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"Cupa Orasului Alexandria", Alexandria – Sambata (H + A) si Duminica (O + E) – 16 si 17 Martie 2024
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 0 (0 members and 0 guests)
- 07.ian.2024
- 37
- Alexandria, Teleorman
- 23
Likes given: 0Likes received: 6
Putineanu Andrei, Alexandria, hobbyBlade: Butterfly Primorac Carbon
Fh: Butterfly Tenergy 05
Bh: Butterfly Tenergy 05 FX
senior- 07.iun.2016
- 248
- București
- 31
Likes given: 4Likes received: 69
Se retrag,
Tudor Florian - Bucuresti - Avansati
MIlo Lucian - Bucuresti - Avansati
Dumitru Dumitru - Bucuresti - Avansati
Dan Alexandru - Alexandria - AvansațiButterfly Viscaria, FH si BH Andro Rasanter R42 ambele
Se retrage Toader Petru, Avansati, BragadiruBlade Icecream AZX
FH Victas V22 Double Extra
BH Victas V22 Double Extra
junior- 24.apr.2023
- 64
- Drobeta Turnu Severin
- 30
Likes given: 9Likes received: 8
Se retrage:
Bercea Alex-Elite
Moraru Ramona Cosmina-Elite
Sirbu Lucian-elite
Thouzard Adrian-Elite
Popa Alin-Open
organizator principal- 13.sep.2010
- 8997
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1137
Inscrieri Hobby (16.03.2024) - 11 Mar, 21:54:56 - v6.9 / cls_2024-mar
1. Stanciu Mugur, Videle, 1189 - 9.26 - H
2. Iorga Adrian, Videle, 3846 - 8.3 - H
3. Neagu Nicolae Valentin, Alexandria, 3852 - 8.2 - H
4. Dobrica Marius, Videle, 1294 - 7.21 - H
5. Radulescu Dan, Bucuresti, 1625 - 6.08 - H
6. Toma Cristian, Balotesti, 1948 - 5.69 - H
7. Sarov Daniel, Bucuresti, 3080 - 5.35 - H
8. Gabriel Petre, Bucuresti, 2187 - 4.31 - H
9. Grigore Mihai, Bucuresti, 2864 - 4.1 - H
10. Ianis Alecu, Rosiori de Vede, 4143 - 2.8 - H
11. Paun Carmen, Alexandria, 6013 - 2
12. Fudulu Sorin Gigi, Alexandria, 6014 - 2
13. Banaseanu Dorin, Alexandria, 6015 - 2
14. Leseanu Mihnea Gabriel, Alexandria, 6016 - 2
15. Leseanu Mihaita, Alexandria, 6017 - 2
16. Bojan Alina, Alexandria, 6018 - 2
17. Apostol Valentin, Alexandria, 6019 - 2
18. Apostol Stefan Leonard, Alexandria, 6020 - 2
19. Baidanac Radu, Alexandria, 6021 - 2
20. Iconaru Madalin, Alexandria, 6022 - 2
21. Serban Claudio, Alexandria, 6023 - 2
22. Alexandrescu Robert, Alexandria, 6024 - 2
23. Predoi Bogdan, Rosiori de Vede, 6025 - 2
24. Predus Florin Catalin, Dabuleni, 6026 - 2
Lista de asteptare:
1. Teaca Gabriel, Rosiori de Vede, 6027 - 2
2. Putineanu Andrei, Alexandria, 6028 - 2
3. Oanta Flavian, Alexandria, 6029 - 2
4. Florida Alin Emil, Videle, 1726 - 7.07 - H
5. Berbecanu Andrei, Videle, 3131 - 4.6 - H
6. Bernea Daniel, Bucuresti, 6030 - 2
Inscrieri Avansati (16.03.2024) - 11 Mar, 22:01:29 - v6.9 / cls_2024-mar
