Parlog Florin - Avansati - Bucuresti
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Cupa Viva Sport 2-3 decembrie 2023
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organizator local
- 24.sep.2017
- 234
- București
- 47
Likes given: 58Likes received: 84
Mihăilă George -open-București
Dumitru Gheorghe-elite-Bucuresti
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Șerbănescu Bogdan, București - hobby
Blade: Butterfly Petr Korbel
FH: Butterfly Tenergy 05
BH: Butterfly Tenergy 05
Coordonator Onorific- 08.mai.2007
- 1735
- Constanța, Romania, Romania
- 60
Likes given: 353Likes received: 320
Nicola Marian - Open Constanța.Blade Dr Neubauer Phenomenon, FH Dignics 05, BH Yasaka Antipower
junior- 11.oct.2021
- 133
- bucuresti
- 50
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Buna seara! Ionescu Mihai, Bucuresti - elite, Ionescu Ioana, Bucuresti - avansati. Multumesc frumos!
Echipa AmaTur- 30.dec.2005
- 6965
- București
- 65
Likes given: 290Likes received: 776
Inscrieri ELITE (02,12,2023) - 22:44:36 - v5.3 / cls_2023-nov
1. Enciu Alexandru, Slobozia, 267 - 54,25 - ELW
2. Boaca Valentin, Bucuresti, 501 - 52,78 - EL
3. Mosneagu Marius, Falticeni, 300 - 51,6 - EL
4. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti, 26 - 51,59 - EL
5. Sima Vlad, Giurgiu, 1936 - 50,2 - E
6. Ropotan Iulian, Bucuresti, 917 - 49,8 - EW
7. Buhai Andrii, Stefanestii de Jos, 23 - 48,88 - E
8. Ursu Teodor, Bucuresti, 242 - 47,06 - EL
9. Corbu Darius, Valenii de Munte, 22 - 45,46 - E
10. Ionescu Mihai, Bucuresti, 95 - 43,84 - EL
11. Dinca Daniel, Bucuresti, 457 - 43,34 - ED
12. Zamfir Ionel, Bucuresti, 70 - 43,18 - EW
13. Butnaru Andrei, Iasi, 485 - 42,03 - E
14. Dumitru Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 100 - 41,95 - ED
15. Fratea Aurel, Constanta, 58 - 40,12 - EW
16. Gheorghe Nicolae, Bucuresti, 48 - 39,93 - E
17. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 50 - 39,51 - EW
18. Varbanescu Petre, Giurgiu, 5002 - 39,25 - E -lastMP
19. Voin Doru, Bucuresti, 133 - 38,47 - EW
20. Pascu Razvan, Magureni, 274 - 38,16 - E
21. State Malin, Bucuresti, 723 - 37,28 - E
22. Gheorghita Vasile, Buzau, 123 - 36,61 - E
23. Acatrinei Lucian, Bucuresti, 998 - 35,4 - E
24. Bujoi Emanuel, Braila, 626 - 33,77 - E
25. Badea Stefan, Targoviste, 342 - 33,29 - E
26. Alexandroaie Emanuel, Bucuresti, 810 - 33,13 - E
27. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti, 119 - 33 - E
28. Ionescu Mihai, Targoviste, 1276 - 30,95 - O
Inscrieri AVANSATI (02,12,2023) - 22:46:04 - v5.3 / cls_2023-nov
1. Minca Liviu, Videle, 513 - 19,9 - A
2. Cranta Gabriel, Bucuresti, 2336 - 19,8 - A
3. Avramescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 791 - 19,5 - A
4. Cranta Andrei, Bucuresti, 1593 - 19,4 - A
5. Ileanu Bogdan, Targu Jiu, 1021 - 18,64 - A
6. Traneci Andrei Valentin, Bucuresti, 559 - 18,55 - A
7. Bistreanu Armand, Bucuresti, 1118 - 18,35 - A
8. Plesoianu Stefan, Constanta, 558 - 18,11 - AW
9. Mosneagu Mihnea, Falticeni, 5003 - 17,8 - A -lastMP
10. Vaireanu Danut Ionel, Bucuresti, 831 - 17,67 - AW
11. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 934 - 17,52 - A
12. Marin Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1623 - 16,6 - A
13. Luca Ioan, Bucuresti, 1289 - 16,55 - A
14. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 615 - 15,88 - A
15. Stoicescu Gheorghe, Iedera, 542 - 15,79 - A
16. Ionescu Cristian, Ulmi, 861 - 15,15 - A
17. Ionescu Ioana, Bucuresti, 1229 - 15,08 - AF
18. Parlog Florin, Bucuresti, 914 - 15,04 - A
19. Hodivoianu Marius, Bucuresti, 830 - 15,03 - AW
20. Cristescu Cristian, Bucuresti, 573 - 14,99 - AW
21. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 667 - 14,93 - A
22. Toader Petru, Bragadiru, 783 - 14,05 - AW
23. Popa Robert, Targoviste, 653 - 13,86 - A
24. Popescu Theo, Bucuresti, 787 - 13,58 - A
25. Ilie Costin, Bucuresti, 1057 - 13,27 - A
26. Toric Constantin, Bucuresti, 1059 - 13,16 - A
27. Vladu Daniel, Bucuresti, 1981 - 12,85 - A
28. Sirbu David Alexandru, Targoviste, 825 - 12,05 - AJ
29. Floricel Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1630 - 10,9 - A
30. Baldea Horia, Bucuresti, 5001 - 10,7 - A -lastMP
31. Lazar Adrian, Bucuresti, 1920 - 5,8 - H
32. Mosneagu Maia, Falticeni, 2654 - 5,47 - HF
33. Toader Georgian, Bucuresti, 5002 - 5,37 - H -lastMP
Inscrieri OPEN (03,12,2023) - 22:47:50 - v5.3 / cls_2023-nov
1. Guluta Florin, Bucuresti, 494 - 31,62 - O
2. Campean Adrian, Bucuresti, 262 - 30,78 - OW
3. Stoica Mihai, Mioveni, 297 - 29,45 - OW
4. Burcea Daniel, Bucuresti, 162 - 29,36 - O
5. Dumitrache Gabriel, Giurgiu, 338 - 29,01 - O
6. Tauciuc Edi, Suceava, 209 - 28,5 - O
7. Gherghel Cristian, Fagaras, 345 - 27,97 - O
8. Enculescu Mihaita, Dobroesti, 261 - 27,72 - O
9. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 433 - 27,28 - O
10. Constantin Cristina, Bucuresti, 251 - 27,08 - OF
11. Petrov Dan, Dobroesti, 184 - 26,76 - OW
12. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 302 - 26,65 - OW
13. Baciu Stefan, Mioveni, 227 - 26,36 - OW
14. Sivu Cosmin, Bucuresti, 1158 - 24,9 - O
15. Stir Andrei, Baicoi, 1499 - 24,13 - O
16. Similean Alexandru, Bucuresti, 2031 - 23,5 - O
17. Ghiurutan Razvan, Bucuresti, 932 - 23,27 - O
18. Albescu Constantin Ionut, Bucuresti, 423 - 22,89 - O
19. Mihaila George, Bucuresti, 719 - 22,78 - O
20. Nicola Marian, Constanta, 449 - 22,77 - O
21. Busuioc Stelian, Bucuresti, 1628 - 22,25 - O
22. Pelcea Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1275 - 22,18 - O
23. Boboc Viorel, Slobozia, 714 - 21,6 - OW
24. Hutanu Adrian, Slobozia, 461 - 20,62 - O
25. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 490 - 20 - OW
26. Galanton Yanis, Suceava, 544 - 20 - O
27. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti, 1421 - 18 - A
28. Moraru Constantin, Bucuresti, 1095 - 14,97 - AW
29. Catana Gabriel, Bucuresti, 1427 - 14,23 - A
30. Popescu George, Bucuresti, 1863 - 13,03 - AW
31. Tudor Emil, Bucuresti, 5001 - 11,6 - A -lastMP
Inscrieri HOBBY (03,12,2023) - 22:49:09 - v5.3 / cls_2023-nov
1. Toma Adrian, Bucuresti, 996 - 9,08 - H
2. Dobrica Marius, Videle, 1347 - 7 - H
3. Voicila Adrian, Ploiesti, 1650 - 6,43 - H
4. Teodorescu Marian, Bucuresti, 1686 - 7,6 - H
5. Radulescu Dan, Bucuresti, 1742 - 5,4 - H
6. Ene Daniel, Ploiesti, 1799 - 4,47 - H
7. Popescu Petre, Bucuresti, 1820 - 5,22 - H
8. Giuseppe Brancati, Bucuresti, 2008 - 9,7 - H
9. Toma Cristian, Balotesti, 2328 - 5,3 - H
10. Alexandru David Gabriel, Bucuresti, 2422 - 9,75 - H
11. Andrei Cozmin Stefanut, Buzau, 2430 - 5,53 - H
12. Popa Mihail, Bucuresti, 2448 - 4,67 - H
13. Velcea George, Bucuresti, 2505 - 4,55 - H
14. Serbanescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 2597 - 5,25 - H
15. Bistreanu Sorin, Bucuresti, 2660 - 6,6 - H
16. Soare Aurel, Targoviste, 3286 - 4,27 - H
17. Tudorache Cornel, Bucuresti, 3397 - 5,95 - H
18. Nicusor Dan, Bucuresti, 3455 - 9,8 - H
19. Dinu Mihai, Moreni, 3583 - 4,9 - H
20. Lumezeanu Cristian, Bucuresti, 4175 - 4,2 - H
21. Roventa Dan, Bucuresti, 4254 - 5,3 - H
22. Lumezeanu Adelina, Bucuresti, 4268 - 4 - HF
23. Ionita Marian, Bucuresti, 4430 - 5,1 - H
24. Soceanu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 5001 - 0
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