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Memorialul "Dan Leorda" -editia a XIII-a 04.05.2024-Reghin.
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Hodivoianu Marius - meniu porc. Multumesc.Blade: Tibhar VS Unlimited
FH: Tibhar MK Pro
BH: Tibhar Evolution MX-D
senior- 07.mai.2015
- 343
- cluj APAHIDA
- 39
Likes given: 45Likes received: 95
Se retrage Balazs imre florin Apahida open
tegher tiberiu Apahida open si Cserei Stenfan Apahida open
Se retrage de la Hobby GRECU CORNEL. Datorită MP-ului peste 10 am trecut la avansați de la 1 mai. Mult succes concurenților !!!
Echipa AmaTur- 27.feb.2024
- 1137
- Targu-Mures
Likes given: 386Likes received: 818
Inscrieri Elite (04 mai 2024 - ora 09.00) - 30 Apr, 9:55:23 PM - v6.91 / cls_2024-mai
1. Neagoe Costin, Bucuresti, 2 - 56.89 - E - meniu porc
2. Galban Calin, Viseu, 11 - 54.01 - E - meniu porc
3. Baciu Gabriel, Tarnaveni, 62 - 53.72 - E
4. Toma Adrian, Sfantu Gheorghe, 8 - 51.77 - E - meniu pui
5. Tamas Vivien, Miercurea Ciuc, 1000 - 49.97 - ELF - meniu pui
6. Nistor Dorel, Bistrita, 14 - 49.21 - EW
7. Farkas Gabor, Targu Mures, 16 - 48.2 - EDW - meniu pui
8. Ticala Vasile Jr, Viseu, 55 - 47.95 - E - meniu porc
9. Kis Robert, Cluj Napoca, 473 - 47.58 - E
10. Teleki Zsolt, Cluj Napoca, 30 - 45.81 - E - meniu pui
11. Maxim Valentin, Cluj Napoca, 27 - 45.43 - EW - meniu porc
12. Symonenko Yaroslav, Odesa, 146 - 44.93 - E - meniu pui
13. Firu Marian, Vatra Dornei, 65 - 44.46 - E
14. Dranca David, Aiud, 105 - 43.42 - EJ - meniu pui
15. Tira Viorel, Bistrita, 251 - 43.17 - EW - meniu porc
16. Sirbu Nicolae, Aiud, 128 - 42.88 - EJ - meniu pui
17. Curtea Lucas, Viseu, 180 - 42.28 - E - meniu pui
18. Damian Alin, Campia Turzii, 98 - 41.58 - ELW - meniu porc
19. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 40 - 41.18 - EW
20. Tofeni Ovidiu, Cluj Napoca, 71 - 40.71 - E
21. Polotca Stefan, Sangeorgiu de Padure, 87 - 40.64 - EW - meniu pui
22. Laszlo Levente, Miercurea Ciuc, 64 - 40.45 - EW - meniu porc
23. Zidar Victor, Reghin, 581 - 39.52 - EW
24. Bleoca Marius, Tarnaveni, 617 - 39.46 - E
25. Badaluta Marian, Vatra Dornei, 78 - 39.05 - EW
26. Szekely Karoly, Targu Mures, 986 - 38.77 - E - meniu pui
27. Gecse Alpar, Chibed, 187 - 38.38 - E - meniu pui
28. Motorga Dorin, Targu Mures, 273 - 37.92 - EW
29. Nistor Iosif, Miercurea Ciuc, 112 - 37.26 - EWD - meniu porc
30. Kincses Jozsef, Praid, 668 - 36.92 - E
31. Bothazan Florin, Dej, 577 - 36.53 - ED
32. Kolumban David, Targu Mures, 1550 - 35.35 - E
33. Peta Octavian, Cluj Napoca, 151 - 34.9 - EW - meniu pui
34. Marian Florin, Reghin, 2007 - 34.7 - EW
35. Vaszi Denes, Miercurea Ciuc, 147 - 34.54 - EW
