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-"Cupa TSP Vibe",Bucuresti-Sâmbăta 27.04.2024–A+H și Duminică 28.04.2024-O+E
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Inscrieri AVANSATI (27.04.2024) - 27 Apr, 2:07:03 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-apr
1. Bistreanu Armand, Bucuresti, 1233 - 19.56 - A
2. Mavrodin Cristian, Oltenita, 1411 - 19.23 - A
3. Teodorescu Andu, Curtea de Arges, 1221 - 18.63 - A
4. Pirvanescu Daniel, Bucuresti, 788 - 17.3 - A
5. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 619 - 17.01 - A
6. Claudiu Gavril, Bucuresti, 910 - 17 - A
7. Gisca Catalin, Bucuresti, 2566 - 16.65 - A
8. Avramescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 818 - 16.64 - A
9. Vilcu Dragos, Bucuresti, 1888 - 16.6 - A
10. Ionita Marian, Bucuresti, 1609 - 16.58 - A
11. Vaireanu Danut Ionel, Bucuresti, 1009 - 16.56 - AW
12. Rastoaca Victor, Bucuresti, 2284 - 16.37 - A
13. Parlog Florin, Bucuresti, 667 - 16.36 - A
14. Ciobanu Marius, Bucuresti, 1886 - 16.13 - A
15. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 680 - 15.99 - A
16. Catana Gabriel, Bucuresti, 1244 - 15.8 - A
17. Stoicescu Gheorghe, Iedera, 618 - 15.77 - A
18. Marginean Vlad Catalin, Aiud, 1633 - 15.68 - A
19. Sava Harold, Bucuresti, 1686 - 15.3 - A
20. Balan Codrin, Bucuresti, 3308 - 15.1 - A
21. Gihan Sefcati, Bucuresti, 1600 - 14.68 - A
22. Cocotan Vasile, Oltenita, 1369 - 13.9 - A
23. Souca Liviu, Bucuresti, 945 - 13.82 - A
24. Dumitru Cristian, Bucuresti, 1026 - 13.38 - A
25. Teodorescu Robert, Bucuresti, 1689 - 12.8 - A
26. Ioan Filip, Bucuresti, 3520 - 12.1 - A
27. Buzoianu Eduard, Oltenita, 2684 - 11.9 - A
28. Macuc Adrian, Bucuresti, 1174 - 10.73 - A
29. Juganaru Valentin, Bucuresti, 1902 - 10.08 - A
30. Stanciu Mugur, Videle, 1113 - 10 - A
31. Marias Robert, Ploiesti, 1172 - 10 - A
32. Cojocaru Cosmin, Bucuresti, 6001 - 10
33. Moasa Gabriel, Bucuresti, 6002 - 10
34. Toma Calaraseanu, Bucuresti, 6003 - 10
35. Coman Florin, Bucuresti, 1774 - 9.12 - H
36. Roventa Dan, Bucuresti, 2297 - 8.3 - H
37. Ciocan Ion, Chiajna, 3053 - 8.15 - H
38. Munteanu Dragos, Bucuresti, 3366 - 8.05 - H
39. Serbanescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 2016 - 8 - H
40. Virtopeanu Daniel, Bucuresti, 2135 - 5.16 - H
Retrageri R2
Floricel Alexandru - Bucuresti
Inscrieri HOBBY (27.04.2024) - 27 Apr, 2:07:18 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-apr
1. Soceanu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 2161 - 7.8 - H
2. Burghelea Liviu, Bucuresti, 2028 - 7.77 - H
3. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti, 1710 - 7.37 - HW
4. Leurzeanu George, Bucuresti, 3621 - 7.3 - H
5. Dragan Razvan, Alexandria, 3552 - 7 - H
6. Porojan Florin, Bucuresti, 2158 - 6.9 - H
7. Craja Gina Alexandra, Bucuresti, 3356 - 6.8 - HF
8. Marius Andrei, Bucuresti, 4258 - 6.7 - H
9. Radulescu Dan, Bucuresti, 1550 - 6.4 - H
10. Iordan Eduard, Bucuresti, 2673 - 6.4 - H
11. Gheorghe Catalin, Ploiesti, 1661 - 6.23 - H
12. Velicu Damian Laurentiu, Bucuresti, 2109 - 5.9 - H
13. Bistreanu Sorin, Bucuresti, 2124 - 5.82 - H
14. Lazar Adrian, Bucuresti, 1981 - 5.6 - H
15. Velcea George, Bucuresti, 2214 - 5.52 - H
16. Marinescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 3235 - 5.43 - H
17. Cretan Radu, Bucuresti, 3663 - 5.25 - H
18. Popa Andrei Mihai, Ploiesti, 4265 - 5 - H
19. Stanciu Marian, Bucuresti, 4702 - 5 - H
20. Ene Daniel, Ploiesti, 1916 - 4.58 - H
21. Gabriel Petre, Bucuresti, 2129 - 4.23 - H
22. Grigore Mihai, Bucuresti, 2829 - 3.98 - H
23. David Sergiu Danut, Bucuresti, 3281 - 3.85 - H
