Catana Claudiu
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OPEN TTA – Open/Elite - editia a 6-a , etapa a 12-a, 16 Februarie 2025, ora 11.00
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Sobetkii ArcadiiBlade: DHS Hurricane Long 5 Golden
FH: Stiga Dragon Power 57.5
BH: Tibhar K3 2.0
Constantin TeodorLemn: Joola Zhou Qihao Super ALC 90 FL, 85gr
FH: Butterfly Tenergy 05 2.1
BH: Tibhar Quantum X Pro Max
organizator principal- 13.sep.2010
- 9025
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1142
Inscrieri et. 11 (02.02.2025) - 31 Jan, 9:40:19 AM - v7.3 / cls_2025-ian
1. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti - 9 - 58.35 - EL
2. Buzatu Vasile, Buftea - 159 - 52.7 - EW
3. Constantin Teodor, Bucuresti - 93 - 45.66 - E
4. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti - 407 - 45.23 - EF
5. Filip Gabriel, Bucuresti - 1057 - 44.77 - E
6. Cristache George, Bucuresti - 886 - 44.73 - E
7. Catana Claudiu, Bucuresti - 95 - 43.62 - E
8. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti - 1096 - 43.47 - EW
9. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti - 166 - 41.01 - E
10. Buciu Cristina, Bucuresti - 1201 - 37.77 - OF
11. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti - 158 - 37.73 - O
12. Sobetkii Arcadii, Bucuresti - 1206 - 35.68 - O
13. Terentii Cristian, Bucuresti - 1007 - 22.26 - A
14. Carp Marius, Bucuresti - 3827 - 4.35 - H
organizator principal- 13.sep.2010
- 9025
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1142
Inscrieri et. 11 (02.02.2025) - 01 Feb, 8:17:57 AM - v7.3 / cls_2025-ian
1. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti - 9 - 58.35 - EL
2. Buzatu Vasile, Buftea - 159 - 52.7 - EW
3. Visan Daniel, Ploiesti - 769 - 51.9 - E
4. Secu Valeriu, Bucuresti - 961 - 50.77 - E
5. Constantin Teodor, Bucuresti - 93 - 45.66 - E
6. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti - 407 - 45.23 - EF
7. Filip Gabriel, Bucuresti - 1057 - 44.77 - E
8. Cristache George, Bucuresti - 886 - 44.73 - E
9. Catana Claudiu, Bucuresti - 95 - 43.62 - E
10. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti - 1096 - 43.47 - EW
11. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti - 166 - 41.01 - E
12. Buciu Cristina, Bucuresti - 1201 - 37.77 - OF
13. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti - 158 - 37.73 - O
14. Sobetkii Arcadii, Bucuresti - 1206 - 35.68 - O
15. Lucaci Adrian, Bucuresti - 1247 - 33.05 - O
16. Terentii Cristian, Bucuresti - 1007 - 22.26 - A
17. Carp Marius, Bucuresti - 3827 - 4.35 - H
organizator principal- 13.sep.2010
- 9025
- București
Likes given: 478Likes received: 1142
Inscrieri et. 11 (02.02.2025) - 02 Feb, 2:22:58 PM - v7.3 / cls_2025-ian
1. Galos Alexandru, Bucuresti - 9 - 58.35 - EL
2. Retegan Cosmin, Ploiesti - 186 - 55.02 - EL
3. Buzatu Vasile, Buftea - 159 - 52.7 - EW
4. Visan Daniel, Ploiesti - 769 - 51.9 - E
5. Constantin Teodor, Bucuresti - 93 - 45.66 - E
6. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti - 407 - 45.23 - EF
7. Filip Gabriel, Bucuresti - 1057 - 44.77 - E
8. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti - 1096 - 43.47 - EW
9. Panea Ovidiu, Bucuresti - 775 - 42.63 - E
10. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti - 166 - 41.01 - E
11. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti - 695 - 38.45 - EFW
12. Buciu Cristina, Bucuresti - 1201 - 37.77 - OF
13. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti - 158 - 37.73 - O
14. Sobetkii Arcadii, Bucuresti - 1206 - 35.68 - O
15. Lucaci Adrian, Bucuresti - 1247 - 33.05 - O
16. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti - 502 - 31.4 - OW
17. Marcu Nicolae, Bucuresti - 1405 - 30.83 - O
18. Bustiuc Razvan, Iasi - 968 - 25.22 - O
19. Terentii Cristian, Bucuresti - 1007 - 22.26 - A
20. Hodis Marian, Bucuresti - 6003 - 16
21. Moasa Gabriel, Bucuresti - 2130 - 14.53 - A
22. Balaban Adrian, Bucuresti - 1589 - 13.85 - A
23. Carp Marius, Bucuresti - 3827 - 4.35 - H
24. Olariu Andrei, Bucuresti - 6004 - 2
Gr.inferioara nr. 1 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 GALOS ALEXANDRU - Bucuresti 3-13-03-0312 BUCIU CRISTINA - Bucuresti 1-33-23-0223 LITA GABRIEL - Bucuresti 0-32-33-0134 CARP MARIUS - Bucuresti 0-30-30-304
Gr.inferioara nr. 2 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 RETEGAN COSMIN - Ploiesti 3-03-03-0312 ACSINTE OANA - Bucuresti 0-33-23-0223 SOBETKII ARCADII - Bucuresti 0-32-33-0134 OLARIU ANDREI - Bucuresti 0-30-30-304
Gr.inferioara nr. 3 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 BUZATU VASILE - Buftea 3-03-03-0312 RADU DANIEL - Bucuresti 0-33-23-0223 LUCACI ADRIAN - Bucuresti 0-32-33-0134 BALABAN ADRIAN - Bucuresti 0-30-30-304
Gr.inferioara nr. 4 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 VISAN DANIEL - Ploiesti 3-13-13-0312 PANEA OVIDIU - Bucuresti 1-33-23-0223 CHIRICA ALEXANDRU - Bucuresti 1-32-33-0134 MOASA GABRIEL - Bucuresti 0-30-30-304
Gr.inferioara nr. 5 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 CONSTANTIN TEODOR - Bucuresti 3-03-13-2312 VASILE GELU IULIAN - Bucuresti 0-33-03-2223 MARCU NICOLAE - Bucuresti 1-30-33-0134 TERENTII CRISTIAN - Bucuresti 2-32-30-304
Gr.inferioara nr. 6 - et. 11-Nr Nume si prenume - Localitate 1234VLOC1 MEGAN ALEXANDRA - Bucuresti 2-33-03-0222 FILIP GABRIEL - Bucuresti 3-23-03-0313 BUSTIUC RAZVAN - Iasi 0-30-33-2134 HODIS MARIAN - Bucuresti 0-30-32-304
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