1. Dina Alexandru, Bucuresti, 525 - 18.36 - A
2. Hanu Viorel, Moreni, 664 - 16.99 - A
3. Milos Cristian, Alexandria, 2250 - 15.47 - A
4. Cristescu Cristian, Bucuresti, 639 - 15.41 - AW
5. Ion Catalin, Alexandria, 3246 - 15 - A
6. Dumitru Cristian, Bucuresti, 1164 - 12.3 - A
7. Baburea Alexandru Ionut, Alexandria , 6018 - 11
8. Milos Gianni, Alexandria, 6019 - 10.8
9. Balasa Adrian, Alexandria, 1919 - 10.58 - A
10. Avram Marian, Alexandria, 6026 - 10.4
11. Dragan Razvan, Alexandria , 6011 - 10
12. Lazar Mihai, Alexandria , 6012 - 10
13. Simionescu Robert, Alexandria, 6013 - 10
14. Baloi Silviu, Alexandria , 6015 - 10
15. Enache Costel, Alexandria, 6016 - 10
16. Guta Claudiu, Alexandria , 6017 - 10
17. Trandafir Marius, Zimnicea, 6020 - 10
18. Generosu Catalin, Alexandria, 6024 - 10
19. Bogdan Tiberiu, Alexandria, 6025 - 10
20. Macuc Adrian, Bucuresti, 1219 - 9.63 - H
21. Gheorghe Ion, Bucuresti, 1607 - 7.88 - HW
22. Bontoi Mihai, Alexandria, 6010 - 7.3
23. Nicolae Darius, Bucuresti, 2401 - 6.75 - H
Inscrieri Open (17.03.2024) - 11 Mar, 22:04:31 - v6.9 / cls_2024-mar
1. Botosneanu Ionut, Videle, 194 - 29.18 - O
2. Minca Gabriel, Videle, 375 - 28.86 - O
3. Trocan Nicolae, Mioveni, 182 - 28.71 - OW
4. Dumitrache Gabriel, Giurgiu, 282 - 28.69 - O
5. Cazacu Valentin, Pitesti, 6008 - 27.85
6. Albescu Constantin Ionut, Bucuresti, 294 - 26.99 - O
7. Moise Mihai, Alexandria, 6006 - 25.1
8. Minca Liviu, Videle, 368 - 23.76 - O
9. Mihaila George, Bucuresti, 430 - 23.65 - O
10. Ficleanu Gabriel, Giurgiu, 727 - 23.54 - OW
11. Necsoiu Georgiana, Videle, 459 - 23 - OF
12. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 426 - 20.93 - OW
13. Ispas Victor, Turnu Magurele, 2943 - 20.9 - OW
14. Malacopol Tatiana, Bucuresti, 1384 - 20.85 - OF
15. Toma Viorel, Giurgiu, 6007 - 20
16. Stoicescu Gheorghe, Iedera, 565 - 16.78 - A
17. Badulescu Rafael, Giurgiu, 1656 - 15.9 - A
Inscrieri Elite (17.03.2024) - 11 Mar, 22:07:37 - v6.9 / cls_2024-mar
1. Neagoe Costin, Bucuresti, 3 - 55.53 - E
2. Gradinaru Alin, Sibiu, 6010 - 47.3 - E
3. Craiu Catalin, Videle, 76 - 44.26 - E
4. Dragomir Iuliu, Turnu Magurele, 96 - 41.81 - E
5. Rosioara Razvan, Alexandria, 92 - 41.65 - E
6. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 42 - 41.19 - EW
7. Fratea Aurel, Constanta, 61 - 40.12 - EW
8. Baca Stefan, Bucuresti, 554 - 37.28 - E
9. Varzaru Vivi, Videle, 787 - 35.88 - E
10. Pandele Ionel, Giurgiu, 959 - 34.87 - EW
11. Toma David, Bucuresti, 239 - 33 - E
12. Butoi Aurel, Caracal, 288 - 32.76 - O
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