36. Szanto Lajos, Miercurea Ciuc, 359 - 34.29 - E - meniu porc
37. Dabacan Dorin, Tarnaveni, 489 - 34.06 - E
38. Leorda Rares, Reghin, 1159 - 34.05 - E
39. Palencsar Nicolae, Satu Mare, 136 - 33.82 - EW - meniu pui
40. Boariu Timofte Danut, Borsec, 281 - 33.8 - EW - meniu porc
41. Balla Peter, Toplita, 444 - 33.51 - E - meniu porc
42. Dirlea Ioan, Aiud, 255 - 33.5 - EDW - meniu porc
43. Kriszta Arpad Lorand, Sanpaul, 174 - 33.35 - E - meniu porc
44. Pascu Rares, Targu Mures, 321 - 33 - E - meniu pui
45. Krisan Iuliu, Viseu, 1246 - 32.67 - O
46. Bozosan Petre, Sibiu, 205 - 30.22 - OW
47. Wild Card1, Elite, 6001 - 0
48. Wild Card2, Elite, 6002 - 0
Lista de asteptare:
1. Gogu Gabriel, Cluj Napoca, 12 - 53.52 - EW
2. Gyorgy Nicolett, Targu Mures, 2519 - 34.7 - EF
3. Miron Mihai, Cluj Napoca, 837 - 36.66 - ED
4. Denes Ferenc, Praid, 876 - 35.23 - EW
5. Carpaci Alexandru, Ludus, 129 - 39.13 - EW
6. Gyorfi Szabolcs, Gheorgheni, 527 - 33.81 - E - meniu pui
Inscrieri Open (04 mai 2024 - ora 09.00) - 30 Apr, 9:55:48 PM - v6.91 / cls_2024-mai
1. Liahu Doru, Botosani, 796 - 31.74 - O
2. Lorincz Zoltan, Miercurea Ciuc, 195 - 30.46 - O - meniu pui
3. Ciobanu Gabriel, Cluj Napoca, 1473 - 30.45 - OW - meniu porc
4. Sass Imre, Miercurea Ciuc, 676 - 30.44 - O
5. Pelaghie Ioan, Targu Mures, 178 - 30.38 - O - meniu porc
6. Marin Florin Cornel, Targu Mures, 397 - 29.84 - O - meniu porc
7. Radu Cosmin, Ludus, 362 - 29.62 - O - meniu porc
8. Janosi Attila, Targu Mures, 262 - 28.91 - OW - meniu porc
9. Vajda Erno, Reghin, 841 - 28.83 - OW
10. Piper Petru, Luna CJ, 226 - 28.45 - OWD - meniu porc
11. Santa Robert, Miercurea Ciuc, 383 - 28.3 - OW
12. Heja Zoltan, Ditrau, 417 - 27.66 - OW - meniu porc
13. Tovis Levente, Cluj Napoca, 433 - 27.03 - O
14. Gorbe David, Satu Mare, 319 - 26.25 - O - meniu porc
15. Damian Mircea, Bistrita, 282 - 26.06 - O - meniu porc
16. Popa Gelu, Focsani, 385 - 25.95 - O - meniu pui
17. Kelemen Miklos, Miercurea Ciuc, 361 - 25.74 - O - meniu porc
18. Vass Sandor, Beclean, 462 - 25.43 - OW - meniu porc
19. Csibi Arpad, Ditrau, 638 - 25.32 - O
20. Tomoiaga Cosmin, Viseu, 1104 - 25.28 - O
21. Veres Janos, Targu Mures, 1115 - 25.2 - OW - meniu pui
22. Dascalu Cosmin Stefan, Cluj Napoca, 1841 - 25 - O
23. Barbuta Ioan, Dej, 482 - 24.5 - OW
24. Gaspar Cecilia, Targu Mures, 2473 - 24.2 - OF
25. Biro Istvan, Reghin, 6003 - 24.2 - O
26. Sabau Gheorghe, Tarnaveni, 725 - 23.64 - OW
27. Ivascu Cosmin, Viseu, 1354 - 23.4 - O - meniu porc
28. Pop Danut, Dej, 463 - 23.28 - OW - meniu porc
29. Erdely Andras, Targu Mures, 460 - 23.27 - OW - meniu porc
30. Cristea Daniel, Bistrita, 575 - 23.14 - O - meniu pui
