Salutare tuturor, sper ca intelegeti de ce scriu cu Google Translator sunt din Spania, mi s-a spart lemnul si vreau acelasi. Caut unul sau doua tibhar karas off woods, daca cineva il are si vrea sa-l vanda va rog sunt interesat. toate cele bune.
Hello everyone, I hope you understand why I write with Google Translator. I am from Spain, my wood has broken and I want the same one. I am looking for one or two tibhar karas off woods, if anyone has it and wants to sell it please I am interested. all the best
Hello everyone, I hope you understand why I write with Google Translator. I am from Spain, my wood has broken and I want the same one. I am looking for one or two tibhar karas off woods, if anyone has it and wants to sell it please I am interested. all the best