Ionita Marian, București- Avansati
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Cupa Fiorillo - Domnesti, sala EWE - Otilia Badescu - 19-20 Octombrie
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Velicescu Dragoș -Pitesti -Open.
Baltatu Marius -Pitesti -Open.mihais mioveni
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Se transfera Daniel Balaban , Bucuresti, la Open
MultumescFH - Butterfly Tenergy 05 Hard
BH - SpinLord Gipfelsturm
Cernat Gheorghe -Avansati, BucurestiBlade: Garaydia Tamca 5000
FH: Xiom Omega VII Tour
BH: Xiom Omega VII Tour
Echipa AmaTur- 30.dec.2005
- 6966
- București
- 65
Likes given: 294Likes received: 781
Inscrieri Avansati (Sambata 19 Oct-ora 09:00) - 13 oct, 23:26:20 - v6.91 / cls_2024-oct
1. Fusca Georgian, Targoviste, 508 - 18,86 - A
2. Ionita Alexandru, Ploiesti, 593 - 17,88 - A
3. Bistreanu Armand, Bucuresti, 1519 - 17,68 - A
4. Giuseppe Brancati, Bucuresti, 1083 - 17,51 - A
5. Baluta Silviu, Bucuresti, 702 - 17,48 - AW
6. Popescu Theo, Bucuresti, 734 - 16,15 - A
7. Cristescu Cristian, Bucuresti, 641 - 15,58 - AW
8. Toric Constantin, Bucuresti, 864 - 15,45 - A
9. Enciu Marcel, Bucuresti, 2740 - 14,85 - AW
10. Pop Alexandru, Bucuresti, 1628 - 14,58 - A
11. Stinga Ion, Ploiesti, 987 - 14,47 - A
12. Constantin Valentin, Ploiesti, 858 - 13,86 - A
13. Dumitru Cristian, Bucuresti, 1061 - 13,79 - A
14. Macuc Adrian, Bucuresti, 829 - 13,43 - A
15. Drugas Laurentiu Florin, Bucuresti, 1942 - 13,13 - A
16. Asmarandei Petru, Constanta, 2543 - 12,9 - AW
17. Ionescu Andrei, Bucuresti, 1679 - 11,86 - A
18. Stanciu Mugur, Videle, 980 - 11,82 - A
19. Petre Catalin, Bucuresti, 3029 - 11,25 - A
20. Voicila Adrian, Ploiesti, 936 - 10,99 - A
21. Milos Gianni, Alexandria, 2403 - 10,78 - AW
22. Teodorescu Marian, Bucuresti, 970 - 10,48 - A
23. Constantin Alexandru, Bucuresti, 2335 - 10,45 - A
24. Gheorghe Ion, Bucuresti, 993 - 10,05 - AW
25. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti, 1676 - 10,04 - AW
26. Moanta Andrei, Bucuresti, 6001 - 10
27. Hirsescu Cosmin, Bucuresti, 3304 - 9,35 - H
28. Verman Stefan, Brasov, 2910 - 9,23 - H
29. Khashan Salem, Bucuresti, 2137 - 9,03 - H
30. Ion Robert, Bucuresti, 1669 - 6,53 - H
Lista de asteptare:
1. Gihan Sefcati, Bucuresti, 854 - 17,26 - A
2. Lumezeanu Cristian, Bucuresti, 1903 - 5,08 - H
3. Stefanescu Eugen, Bucuresti, 3611 - 4,03 - H
4. Ionita Marian, Bucuresti, 1468 - 17,16 - A
5. Cernat Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 1819 - 15,45 - A
6. Mitrica Gheorghe, Gostavatu, 1955 - 17,07 - A
Inscrieri Hobby (Sambata 19 Oct-ora 15:30) - 13 oct, 23:26:53 - v6.91 / cls_2024-oct
1. Cristea Alin Mihai, Bucuresti, 3140 - 9,9 - H
2. Velicu Damian Laurentiu, Bucuresti, 1544 - 9,23 - H
3. Florida Alin Emil, Videle, 1354 - 7,59 - H
4. Alecu Ianis, Rosiori de Vede, 1949 - 7,48 - H
5. Porojan Florin, Bucuresti, 1668 - 7,45 - H
6. Simulescu Dumitru, Craiova, 1729 - 7,11 - HW
7. Chirita Daniel, Bucuresti, 2614 - 6,15 - H
8. Tin Catalin, Bucuresti, 3644 - 6,15 - H
9. Dragutoiu Petre, Bucuresti, 3952 - 5,8 - H
10. Virtopeanu Daniel, Bucuresti, 1820 - 5,54 - H
11. Stoica Florin Cristian, Bucuresti, 2055 - 5,21 - H
12. Gheorghe Catalin, Ploiesti, 1754 - 5,18 - H
13. Badea Cristian, Calarasi, 2916 - 5,18 - H
14. Cheseli Rares, Bucuresti, 2485 - 5,08 - H
15. Serban Andrei, Bucuresti, 3793 - 5 - H
16. Hirleata Andrei, Bucuresti, 4367 - 5 - H
17. Boca Radu Stefan, Bucuresti, 3160 - 4,98 - H
18. Cocea Felix, Bucuresti, 3324 - 4,5 - H
19. Petre Gabriel, Bucuresti, 2090 - 4,23 - H
20. Grigore Mihai, Bucuresti, 2301 - 3,91 - H
21. Soare Aurel, Targoviste, 2851 - 3,83 - H
22. Soare Bogdan, Targoviste, 3612 - 3,8 - H
23. Alexandru Anghel, Bucuresti, 3852 - 2,77 - H
