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"Cupa TTA", Bucuresti – Sambata (E + A) si Duminica (O + H) – 8 si 9 Martie 2025 – Scoala 195 Hamburg.

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  • Buna ziua, Gihan Sefcati - Avansati
    MARIUS67 MARIUS67 likes this.


    • Bejan Alexandru Tecuci Elite
      Petru Asmarandei Petru Asmarandei likes this.


      • Diaconescu Lucian din Targoviste la OPEN
        MARIUS67 MARIUS67 likes this.
        Blade: HM PRO Super X Zylon
        Bh: XIOM JEKYLL & HYDE 47.5
        Fh: XIOM JEKYLL & HYDE 47.5


        • Robert Teodorescu, Avansati, Bucuresti
          Lemn - Stiga Infinity VPS V
          FH: Andro GOOD !
          BH: Butterfly Challenger Atack


          • Gabriel Coman - avansati- Bucuresti
            blade : Timo Boll ALC
            FH: Dignics 09c
            BH: Tenergy 05


            • Valerii Davydov, Ucraina Kiev, open


              • Tigau Dan/Bucuresti/Elite
                MARIUS67 MARIUS67 likes this.
                Liviu Petrescu


                • Stoian Sorin si Preda Nicolae, Avansati, Curtea de Arges


                  • Dumitru Cosmin-Bucuresti avansati
                    Petru Asmarandei Petru Asmarandei likes this.


                    • Se retrage Damian Alin elite Câmpia Turzii


                      • Vîlcea Daniel - Open, Pitești


                        • Din Mioveni, la Elite, Vasiliu Remus


                          • Razvan Ticu, Bucuresti - Hobby
                            TEODOR URSU TEODOR URSU likes this.


                            • Uta David București elite


                              • Magercu Alexandru - Bucuresti - Open
                                Balaban Daniel Balaban Daniel likes this.


                                • Burcea Daniel - București - open
                                  Blade - Nittaku Goriki Super Drive
                                  Fh - Victas V>22 Double Extra
                                  Bh - Giant Dragon 612


                                  • Se tetrage Surdeanu Petruț-Laurențiu, hobby


                                    • Bistreanu Petru si Bistreanu Sorin- hobby, Bucuresti


                                      • Tianu Călin - avansati - bucuresti


                                        • Va Salut

                                          rog inscriere:

                                          Dorin Nichifor /Hobby /Bucuresti



                                          • Maftei Dănuț, Hobby


                                            • Se transferă Maftei Dănuț, Buzău, de la Hobby la Avansați.ok?


                                              • Inscrieri Elite (08.03.2025) - 25 Feb, 10:43:53 PM - v7.3 / cls_2024-mar

                                                1. Retegan Cosmin, Ploiesti - 138 - 60.26 - EL
                                                2. Alexandru Constantin, Bucuresti - 37 - 56 - EL
                                                3. Petrescu Liviu, Pitesti - 18 - 53.51 - EW
                                                4. Balan Mihai, Ploiesti - 47 - 52.95 - E
                                                5. Visan Daniel, Ploiesti - 575 - 51.96 - E
                                                6. Buhai Andrii, Stefanestii de Jos - 39 - 49.53 - E
                                                7. Baican Alexandru, Bucuresti - 28 - 48.34 - E
                                                8. Zamfir Ionel, Bucuresti - 30 - 47.42 - EW
                                                9. Faur Laurentiu, Calarasi - 306 - 47.13 - E
                                                10. Rosioara Razvan, Alexandria - 89 - 47.1 - E
                                                11. Pantelimon Andi, Bucuresti - 32 - 46.68 - EL
                                                12. Dumitru Gheorghe, Bucuresti - 33 - 46.65 - ED
                                                13. Vizoli Alexandru, Fagaras - 587 - 46.38 - E
                                                14. Constantin Teodor, Bucuresti - 172 - 46.35 - E
                                                15. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti - 473 - 45.6 - EF
                                                16. Rogoz Nicoleta, Bucuresti - 380 - 45.43 - EF
                                                17. Catana Claudiu, Bucuresti - 205 - 44.4 - E
                                                18. Moraru Ramona Cosmina, Drobeta Tr Severin - 56 - 43.46 - EF
                                                19. Stancescu Sebastian, Ploiesti - 57 - 42.8 - E
                                                20. Acatrinei Lucian, Bucuresti - 917 - 42.68 - E
                                                21. Toma David, Bucuresti - 377 - 42.03 - EL
                                                22. Boteanu Nicu, Bucuresti - 118 - 41.83 - E
                                                23. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti - 73 - 41.79 - EW
                                                24. Gheorghe Nicolae, Calarasi - 85 - 41.77 - EW
                                                25. Panea Ovidiu, Bucuresti - 1120 - 41.03 - E
                                                26. Alexandru Marius, Bucuresti - 92 - 40.64 - E
                                                27. Vasiliu Remus, Mioveni - 1258 - 40.57 - E
                                                28. Bejan Alexandru, Tecuci - 96 - 40.45 - E
                                                29. Popescu Eugen, Bucuresti - 157 - 40.01 - EW
                                                30. Vasilescu Remus, Curtea de Arges - 374 - 39.68 - E
                                                31. Candea Ana Nasta, Bucuresti - 209 - 39.34 - EF
                                                32. Voin Doru, Bucuresti - 300 - 39.25 - EW
                                                33. Ciuca Dan, Pitesti - 126 - 39.2 - E
                                                34. Tigau Dan, Bucuresti - 582 - 39.16 - EW
                                                35. Zavricescu George, Curtea de Arges - 310 - 38.57 - EW
                                                36. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti - 755 - 38.45 - EF
                                                37. Baca Stefan, Bucuresti - 387 - 37.75 - O
                                                38. Bunea Adrian, Ploiesti - 122 - 36.73 - O
                                                39. Popescu Alex, Bucuresti - 706 - 33.92 - O
                                                40. Lita Gabriel, Bucuresti - 147 - 33.9 - O
                                                41. Sirbu David Alexandru, Targoviste - 250 - 33.05 - O
                                                42. Marcu Nicolae, Bucuresti - 1689 - 31.4 - O
                                                43. Constantin Cristina, Bucuresti - 242 - 31.13 - OF
                                                44. Vasile Gica, Targoviste - 211 - 30.32 - OD