31. Muresan Dorel, Cluj Napoca, 509 - 23.12 - OD - meniu pui
32. Sabau Aurel, Tarnaveni, 1526 - 22.27 - OW
33. Chetan Laurean, Reghin, 573 - 22.25 - OW
34. Sarcani Andrei, Targu Mures, 554 - 22.03 - OW
35. Kesmarki Laszlo, Tarnaveni, 893 - 21.84 - O
36. Pop Raul, Zalau, 2024 - 21.37 - O
37. Iobagiu Ionut, Bistrita, 1038 - 21.3 - O - meniu porc
38. Ferenczi Robert, Suseni, 834 - 21.17 - O
39. Bartos Csongor, Miercurea Ciuc, 645 - 20.85 - O - meniu pui
40. Moldovan Flavia, Tarnaveni, 1002 - 20.63 - OF
41. Pasca Lucian, Targu Mures, 599 - 20.59 - O - meniu porc
42. Ticala Vasile, Viseu, 2163 - 20.07 - O
43. Angi Zoltan, Gheorgheni, 736 - 19.45 - A
44. Ordog Zoltan, Reghin, 3433 - 17.3 - AW
45. Topciu David, Targu Mures, 1777 - 15.8 - A
46. Vigu Emanuel, Cluj Napoca, 992 - 13.78 - A - meniu pui
47. Wild Card1, Open, 6001 - 0
48. Wild Card2, Open, 6002 - 0
Lista de asteptare:
1. Simo Jozsef Tibor, Miercurea Ciuc, 1148 - 30.12 - O
2. Birtalan Laszlo, Oradea, 484 - 23.78 - OW - meniu porc
3. Puscas Darius, Gherla, 529 - 25.51 - O
4. Curtea Daniel, Viseu, 271 - 32.69 - O - meniu pui
Inscrieri Avansati (04 mai 2024 - ora 13.30) - 30 Apr, 9:56:03 PM - v6.91 / cls_2024-mai
1. Volosciuc Tiberiu, Vatra Dornei, 2746 - 19.1 - AW
2. Marcu Ciprian, Targu Mures, 623 - 19.06 - A
3. Tofeni Florin, Nasaud, 511 - 18.78 - A
4. Kolumban Levente, Targu Mures, 2184 - 18.25 - A
5. Toader Ovidiu, Balan, 662 - 18.04 - A
6. Orban Levente, Sovata, 776 - 18.02 - A - meniu porc
7. Bondrea Attila, Gheorgheni, 720 - 17.65 - A - meniu porc
8. Fulop Oscar, Reghin, 833 - 17.08 - A
9. Baican Cristian, Cluj Napoca, 653 - 17.04 - A
10. Pop Dan, Targu Mures, 1724 - 16.67 - A - meniu pui
11. Orban Mark, Sovata, 903 - 16.59 - A - meniu pui
12. Stoicescu Gheorghe, Iedera, 603 - 16.48 - A - meniu pui
13. Bompa Cosmin, Reghin, 1570 - 16.42 - A
14. Marian Ioan, Alba Iulia, 1027 - 16.26 - AW - meniu pui
15. Cioloca Claudiu, Reghin, 6001 - 16.2 - A
16. Csiszer Tibor, Sighisoara, 881 - 15.62 - A - meniu pui
17. Csorbai Lorand, Sanpaul, 3529 - 15.6 - A
18. Orban Koppany, Sovata, 908 - 15.51 - A - meniu porc
19. Pacurar Teodor, Gherla, 858 - 15.39 - A
20. Hodivoianu Marius, Bucuresti, 839 - 15.2 - AW - meniu porc
21. Iojiban Gheorghe, Balan, 1050 - 15.17 - A
22. Andrea Simion, Cluj Napoca, 857 - 15.09 - A - meniu porc
23. Kovacs Lajos, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 980 - 14.75 - A
24. Suciu Andrei, Borsec, 1007 - 14.23 - AW - meniu porc
25. Cioloca Stefan, Reghin, 1185 - 14.12 - A
26. Boer Barna, Bordosiu, 2289 - 14 - A - meniu pui
27. Petra Ioan, Balan, 1149 - 13.54 - A
28. Toma Casian, Targu Mures, 1586 - 13.38 - A
29. Simiganovschi Codrut, Toplita, 985 - 12.48 - A