24. Iosca Sandu, Bucuresti, 4373 - 2,5 - H
25. Cocea Radu, Bucuresti, 3942 - 2,37 - H
26. Dumitrascu Alin, Buzau, 4552 - 2 - H
27. Chiriac Adrian, Bucuresti, 4999 - 2 - H
28. Moldoveanu Rares, Bucuresti, 6002 - 2
29. Iordache Alexandru, Bucuresti, 6003 - 2
30. Iosca George, Bucuresti, 6004 - 2
Lista de asteptare:
1. Birla Catalin, Videle, 6005 - 2
2. Busega Iulian, Bucuresti, 1887 - 6,29 - H
3. Surdeanu Petrut Laurentiu, Bucuresti, 3191 - 6,35 - H
4. Soceanu Bogdan, Bucuresti, 1592 - 8,45 - H
5. Cristea Adrian, Bucuresti, 3588 - 4 - H
6. Tirulnic Evgheni, Bucuresti, 4434 - 2 - H
7. Dumitru Cosmin, Pitesti, 3056 - 9,3 - H
8. Krempels Peter, Bucuresti, 4334 - 5,1 - H
9. Stavarache Cornel, Targoviste, 2441 - 3,67 - H
10. Dumitrascu Eduard, Bucuresti, 6006 - 2
11. Putineanu Andrei, Alexandria, 2173 - 7,66 - H
12. Tebeica Ionut, Bucuresti, 3401 - 6,9 - H
Inscrieri Open (Duminica 19 Oct-ora 09:00) - 13 oct, 23:27:18 - v6.91 / cls_2024-oct
1. Moise Vasile, Bucuresti, 504 - 31,25 - O
2. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 158 - 31,12 - O
3. Georgescu Costin, Bucuresti, 615 - 31,06 - O
4. Bria Vitalie, Bucuresti, 1408 - 29,97 - O
5. Barca George, Pitesti, 288 - 29,72 - O
6. Burcea Daniel, Bucuresti, 207 - 29,26 - O
7. Minca Liviu, Videle, 276 - 28,36 - O
8. Visan Victor, Slobozia, 375 - 28,23 - O
9. Baltatu Marius, Pitesti, 319 - 28,21 - OW
10. Malacopol Tatiana, Bucuresti, 946 - 26,88 - OF
11. Bodeanu Dan, Bucuresti, 546 - 26,73 - OW
12. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 439 - 26,66 - O
13. Vasile Gica, Vulcana Bai, 320 - 26,18 - OD
14. Vasile Victor, Videle, 1212 - 25,53 - O
15. Hutanu Adrian, Slobozia, 435 - 25,48 - O
16. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 338 - 25,43 - OW
17. Ene Florin, Ploiesti, 289 - 25,08 - O
18. Velicescu Dragos, Pitesti, 745 - 24,75 - O
19. Alexandru David Gabriel, Bucuresti, 585 - 24,28 - O
20. Mihai Ion, Bucuresti, 951 - 24,18 - O
21. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 857 - 23,05 - O
22. Magercu Alexandru, Bucuresti, 682 - 21,87 - O
23. Dina Alexandru, Bucuresti, 493 - 20,82 - O
24. Ionescu Cristian, Ulmi, 554 - 20,61 - O
25. Hanu Viorel, Moreni, 738 - 20,01 - O
26. Popa Robert, Targoviste, 475 - 20 - O
27. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 645 - 20 - O
28. Balaban Daniel, Bucuresti, 497 - 18,51 - A
29. Ciocan Ion, Chiajna, 1145 - 15,41 - A
30. Tilica Gabriel, Targoviste, 1144 - 15,09 - A
Inscrieri Elite (Duminica 20 Oct-ora 15:30) - 13 oct, 23:27:38 - v6.91 / cls_2024-oct
1. Vitan Andrei, Giurgiu, 156 - 55,74 - EL
2. Buzatu Vasile, Buftea, 267 - 54,94 - EW
3. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti, 171 - 41,11 - E
4. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 64 - 39,99 - EW
5. Voinescu Ecaterina, Bucuresti, 235 - 33 - EF
6. Trocan Nicolae, Mioveni, 270 - 33 - EW
7. Guluta Florin, Bucuresti, 306 - 33 - E
8. Baran Virgil, Bucuresti, 6001 - 33
9. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 359 - 29,5 - OW
10. Popescu Alex, Bucuresti, 813 - 28,4 - O
11. Sirbu David Alexandru, Targoviste, 285 - 27,47 - OJ
12. Munteanu Ion, Brasov, 1516 - 20,85 - O
Buna ziua!
Barla Catalin categoria Hobby pozitia 1 pe lista de asteptare nu este jucator nou.
cadet- 03.oct.2024
- 19
- Bucuresti
- 25
Likes given: 1Likes received: 3
Crivăț Matei, Bucuresti pt HobbyBlade: Timo Boll ALC
FH: Butterfly Dignics 09c
BH: Butterfly Tenergy 05fx
senior- 11.oct.2022
- 245
- Bucuresti
- 17
Likes given: 33Likes received: 109
Traneci Andrei Valentin - București - Open
Mulțumesc!nicusortical likes this.
Blade: Timo Boll ZLC
FH: Glayzer
BH: Glayzer
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