Simon Andrei, Popești-Leordeni, Hobby
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”Cupa TSP Vibe",Bucuresti-Sâmbăta 13.07.2024–A+H și Duminică 14.07.2024-O+E
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Alexandru Constantin - Elite - BucureștiLemn: LIN YUN-JU SUPER ZLC
Forhand: Dignics 09c
Rever: Dignics 05
organizator tehnic- 28.mai.2017
- 1408
- București
Likes given: 81Likes received: 502
Inscrieri AVANSATI (13.07.2024) - 08 Jul, 11:05:43 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-iul
1. Magercu Alexandru, Bucuresti, 989 - 18.84 - A
2. Teodorescu Andu, Curtea de Arges, 950 - 18.5 - A
3. Alexandru David Gabriel, Bucuresti, 1003 - 18.25 - A
4. Gihan Sefcati, Bucuresti, 992 - 17.5 - A
5. Caranfilian Migo, Bucuresti, 582 - 16.95 - AW
6. Avramescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 769 - 16.51 - A
7. Claudiu Gavril, Bucuresti, 759 - 16.25 - A
8. Cocotan Vasile, Oltenita, 1167 - 15.44 - A
9. Dumbrava Gabriel, Bucuresti, 2577 - 14.65 - A
10. Dumitru Cristian, Bucuresti, 990 - 13.48 - A
11. Stinga Ion, Ploiesti, 1154 - 12.99 - A
12. Roventa Dan, Bucuresti, 1600 - 12.9 - A
13. Serbanescu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 1499 - 12.28 - A
14. Stanciu Mugur, Videle, 984 - 11.97 - A
15. Pop Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1644 - 11.33 - A
16. Stanciu Marian, Bucuresti, 2395 - 11.08 - A
17. Teodorescu Marian, Bucuresti, 1149 - 9.58 - H
18. Teodorescu Robert, Bucuresti, 1572 - 8.82 - H
19. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti, 1635 - 6.97 - HW
Inscrieri HOBBY (13.07.2024) - 08 Jul, 11:05:52 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-iul
1. Gheorghe Ion, Bucuresti, 1144 - 9.61 - HW
2. Matveev Victor Nicolae, Bucuresti, 1726 - 8.4 - H
3. Bordeianu Marcel, Bucuresti, 2035 - 8.25 - H
4. Nicolae Darius, Bucuresti, 2128 - 8.2 - H
5. Leurzeanu George, Bucuresti, 2461 - 7.3 - H
6. Velicu Damian Laurentiu, Bucuresti, 1658 - 6.99 - H
7. Rusti Andrei, Bucuresti, 3449 - 6.25 - H
8. Ionescu Gabriel, Fetesti, 4018 - 6 - H
9. Vlad Enache, Bucuresti, 4020 - 6 - H
10. Andrei Cozmin Stefanut, Buzau, 1935 - 5.71 - H
11. Velcea George, Bucuresti, 1957 - 5.69 - H
12. Ticu Razvan, Bucuresti, 2685 - 5.55 - H
13. Chirita Daniel, Bucuresti, 2864 - 5.43 - H
14. Gheorghe Catalin, Ploiesti, 1798 - 5.27 - H
15. Stoica Florin Cristian, Bucuresti, 2197 - 5.18 - H
16. Virtopeanu Daniel, Bucuresti, 1941 - 5.13 - H
17. Dumitru Cosmin, Bucuresti, 3133 - 4.9 - H
18. Trascau Ovidiu, Bucuresti, 3961 - 4.35 - H
19. Ionita Dan, Bucuresti, 3611 - 4 - H
20. Lumezeanu Cristian, Bucuresti, 2206 - 3.92 - H
21. Petre Gabriel, Bucuresti, 2228 - 3.65 - H
22. Cheseli Rares, Bucuresti, 2847 - 3.58 - H
23. Miron Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 3494 - 3.5 - H
24. Stavarache Cornel, Targoviste, 2942 - 3.45 - H
25. Filat Maria, Bucuresti, 3875 - 3.2 - HF
26. Zaharia Titi, Fetesti, 4668 - 3 - H
27. Simon Andrei, Popesti Leordeni, 4723 - 2.7 - H
28. Lumezeanu Adelina, Bucuresti, 2603 - 2.32 - HF
29. Stefanescu Eugen, Bucuresti, 4795 - 2 - H
30. Dumitrascu Alin, Buzau, 6002 - 2
31. Enus Claudiu, Videle, 6003 - 2
32. Tebeica Ionut, Bucuresti, 6004 - 2
