/t-3522.html
Alte discutii pe forumuri:
Deci daca mi se strica paleta atat de rau incat nu mai pot juca cu ea, pot sa o schimb cu orice alta paleta autorizata de ITTF.
Regulament: (link: http://www.ittf.com/ittf_handbook/ittf_hb.html)
3.04.02 Equipment
[...] The racket covering shall be used as it has been authorised by the ITTF without any physical, chemical or other treatment, changing or modifying playing properties, friction, outlook, colour, structure, surface, etc.; in particular, no additives shall be used. A racket shall successfully pass all parameters of the racket control tests. A racket shall not be replaced during an individual match unless it is accidentally damaged so badly that it cannot be used; if this happens the damaged racket shall be replaced immediately by another which the player has brought with him or her to the playing area or one which is handed to him or her in the playing area. Unless otherwise authorised by the umpire, players shall leave their rackets on the table during intervals; but if the racket is strapped to the hand, the umpire shall allow the player to retain his or her racket strapped to the hand during intervals.
Exemplu real: http://tabletennista.com/2012/8/must...ave-always-an/
Discutie pe un forum legata de exemplul cu Baum: http://www.tabletennisdaily.co.uk/fo...hp/t-3522.html
Alte discutii pe forumuri:
Deci daca mi se strica paleta atat de rau incat nu mai pot juca cu ea, pot sa o schimb cu orice alta paleta autorizata de ITTF.