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DHS Hurricane 3-50

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  • DHS Hurricane 3-50

    A apărut o nouă față de la Dhs:

    Hurricane 3-50 is a tacky rubber which produces a characteristic low arcing ball flight from middle distance. The underlying 50# sponge is produced with great sponge elasticity which enables and maximises a strong spin effect with use of the wrist. Hurricane 3-50 is the first choice for players who prefer to drive-loop and topspin. It integrates tacky rubber with elastic sponge. The sponge is receptive to ball contact while the rubber friction grips and holds the ball. Such a combination provides the player with great ball feeling with every shot and suits players who want to exert a fast, stable loop attack.

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    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
    BLADE : DHS Hurricane King III - FH: Cauciuc Negru - BH: Cauciuc Rosu

    "Știu că sunt prost dar c?nd mă uit ?n jur prind curaj"

  • #2
    DHS Hurricane 3-50

    Am gasit un review pe un forum:

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
    BLADE : DHS Hurricane King III - FH: Cauciuc Negru - BH: Cauciuc Rosu

    "Știu că sunt prost dar c?nd mă uit ?n jur prind curaj"