                                                Inscrieri Avansati (08.03.2025) - 25 Feb, 10:51:35 PM - v7.3 / cls_2024-mar

                                                1. Dina Alexandru, Bucuresti - 436 - 22.98 - A
                                                2. Gisca Catalin, Bucuresti - 878 - 22.69 - A
                                                3. Balaban Daniel, Bucuresti - 378 - 22.58 - A
                                                4. Pirvanescu Daniel, Bucuresti - 635 - 22.57 - A
                                                5. Cristea Alexandru Costin, Bucuresti - 1388 - 22.4 - A
                                                6. Ion Catalin, Alexandria - 915 - 22.31 - A
                                                7. Popa Robert, Targoviste - 421 - 22.28 - A
                                                8. Stoian Sorin, Curtea de Arges - 803 - 21.62 - A
                                                9. Rastoaca Victor, Bucuresti - 1399 - 21.35 - A
                                                10. Tilica Gabriel, Targoviste - 741 - 21.21 - A
                                                11. Toader Ovidiu, Balan - 518 - 20.92 - A
                                                12. Popescu Theo, Bucuresti - 491 - 20.82 - A
                                                13. Avramescu Bogdan, Bucuresti - 918 - 20.65 - A
                                                14. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti - 526 - 20.41 - AW
                                                15. Ionescu Cristian, Ulmi - 613 - 20.35 - A
                                                16. Parlog Florin, Bucuresti - 922 - 20.06 - A
                                                17. Hanu Viorel, Moreni - 861 - 19.8 - A
                                                18. Enache Leo, Ramnicu Valcea - 1696 - 19.38 - A
                                                19. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti - 1456 - 19.18 - A
                                                20. Petre Catalin, Bucuresti - 1571 - 18.9 - A
                                                21. Stanciu Viorel, Ploiesti - 583 - 18.81 - A
                                                22. Ciocan Ion, Chiajna - 614 - 18.81 - A
                                                23. Gihan Sefcati, Popesti Leordeni - 657 - 18.77 - A
                                                24. Hodivoianu Marius, Bucuresti - 1043 - 18.47 - AW
                                                25. Alecu Ianis, Rosiori de Vede - 842 - 18.27 - A
                                                26. Cernat Gheorghe, Bucuresti - 1118 - 17.99 - A
                                                27. Vaireanu Danut Ionel, Bucuresti - 1139 - 17.87 - AW
                                                28. Ionita Daniel, Berceni - 1965 - 17.83 - A
                                                29. Stoicescu Gheorghe, Iedera - 555 - 17.75 - A
                                                30. Moraru Constantin, Bucuresti - 1090 - 17.18 - AW
                                                31. Coaja Matei, Bucuresti - 1758 - 16.7 - AJ
                                                32. Thomas William Knobel, Bucuresti - 817 - 16.68 - AJ
                                                33. Danila Eugeniu, Bucuresti - 1540 - 16.68 - AW
                                                34. Moanta Andrei, Bucuresti - 1985 - 16.57 - A
                                                35. Constantin Valentin, Ploiesti - 854 - 16.45 - A
                                                36. Pop Alexandru, Bucuresti - 1337 - 16.42 - A
                                                37. Popescu Florian Catalin, Bucuresti - 909 - 16.14 - A
                                                38. Cristescu Cristian, Bucuresti - 640 - 15.61 - AW