24. Stoica Florin Cristian, Bucuresti, 2759 - 3.68 - H
25. Cristian Enache, Bucuresti, 4420 - 3.15 - H
26. Neagu Darius, Bucuresti, 4930 - 3.1 - H
27. Ticu Razvan, Bucuresti, 3993 - 2.87 - H
28. Cuzincu Iulian, Bucuresti, 4569 - 2.7 - H
29. Mares Andrei, Bucuresti, 4969 - 2 - H
30. Badea Alexandru, Bucuresti, 6002 - 2
31. Schibinschi Artiom, Bucuresti, 6003 - 2
32. Merlici Daniel, Bucuresti, 6004 - 2
33. Miron Adrian Ovidiu, Bucuresti, 6006 - 2
34. Armanu Razvan, Bucuresti, 6007 - 2
35. Varzaru Alexandru, Bucuresti, 6008 - 2
36. Mosgoreanu Codrut, Bucuresti, 6009 - 2
Retrageri R2
Florea Bogdan - Bucuresti
Inscrieri OPEN (28.04.2024) - 27 Apr, 2:07:44 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-apr
1. Scutaru Iulian, Bucuresti, 1409 - 31.5 - O
2. Cretu Ionut, Bucuresti, 405 - 30.83 - O
3. Dascalasu Viorel, Bucuresti, 413 - 30.43 - OW
4. Dumitrache Gabriel, Giurgiu, 236 - 28.91 - O
5. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 577 - 28.9 - OW
6. Petrov Dan, Dobroesti, 189 - 28.86 - OW
7. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 363 - 28.11 - O
8. Moise Vasile, Bucuresti, 354 - 27.66 - O
9. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 279 - 27.65 - OW
10. Sandu Adrian, Calarasi, 367 - 27.58 - O
11. Pelcea Alexandru, Bucuresti, 941 - 27.18 - O
12. Dragomir Dan, Bucuresti, 2384 - 26.25 - O
13. Velicescu Dragos, Pitesti, 570 - 24.8 - O
14. Mihaila George, Bucuresti, 443 - 24.03 - O
15. Dascalu Cristian, Bucuresti, 382 - 23.27 - O
16. Stoinea Iulian, Bucuresti, 1251 - 23.15 - O
17. Malacopol Tatiana, Bucuresti, 1387 - 22.13 - OF
18. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 424 - 21.92 - OW
19. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti, 917 - 20.98 - O
20. Popescu Alex, Bucuresti, 1737 - 20.5 - O
21. Chiron Adrian, Bucuresti, 1582 - 20.45 - O
22. Cranta Andrei, Bucuresti, 1804 - 20.2 - O
23. Stoica Florin, Bucuresti, 6001 - 20
24. Jaouir Khaled, Bucuresti, 6002 - 20
25. Ileanu Bogdan, Targu Jiu, 699 - 19.47 - A
26. Lupu Mihai, Bucuresti, 1723 - 17.55 - AW
27. Petre Cristian, Bucuresti, 3299 - 15.3 - A
28. Moraru Constantin, Bucuresti, 1290 - 14.72 - AW
29. Burnoiu Costel, Bucuresti, 2045 - 14.45 - A
30. Giuseppe Brancati, Bucuresti, 1405 - 13.67 - A
Retrageri R2
Minca Liviu - Videle
Inscrieri ELITE (28.04.2024) - 27 Apr, 2:07:56 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-apr
1. Tomer Hadar, Sofia, 706 - 48.12 - E
2. Balan Mihai, Ploiesti, 1234 - 47.25 - E
3. Secu Valeriu, Bucuresti, 592 - 46.7 - E
4. Dinca Daniel, Bucuresti, 102 - 41.97 - EWD
5. Constantin Teodor, Bucuresti, 115 - 41.69 - E
6. Boteanu Nicu, Bucuresti, 87 - 41.5 - E
7. Stoica Laura, Bucuresti, 1266 - 41.43 - EF
8. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 50 - 40.76 - EW
9. Pascu Razvan, Magureni, 185 - 40.43 - E
10. Bucur Mario, Bucuresti, 474 - 40.12 - E
11. Gheorghe Nicolae, Bucuresti, 70 - 39.34 - EW
12. Dumitrescu Cornel, Bucuresti, 351 - 38.6 - EW
13. Popescu Eugen, Bucuresti, 101 - 37.41 - E
14. Baca Stefan, Bucuresti, 342 - 37.33 - E
15. Dumitru Traian, Bucuresti, 1200 - 37 - EW
16. Alexandru Marius, Bucuresti, 104 - 36.42 - E
17. Acatrinei Lucian, Bucuresti, 1087 - 33.6 - E
18. Alexe Dan, Bucuresti, 6001 - 33
19. Patrascu Alin, Slatina, 6002 - 33
20. Dramba Daniel Dumitru, Bucuresti, 869 - 31.56 - O
21. Constantin Cristina, Bucuresti, 264 - 28.28 - OF
22. Constantin Gabriela, Bucuresti, 796 - 28.25 - OFD
23. Buciu Cristina, Bucuresti, 3018 - 28 - OF
24. Enache Puiu Adrian, Ploiesti, 255 - 27.74 - O
25. Boboc Viorel, Slobozia, 441 - 26.49 - OW
26. Terentii Cristian, Bucuresti, 915 - 23.7 - O