30. Csiki Ioan, Targu Mures, 1058 - 11.93 - A - meniu pui
31. Dalalau Dora, Targu Mures, 1558 - 11.57 - AF
32. Havas Peter, Reghin, 2604 - 11.3 - A
33. Domokos Andras, Targu Mures, 2339 - 11 - A
34. Geodescu Cosmin, Cluj Napoca, 1041 - 10.96 - A - meniu porc
35. Aresan David, Bistrita, 1492 - 10.31 - A
36. Rosu Ioan, Sibiu, 1402 - 10.23 - A
37. Man Ionut, Dej, 1191 - 10 - A - meniu porc
38. Marian Ovidiu, Reghin, 3127 - 7.3 - H
39. Hudyma Ihor, Odesa, 1741 - 7.04 - H - meniu pui
40. Adamosi Klaudia, Targu Mures, 1994 - 7.01 - HF
41. Scripet Ovidiu, Bistrita, 1669 - 6.36 - H - meniu pui
42. Sabau Claudiu, Bistrita, 1674 - 6.29 - H - meniu pui
43. Ivascu Stefan, Viseu, 3758 - 5.2 - H - meniu porc
44. Huruba Cristian, Targu Mures, 3049 - 5 - H
45. Szocs Szilveszter, Borsec, 3320 - 4.95 - H - meniu pui
46. Gindele Szilard, Carei, 6002 - 2 - H
47. Wild card1, Avansati, 6003 - 0
48. Wild Card2, Avansati, 6004 - 0
Inscrieri Hobby (04 mai 2024 - ora 09.00) - 30 Apr, 9:56:19 PM - v6.91 / cls_2024-mai
1. Benko Jozsef, Reghin, 1765 - 8.73 - H
2. Balint Andrei, Reghin, 1449 - 8.59 - H
3. Ilisan Costina, Toplita, 1717 - 6.46 - HF
4. Ciurca Ovidiu, Targu Mures, 3564 - 6.45 - HW
5. Truta Andrei, Reghin, 3565 - 6.4 - H
6. Illes Kalman, Targu Mures, 1697 - 6.32 - H - meniu porc
7. Heja Zsolt, Ditrau, 1870 - 6.01 - H - meniu porc
8. Dobai Sandor, Targu Mures, 1817 - 5.95 - H - meniu porc
9. Ivascu Ioan, Viseu, 3599 - 5.9 - H - meniu pui
10. Pralea Constantin, Alba Iulia, 1642 - 5.61 - HW
11. Muresan Ana Maria, Cluj Napoca, 1701 - 5.5 - HF - meniu pui
12. Klein Ferenc, Reghin, 3363 - 5.13 - H
13. Kantor Imre, Reghin, 1904 - 4.55 - H
14. Pralea David Constantin, Alba Iulia, 2543 - 4.4 - H
15. Moldovan Mihai, Toplita, 3818 - 4.4 - H
16. Gliga Lavinia, Reghin, 2003 - 4.35 - HF
17. Ilisan Alex, Toplita, 4474 - 4.1 - H
18. Balazs Anna, Toplita, 4099 - 4 - HF
19. Catinean Anda, Targu Mures, 3559 - 2 - HF
20. Oprinca Mariana, Targu Mures, 3603 - 2 - HF
21. Feier Leon, Reghin, 6003 - 2 - H
22. Campian Vlad, Toplita, 6004 - 2 - H
23. Wild Card1, Hobby, 6001 - 0
24. Wild Card2, Hobby, 6002 - 0
Lista de asteptare:
1. Csatlos Bela, Toplita, 3239 - 5.45 - H
2. Benca Lucian, Balan, 2804 - 5.18 - H
3. Ungvari Kriszta, Targu Mures, 4465 - 4.2 - H
4. Varga Istvan, Targu Mures, 2842 - 4.2 - H
5. Kolumban Elek, Targu Mures, 4365 - 4.6 - H
6. Aizner Imre, Ludus, 1393 - 8.42 - H
7. Sabau Mircea, Tarnaveni, 1651 - 8.15 - H
8. Vlasin Adrian, Viseu, 3057 - 5.35 - H
9. Gyorgy Adrienn, Targu Mures, 3875 - 4.2 - H
10. Domokos Jozsef, Targu Mures, 4238 - 5 - H
11. Cailean Daniel, Turda, 4812 - 3.7 - H
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