                                                39. Ionita Marian, Bucuresti - 1914 - 15.5 - A
                                                40. Moraru Marius, Bucuresti - 1163 - 15.43 - A
                                                41. Balaban Adrian, Bucuresti - 1419 - 15.38 - A
                                                42. Toric Constantin, Bucuresti - 879 - 15.31 - A
                                                43. Constantin Alexandru, Bucuresti - 1418 - 15.02 - A
                                                44. Milos Gianni, Alexandria - 1686 - 14.93 - AW
                                                45. Iojiban Gheorghe, Balan - 1085 - 14.91 - A
                                                46. Gavril Claudiu, Bucuresti - 966 - 14.78 - A
                                                47. Voicila Adrian, Ploiesti - 764 - 14.75 - A
                                                48. Ionescu Andrei, Bucuresti - 939 - 14.55 - A
                                                49. Verman Stefan, Brasov - 1242 - 14.33 - A
                                                50. Coman Florin, Bucuresti - 982 - 13.9 - A
                                                51. Asmarandei Petru, Constanta - 1650 - 13.5 - AW
                                                52. Puisoru Victor, Bucuresti - 1410 - 13.44 - A
                                                53. Pop Victor, Bucuresti - 2000 - 13.17 - A
                                                54. Dumitru Cristian, Bucuresti - 1457 - 12.7 - A
                                                55. Alexandrescu Robert, Alexandria - 1158 - 12.56 - A
                                                56. Dumitru Cosmin, Bucuresti - 1027 - 12.52 - A
                                                57. Drapac Gheorghe, Brasov - 1093 - 12.01 - AD
                                                58. Porojan Florin, Bucuresti - 1624 - 11.48 - A
                                                59. Cocea Felix, Bucuresti - 2208 - 11.48 - A
                                                60. Gheorghe Ion, Bucuresti - 988 - 10.76 - AW
                                                61. Toma Adrian, Bucuresti - 1216 - 10.74 - A
                                                62. Dumitru Paul, Bucuresti - 1518 - 10.7 - A
                                                63. Velicu Damian Laurentiu, Bucuresti - 1365 - 10.22 - A
                                                64. Leurzeanu George, Bucuresti - 2084 - 10.08 - A
                                                65. Ion Robert, Bucuresti - 1395 - 9.37 - H
                                                66. Benca Lucian, Balan - 1290 - 9.28 - H
                                                67. Coman Gabriel, Bucuresti - 3196 - 8.55 - H
                                                68. Teodorescu Robert, Bucuresti - 1844 - 7.77 - H
                                                69. Boca Radu Stefan, Bucuresti - 2433 - 6.55 - H
                                                70. Raduly Eduard, Sfantu Gheorghe - 2716 - 5.88 - H
                                                71. Ene Daniel, Ploiesti - 2035 - 4.06 - H
                                                72. Wildcard1, Amatur - 6001 - 0
                                                73. Wildcard2, Amatur - 6002 - 0
                                                74. Wildcard3, Amatur - 6003 - 0
                                                75. Wildcard4, Amatur - 6004 - 0
                                                Lista de asteptare:
                                                1. Preda Nicolae, Curtea de Arges - 1013 - 22.26 - A
                                                2. Tianu Calin, Bucuresti - 1720 - 17 - A
                                                3. Maftei Danut, Buzau - 2273 - 7.4 - H

