"Selling Butterfly, Yasaka, DHS, Stiga and Dawei. For more information, write to graeztch(at)yahoo.com" e malasyan
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"Graeztch's Online Table Tennis Item"
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si pentru valentin.. un nou utilizator barneye cel nu materialele daca ai putea sa`l aprobi repet barneySchlager Carbon
Acuda S1
Acuda S1
We have a list of new blades and rubbers for sale on www.ebay.com.sg (under the seller name graeztch). New items added for this week (9 June 2008 – 15 June 200are Butterfly Kim Taek Soo (2007 Model), Butterfly Jun Mizutani FL and a key chain.
The link on www.ebay.com.sg for this week (9 June 2008 – 15 June 200is
http://search.ebay.com.sg/_Sporting-Goo ... sZgraeztch
* Only some selected items are available on the above link.
* Items listed here are in RM (Ringgit Malaysia). In www.ebay.com.sg, items are listed in SGD (Singapore Dollars).
* List of items is updated regularly. So, please check back from time to time. Smile
AVX SP5 (ST) = RM160
Amultart (FL) = RM385
Chuan Chih-Yuan (FL, ST) = RM210 (ST Out Of Stock)
Firehand (FL) = RM105
Hinoki Shake 7 (FL) = RM160
Jun Mizutani (FL, ST) = RM385 ( ST Out Of Stock)
Kim Taek Soo (2007 Model) (JP) = RM460
Kong Linghui Special (FL, ST) = RM270
Kong Linghui (FL) * Europe Version = RM160
Mazunov (FL) = RM100
Oh Sang Eun (FL, ST) = RM170
Petr Korbel (AN, FL, ST) = RM115 (Out Of Stock)
Photino (FL, ST) = RM385
Primorac Carbon (FL) = RM210
Schlager (FL) = RM280
Schlager Light (FL) = RM280
Timo Boll Forte (ST) * Europe Version = RM160
Timo Boll Spirit (ST) = RM280
Viscaria (FL) = RM280
Viscaria Light (FL, ST) = RM280
Bryce (RED 2.1) = RM125
Bryce FX (RED 2.1) = RM125
Bryce Speed (RED 2.1, BLACK 2.1) = RM145
Sriver (RED MAX, BLACK MAX) = RM70
Sriver EL (RED MAX) = RM70
Sriver FX (RED MAX) = RM70
Sriver G2 FX (RED MAX) = RM105
DAWEI (Rubbers)
2008 Super Power XP (RED 2.3) = RM35
Inspirit (RED 2.1) = rm40
DHS (Blade)
Hurricane King (FL, Chinese Penhold) = RM475
Hurricane Hao (Chinese Penhold) = RM260
DHS (Rubbers)
Hurricane 3 (RED 2.2, BLACK 2.2) = RM40
G666 (RED 2.2) = RM45
STIGA (Blades)
Clipper CR WRB (FL Legend) = RM175
Clipper CR (No WRB) (FL Master) = RM175
Clipper WRB (FL Master) = RM170
Clipper (ST Peter) = RM150
Energy Wood (FL Legend) = RM150
Offensive CR (No WRB) (FL Master, Chinese Penhold) = RM155
Optimum SYNC (FL Legend) = RM165
STIGA (Rubbers)
Almana (RED MAX) = RM90
Almana SOUND (RED MAX) = RM90
Carbo MC (RED 2.0) = RM75
Innova (RED MAX) = RM85
Mendo Energy (BLACK MAX) = RM75
YASAKA (Blade)
Ma Lin Extra Offensive (FL, Chinese Penhold) = RM210
YASAKA (Rubbers)
Mark V (BLACK MAX) = RM70
Mark V AD (RED MAX) = RM70
Key Chain = RM20
If you are interested in any blades or rubbers that are not listed here, please don't hesitate to drop us an email at graeztch(at)yahoo.com and we will try to reply to your email asap.
Thanks and Best Regards graeztch
*** FAQ ***
1. Who is graeztch?
- We are a bunch of normal working-class people that happen to like table tennis very much and try to venture into this, both as a hobby and a part-time business (offering decent selling price with low profit margin)
2. Do we have a shop or associated with any shops?
- No
3. Why can we offer our items at such a low price?
- All our items are original and come in their original packagings. As we do not have a shop (no rental or workers needed), we are able to offer our items at lower price.
4. How can potential buyers do business with us?
-For those who are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, we are happy to meet up (COD) to save on the shipping/postage fees. COD business is done in the following ways:
Buyer to buy the item(s) directly from us via email or through www.ebay.com.sg
Buyer and seller to agree on a meet up time (on weekend or after office hours on week days)
Buyer to pay in cash upon receiving the item(s) on meet up day
-For those who are in Malaysia but in different states, you can buy the item(s) directly from us via email or through www.ebay.com.sg. We will quote you the cost of the items together with the shipping/postage fees. Payment can be made via PayPal or local bank transaction.
- For those who are abroad, you can buy the item(s) directly from us via the email or through www.ebay.com.sg. We will quote you the cost of the items together with the shipping/postage fees. Payment can be done via paypal.
Note: We encourage buyers to pay via paypal (we are paypal verified member) as it gives both buyers and sellers some sense of security in an online deal.
5. How to contact us
- We can be contacted via graeztch(at)yahoo.com or pm us. We will try to attend to your emails/pm asap.Schlager Carbon
Acuda S1
Acuda S1
materialele vin cu avionul se plateste prin paypal transportul costa 10 Euro.Schlager Carbon
Acuda S1
Acuda S1
pai si ii intrei tu dak fac rost de un jonyer hinoki..si dak da faci u comanda si iti platesc eu in tzara tot ?k eu nu am incredere in chestii dastea ..
oricum informativ deocamdata .. k nu ma grabesc .. sa vad ce pret dau si eu .. dak e convenabil .. dc nu . Daca nu ..astept
andrei nu se poate numai prin card!! http://www.mytabletennis.net/forum/foru ... ?TID=17743 uitate multi au incredere in serviciile lui!!Schlager Carbon
Acuda S1
Acuda S1
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