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"CUPA TOAMNEI" RADAUTI sambata 16.11.2024
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Echipa AmaTur
- 21.nov.2007
- 5877
- Fălticeni
- 64
Likes given: 992Likes received: 1566
Grupe inferioare OPEN
Gr. nr. 1
1. Vlaisan Vasile, Vicovu de Jos
2. Mita Augustin, Dorohoi
3. Plamada Iulian, Putna
4. Goleanu Remus, Marginea
5. Mihaiuc Beniamin, Radauti
Gr. nr. 2
1. Vlaisan Georgica, Vicovu de Jos
2. Ursulean Vasile, Straja
3. Ianos Valentin, Suceava
4. Busuioc Robert, Radauti
5. Mihaila Gabriel, Radauti
6. Mosneagu Maia, Falticeni
vieru costica likes this.
of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most
- Aprecieri 1
Echipa AmaTur- 21.nov.2007
- 5877
- Fălticeni
- 64
Likes given: 992Likes received: 1566
Multumim participantilor,felicitari castigatorilor!
Rezultatele complete le gasiti in pag 1 post 3yuanh
sorin_client like this.
of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most
- Aprecieri 2
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