                                                Inscrieri Open (09.03.2025) - 25 Feb, 11:12:59 PM - v7.3 / cls_2024-mar

                                                1. Albescu Constantin Ionut, Bucuresti - 115 - 37.53 - O
                                                2. Petculescu Giani, Ploiesti - 121 - 37.14 - O
                                                3. Sursilov Constantin, Bucuresti - 109 - 36.86 - O
                                                4. Iliuta Marius Iustin, Videle - 316 - 36.77 - O
                                                5. Davydov Valerii, Ucraina-Kiev - 938 - 36.65 - O
                                                6. Bruma Ovidiu, Popesti Leordeni - 1311 - 36.43 - O
                                                7. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti - 119 - 36.27 - O
                                                8. Traneci Andrei Valentin, Bucuresti - 124 - 36.13 - O
                                                9. Patrascu Dorin, Pitesti - 420 - 36.13 - OW
                                                10. Bratescu Adrian, Targoviste - 144 - 35.11 - ODW
                                                11. Sterczer Sandor, Sanzieni - 169 - 34.86 - O
                                                12. Barca George, Pitesti - 186 - 34.09 - O
                                                13. Trocan Nicolae, Mioveni - 276 - 33.95 - OW
                                                14. Dascalasu Viorel, Bucuresti - 655 - 33.52 - OW
                                                15. Sandu Adrian, Calarasi - 162 - 33.43 - O
                                                16. Botosneanu Ionut, Videle - 160 - 32.9 - O
                                                17. Campean Adrian, Bucuresti - 165 - 32.55 - OW
                                                18. Georgescu Costin, Bucuresti - 464 - 32.52 - O
                                                19. Minca Liviu, Videle - 318 - 32.51 - O
                                                20. Enache Ciprian, Ploiesti - 164 - 32.35 - O
                                                21. Burcea Daniel, Bucuresti - 185 - 32.11 - O
                                                22. Mihu Florin, Mioveni - 189 - 31.9 - OW
                                                23. Valcea Daniel, Pitesti - 339 - 31.45 - O
                                                24. Cilianu Vladut Gabriel, Bucuresti - 1404 - 31.27 - O
                                                25. Dascalu Cristian, Bucuresti - 351 - 31.11 - O
                                                26. Avadanoaei Petuel, Bucuresti - 1764 - 30.97 - O
                                                27. Banu Dan, Ploiesti - 183 - 30.87 - O
                                                28. Stoica Mihai, Mihaesti - 359 - 30.16 - OW
                                                29. Petrov Dan, Dobroesti - 417 - 29.97 - OW
                                                30. Baltatu Marius, Pitesti - 366 - 29.42 - OW
                                                31. Malacopol Tatiana, Bucuresti - 761 - 29.13 - OF
                                                32. Gagiu Remus, Pitesti - 766 - 28.93 - O
                                                33. Nitu Serban, Ploiesti - 236 - 28.84 - OW
                                                34. Visan Victor, Slobozia - 405 - 28.59 - O
                                                35. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu - 410 - 28.58 - OW
                                                36. Vasile Victor, Videle - 470 - 28.28 - O
                                                37. Curelea Petre, Lehliu Gara - 744 - 28.12 - O
                                                38. Curelea Andrei, Bucuresti - 668 - 28.09 - O
                                                39. Diaconescu Lucian, Targoviste - 361 - 27.76 - O
                                                40. Ciripan Camelia, Bucuresti - 2717 - 27.5 - OF
                                                41. Alexandru David Gabriel, Bucuresti - 342 - 27.49 - O
                                                42. Popa Alin, Drobeta Tr Severin - 391 - 27.26 - O
                                                43. Baltatu Eduard Laurentiu, Bucuresti - 1008 - 27.04 - O
                                                44. Bodeanu Dan, Bucuresti - 679 - 26.9 - OW
                                                45. Velicescu Dragos, Pitesti - 754 - 26.68 - O
                                                46. Lupu Mihai, Bucuresti - 683 - 26.55 - OW
                                                47. Mihai Ion, Bucuresti - 927 - 26.2 - O
                                                48. Necsoiu Georgiana, Videle - 346 - 25.71 - OF
                                                49. Baicu Cristian, Bucuresti - 868 - 25.45 - O
                                                50. Magercu Alexandru, Bucuresti - 487 - 25.38 - O
                                                51. Georgescu Robert Stefan, Bucuresti - 546 - 25.24 - O
                                                52. Tobosaru Gheorghe, Brasov - 475 - 24.08 - OW
                                                53. Chivu Octav, Bucuresti - 3116 - 23.8 - A
                                                54. Roventa Dan, Bucuresti - 863 - 23.16 - A
                                                55. Catana Gabriel, Bucuresti - 749 - 22.53 - A
                                                56. Nicolae Daniel, Bucuresti - 1490 - 21.5 - A
                                                57. Sava Harold, Bucuresti - 1250 - 20.2 - A
                                                58. Marin Albert, Bucuresti - 1329 - 19.64 - A
                                                59. Caranfilian Migo, Bucuresti - 740 - 19.56 - AW
                                                60. Juganaru Valentin, Bucuresti - 1026 - 18.07 - A
                                                61. Enescu Robert, Vulcana Bai - 1795 - 16.6 - A
                                                62. Ioan Filip, Bucuresti - 1604 - 16.5 - A