33. Ichim Cristian, Bucuresti, 6005 - 2
34. Manea Florian, Fetesti, 6006 - 2
35. Surdeanu Petrut Laurentiu, Bucuresti, 6007 - 2
36. Liculescu Vlad, Bucuresti, 6008 - 2
Inscrieri OPEN (14.07.2024) - 08 Jul, 11:06:00 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-iul
1. Cretu Ionut, Bucuresti, 374 - 30.93 - O
2. Enculescu Mihaita, Dobroesti, 387 - 30.73 - OW
3. Dascalasu Viorel, Bucuresti, 432 - 30.25 - OW
4. Georgescu Costin, Bucuresti, 693 - 29.74 - O
5. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 739 - 29.35 - OW
6. Petrov Dan, Dobroesti, 218 - 28.89 - OW
7. Burcea Daniel, Bucuresti, 207 - 28.85 - O
8. Moise Vasile, Bucuresti, 453 - 28.31 - O
9. Acu Paul, Bucuresti, 1204 - 27.75 - O
10. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 321 - 27.54 - OW
11. Baciu Stefan, Mioveni, 261 - 27.3 - OW
12. Dragomir Dan, Bucuresti, 1420 - 27.1 - O
13. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 358 - 27.08 - O
14. Popescu Alex, Bucuresti, 998 - 25.88 - O
15. Malacopol Tatiana, Bucuresti, 1055 - 25.73 - OF
16. Dascalu Cristian, Bucuresti, 360 - 24.5 - O
17. State Orlando, Bucuresti, 2483 - 24.15 - O
18. Topsaneanu Valentin, Chitila, 729 - 24 - O
19. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 402 - 23.99 - OW
20. Zaharia Puiu, Bucuresti, 1363 - 22.75 - O
21. Mihai Ion, Bucuresti, 1295 - 22.33 - O
22. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti, 628 - 21.84 - O
23. Marginean Catalin, Aiud, 651 - 21.74 - O
24. Ionescu Cristian, Ulmi, 652 - 20 - O
25. Cristoiu Cozmin, Bucuresti, 1104 - 19.57 - A
26. Moraru Constantin, Bucuresti, 1138 - 16.42 - AW
27. Giuseppe Brancati, Bucuresti, 1125 - 15.54 - A
28. Ciocan Ion, Chiajna, 1594 - 13.68 - A
Inscrieri ELITE (14.07.2024) - 08 Jul, 11:06:08 AM - v6.91 / cls_2024-iul
1. Neculai Alexandru, Videle, 2 - 60.33 - EL
2. Ropotan Iulian, Bucuresti, 1170 - 48.7 - EW
3. Balan Mihai, Ploiesti, 135 - 47.39 - E
4. Stoica Laura, Bucuresti, 516 - 43.4 - EF
5. Pascu Razvan, Magureni, 211 - 43.29 - E
6. Toma Iulian, Braila, 80 - 41.96 - EW
7. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 52 - 41.24 - EW
8. Baican Alexandru, Bucuresti, 221 - 40.91 - EL
9. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti, 403 - 40.67 - E
10. Stancescu Sebastian, Ploiesti, 73 - 40.57 - E
11. Moraru Ramona Cosmina, Drobeta Tr Severin, 97 - 40.21 - EF
12. Bucur Mario, Bucuresti, 448 - 39.92 - E
13. Voin Doru, Bucuresti, 130 - 38.86 - EW
14. Dumitrescu Cornel, Bucuresti, 319 - 38.55 - EW
15. Popescu Eugen, Bucuresti, 99 - 38.27 - E
16. Alexandru Marius, Bucuresti, 100 - 38.16 - E
17. Iordache Vlad, Bucuresti, 961 - 35.9 - E
18. Gavrila Aurel, Bucuresti, 1419 - 35.5 - EDW
19. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti, 128 - 34.03 - E
20. Scutaru Iulian, Bucuresti, 946 - 33.2 - E
21. Pasoveanu Silvian, Bucuresti, 647 - 32.76 - O
22. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 174 - 30.33 - O
23. Boboc Viorel, Slobozia, 345 - 30.06 - OW
24. Iliuta Marius Iustin, Videle, 500 - 25.05 - O
25. Terentii Cristian, Bucuresti, 764 - 24.06 - O
26. Constantin Alexandru, Bucuresti, 2631 - 9.83 - H
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