Is there someone there who can help me with results from Memorialul St Mike tournament? I'm very interested to know. I am a big fan of Romanian table tennis from Scotland
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Membru Fondator AmaTur
- 04.iun.2005
- 1395
- Alesd
- 53
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Hallo Donald and welcome!
Please give us some more informations about the tournament (city, date etc) and maybe we can help you.
Memorialul Stefan Mike
Hi, Filo. Thanks very much for replying. It is good to make contact with someone in Romania because I have been trying for so long. And congratulations on your excellent English. Unfortunately, I do not know any Romanian, so I had to hope someone could understand my posting in English.
Tournament is Memorialul Stefan Mike, played in Zalău on weekend of September 03-04 and is for all top players in Romania. I think players like Barlan, Dodean, Neacsu, Olteanu will be playing.
I have had keen interest in table tennis in Romania for years but it is so difficult to find out information.
Best wishes
Membru Fondator AmaTur- 04.iun.2005
- 1395
- Alesd
- 53
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I have an friend who was at that competition, i will ask him and i will put the information on this forum, but in the next week if you are not hurry.
I think the first place was taken by Dabudeanu (he is defender and he is from Cluj)
Hi again, Filo. Thanks again for the quick reply. No, of course there is no hurry. I think player you mean may be Doru G?budean.
Memorialul Stefan Mike Zalău 3-4 sept 2005 juniori 1.Sargu Mihai (Bistrița),2.Geanta Robert(Bistrița)3.Daescu Cosmin(bucuresti)4.Cioran Sorin(bucuresti) junioare 1.Ranga Maria(București)2.Kont Cristina(bistrita)3.Dranca Codruta(Bistrița)4.Vincze Andrada(Zalău) Seniori 1Gabudean Dodo(Mediaș)2 Seni Ionut(București) 3.Tudor Ovidiu(Iași) 4.Geanta Robert(Bistrița) Senioare 1.Miroiu Virginica(București) 2.Kont Cristina(Bistrița)3.Szocs Bernadette(Bistrița)4.RangaMaria(București). Engleza mea lasa de dorit,dar daca Donald,doreste informatii despre ceilalti jucatori,am sa va rog pe careva sa faca oficiul de translator.
Donald,I want to know were are you from and your age.
It's very interresting you like roumanian table tennis, or some player from here.Who you see play and enjoj?
You visit allready Roumania?If not, I'm glad to invite you to see our country.
We play in many place here and ...who know,in one day if our site became faimous ...we try to play over the border.
Have a nice day.
...and just one more thing:at what level you play tennis?Mizutani SZLC
Dignics 05
Hi, katyacsinia. I am from Glasgow in Scotland and I always have big interest in Romania, although I have never been there. Some day I will definitely visit Romania but I have family with young children so now is not the right time.
I am big sports fan and it is always possible to find out news about Romanian football (from Hagi and Dumitrescu to Mutu and Chivu), and tennis (Nastase and Tiriac to Pavel and Hanescu) but very difficult to get information about table tennis, except players like Crisan and Cioti in Germany. I like to know much more about table tennis in Romania and players like Neacsu, Dodean, Csaba Simon and Marchis.
Best wishes
maestru- 29.iun.2005
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- Bistrița, Calea Moldovei 63
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Germania - Romania in Prima Divizie
Acum se joaca Germania - Romania in Hamm. Evolutia scorului (live)
Tel. Răsvan: 0721-223501; Showroom: 0736-887467
Instagram: @butterflyromania
Scotland...great country.
Who dont hear about Paul Gascoin and 100 Pipers Scotch Whisky?
Glasgow,hm...I like to be there.
And if you dont know,the Scots have given the world logarithms,steam engine courts.Mizutani SZLC
Dignics 05
Great player Gascoigne...too bad he is an Englishman
On the orher hand, 100 Pipers is an excellent whiskey and it really is from Scotland.
Welcome to pur forum!!
Hy Donald! I have seen Simon Csaba playing a few times and I can tell you that he is a "killer"He plays with superanti rubber! Great player!
Blade: Butterfly Schlager Carbon
Is true,Paul Gascoin play for England but he play in Scotland too.
England-Scotland are like brothers...I think.
Donald can tell us.
pote ne infratim si noi cu-n orasel din Scotia pentru citeva butoaie de whisky.Mizutani SZLC
Dignics 05
Hi everyone. You are right: Paul Gascoigne is English but he played in Scotland for Rangers. He was a great player, but my football team is Celtic, so I like to talk more about Henrik Larsson, who plays now for Barcelona. As for Scotland and England like brothers; I think it is more like Hungary and Romania. We do not always like England and the English. Scotland is a wonderful country, but I like to know more about Romania. I would love to visit some day, but not for a few years I think. Perhaps Timișoara is place I would like to visit first.
Sorry that Germany beats Romania in ETTU team competition last night.
...maybe if we play for roumanian team,the results was different.
Anyway Timo Boll is a great player and I dont know who really stand in his face,now.
you dont answer:at what level you play,amateur like us or you are a well-known champion in Glasgow?Mizutani SZLC
Dignics 05
Football, tennis, table tennis, I enjoy playing but I am only keen amateur. I play against some very good Scottish players when I was younger but I am not so good myself.
Do any members of forum play to high level in Romania?
how old are you?
mi se pare mie sau asta nu e scotian, pt ca de obicei astia scriu cu prescurtari.
in fine e ceva suspect cu asta daca stie de "infratirea" noastra cu bosgorii.Butterfly M. Maze Carbon
Butterfly Bryce- Fx
Asta nu e scotian cu nu sunt eu ungur, nu stie boaba de gramatica engleza! In fine, sa fie primit, las' ca facem reclama la forum ca avem si "straini"...In rest, numai de bine
hehe ..... chiar daca e sau nu e ..... e la fel de bine
1. daca e scotish e bine ca forumul a reusit sa depaseasca granitele tarii
2. daca nu e ... iar am castigat ca mai avem inca un membru autentificat pe forum ... si tot asa pana ajungem la 1000blade> Butterfly - Schlager Carbon
FH> Donic Coppa Tenero 2.1 red
BH> Donic Coppa Tenero 2.1 black
Postat în original de EugenAsta nu e scotian cu nu sunt eu ungur, nu stie boaba de gramatica engleza! In fine, sa fie primit, las' ca facem reclama la forum ca avem si "straini"...In rest, numai de bine
sper ca ai scris gresit.
nu ca as avea ceva cu ungurii dar asa ca chestie....Butterfly M. Maze Carbon
Butterfly Bryce- Fx
nu sunt ungur si nici nu am nimic cu ei....nici nu as avea motive de altminteri! nu inteleg la ce te referi, ce sa scriu gresit?!?
Doar ca mi se pare oarecum ciudat, atata tot. Poate ca ma insel si e chiar un scotian analfabet, cine stie? In fine, nu conteaza...e bine ca se intereseaza de tenisul de masa romanesc
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