                                                Inscrieri Hobby (09.03.2025) - 25 Feb, 11:02:14 PM - v7.3 / cls_2024-mar

                                                1. Peptea Ionut, Bucuresti - 1860 - 9.7 - H
                                                2. Comsa Aurel, Nedelea - 1408 - 9.64 - H
                                                3. Soceanu Bogdan, Bucuresti - 1324 - 9.61 - H
                                                4. Burghelea Liviu, Bucuresti - 1630 - 9.5 - H
                                                5. Ilie Sebastian, Bucuresti - 2930 - 9.17 - H
                                                6. Gaman Alin, Marginenii de Jos - 1334 - 9.15 - H
                                                7. Toma Cristian, Balotesti - 1361 - 8.78 - H
                                                8. Gheorghe Mihai, Bucuresti - 2581 - 8.73 - H
                                                9. Stoica Florin Cristian, Bucuresti - 1439 - 8.51 - H
                                                10. Dumitrascu Alin, Buzau - 1888 - 8.02 - H
                                                11. Radulescu Dan, Bucuresti - 1357 - 7.68 - H
                                                12. Popa Mihai Claudiu, Bucuresti - 2242 - 7.56 - H
                                                13. Andrei Cozmin Stefanut, Buzau - 1882 - 7.51 - H
                                                14. Lazar Adrian, Bucuresti - 1614 - 7.41 - H
                                                15. Vlad Alexandru, Bucuresti - 3694 - 7.3 - H
                                                16. Cheseli Rares, Bucuresti - 1989 - 7 - H
                                                17. Ghita Marius, Ploiesti - 3167 - 6.8 - H
                                                18. Nisulescu Constantin, Bucuresti - 4076 - 6.8 - H
                                                19. Serban Iulian, Bucuresti - 4077 - 6.8 - H
                                                20. Lumezeanu Cristian, Bucuresti - 1573 - 6.77 - H
                                                21. Popa Dan Teodor, Tecuci - 1496 - 6.68 - H
                                                22. Busega Iulian, Bucuresti - 1931 - 6.67 - H
                                                23. Petre Gabriel, Bucuresti - 1537 - 6.4 - H
                                                24. Ticu Razvan, Bucuresti - 2368 - 6.23 - H
                                                25. Batir Alexandru, Bucuresti - 2367 - 6.16 - H
                                                26. Oprea Adrian, Bucuresti - 2845 - 6.13 - H
                                                27. Coaja Constantin, Bucuresti - 2561 - 6 - H
                                                28. Mihailescu Andrei, Bucuresti - 3139 - 6 - H
                                                29. Burtumac Alin, Balotesti - 1774 - 5.99 - HW
                                                30. Sarov Daniel, Bucuresti - 2636 - 5.93 - H
                                                31. Moise Viorel, Braila - 1504 - 5.84 - HW
                                                32. Nichifor Dorin, Bucuresti - 2995 - 5.73 - H
                                                33. Gheorghe Catalin, Ploiesti - 1674 - 5.62 - H
                                                34. Neacsu Cristian, Bucuresti - 2895 - 5.58 - H
                                                35. Virtopeanu Daniel, Bucuresti - 1851 - 5.55 - H
                                                36. Bistreanu Sorin, Bucuresti - 2437 - 5.44 - H
                                                37. Radu Lucian, Bucuresti - 2946 - 5.25 - H
                                                38. Tobosaru Stefan, Brasov - 1915 - 5 - H
                                                39. David Sergiu Danut, Bucuresti - 2610 - 4.94 - H
                                                40. Soare Aurel, Targoviste - 2297 - 4.08 - H
                                                41. Serban Lucian Gabriel, Bucuresti - 2975 - 4.03 - H
                                                42. Doru Vasile, Snagov - 3109 - 3.85 - H
                                                43. Stavarache Cornel, Targoviste - 2177 - 3.81 - H
                                                44. Avramescu Claudiu, Bucuresti - 3097 - 3.73 - H
                                                45. Bistreanu Petru, Bucuresti - 3372 - 3.57 - H
                                                46. Lumezeanu Adelina, Bucuresti - 2364 - 3.5 - HF
                                                47. Stir Bogdan, Telega - 4604 - 3.5 - H
                                                48. Mihai Laurentiu, Bucuresti - 3351 - 3.4 - H
                                                49. Iliescu Patricia, Snagov - 3078 - 2.58 - HF
                                                50. Ionescu Daniel, Bucuresti - 4988 - 2 - H
                                                51. Hanta George Cosmin, Bucuresti - 6001 - 2


                                                • Bîcîin Alexandru, Faurei - Avansati


                                                  • Buna seara, Virgil Ipate, Bucuresti - Open
                                                    Petru Asmarandei Petru Asmarandei likes this.

