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noile mingi de plastic

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  • noile mingi de plastic

    Buna ziua,
    as vrea sa va intreb care este data la care estimati ca vom incepe si in Amatur sa jucam cu mingile noi de plastic?
    fh/bh- Btf Tenergy o5fx

  • #2
    Adrian Gorum


    • #3
      Postat în original de kdt123 Vezi post
      ora 13 si 43 min gmt
      Blade TESTE
      Fh TENERGY


      • #4
        La Miercurea Ciuc

        FH tenergy 05
        BLADE Viscaria
        BH xiom vega europa
        Fh Tenergy 05
        Bh Vega Europa


        • #5
          Am jucat cu asa ceva mai bine ramanem la cea veche ,nu stiu de ce dar am impresia ca vom juca turca cu asemenea mingi.Poate ma insel dar nu vad nici o modificare in plus (pozitiva)ptr,. tenisul de masa fara efect deosebit .fara viteza deosebita .spui ca dai intro minge ........,nici nu stiu cum sa-i spun.Dar vom vedea ,timpul le rezolva pe toate.(sper)
          Blade . PHOTINO
          Fh. Tibhar ev. Mx-p
          Bh.:Tibhar ev. Mx-p MATERIALE TENIS DE MASA EMI.TT


          • #6
            am facut si eu vreo 2 antrenamente...asa la prima impresie putin mai mica viteza si spin, si poate ca eram eu emotionat dar a trebuit sa ma asez mai bine pe fiecare lovitura, ceea ce a insemnat evident mai mare efort din partea mea...dupa ce am inceput sa ma obisnuiesc nu am mai simtit diferente semnificative, decat la ...sunet...parca ai juca cu mingi am jucat cu Joola, poate alte mingi suna altfel...
            fh/bh- Btf Tenergy o5fx


            • #7
              Postat în original de Andrei_Sb Vezi post
              Buna ziua,
              as vrea sa va intreb care este data la care estimati ca vom incepe si in Amatur sa jucam cu mingile noi de plastic?
              Cand cele de celuloid vor deveni imposibil de procurat
              of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most


              • #8
                Si eu am încercat,câteva..DHS,DONIC si Nittaku ,,,mare diferență,,,,nu este între ele,,,,dar nivelul tenisului ,,,va scădea!!
                După părerea mea ,doar pe "ierbari" ?i avantajează .
                Prima impresie este ca si cum ai juca cu niste mingi luate de la Metro!!


                • #9
                  Postat în original de mimusrem Vezi post
                  Si eu am încercat,câteva..DHS,DONIC si Nittaku ,,,mare diferență,,,,nu este între ele,,,,dar nivelul tenisului ,,,va scădea!!
                  După părerea mea ,doar pe "ierbari" ?i avantajează .
                  Prima impresie este ca si cum ai juca cu niste mingi luate de la Metro!!
                  Asta e bine - ne luam mingi de la Metro (ieftine) si economisim banii diferenta pana la pretul uneia de plastic (care costa cam cat 2-3 mingi 3*).
                  Pana intra de tot pe piata suntem si pregatiti si nici nu stricam 1000000 de mingi 40+ de calitate proasta.
                  Ovtcharov a zis pe Facebook ca a spart 10 mingi la un antrenament si ca au o calitate proasta deocamdata.
                  Blog de tenis de masă


                  • #10
                    Poze elocvente cu noile mingii !

                    Blade: HM PRO Super X Zylon
                    Bh: XIOM JEKYLL & HYDE 47.5
                    Fh: XIOM JEKYLL & HYDE 47.5


                    • #11
                      Da dar Ovtcharov a jucat cu mingi tunate(jumate alb jumate portocaliu)


                      • #12
                        Postat în original de Tischtennis Vezi post
                        Da dar Ovtcharov a jucat cu mingi tunate(jumate alb jumate portocaliu)
                        Sunt mingile din superliga chineza.


                        • #13
                          Seven simple tips to adjusting to the new plastic ball by our passionate equipment expert, Matt Hetherington:

                          1. Don't Be Cynical, Give it a Chance!
                          Most people have already turned their noses up, of course! We don't like change. There has been a lot of negativity surrounding the new ball. The new ball does have some differences but a great effort has been made to create a ball as similar as possible to the celluloid ball. First important pointer, it's not all that bad, it's still playable and will require some small adaptations, but it's not the end of table tennis as we know it.

                          2. Stay Closer to the Table in Topspin Rallies
                          One thing we noticed when in loop or topspin rallies was that the ball trajectory after the bounce was actually a little bit lower than with the celluloid ball. This means if you are used to staying further back in topspin exchanges you are going to find yourself picking the ball up a bit late. Make sure you adjust to the new lower bounce off the table so you can continue to be effective and deadly on attack!

                          3. Be Ready for Shorter Serves
                          A standout of the new ball is that it does react less on the table, this means a lower and slower bounce and consequently serves which don't often drift longer. There is a lot more comfort short serving the ball. Most of the short serves we tried which bounced twice with a celluloid ball could find three bounces at the other end with the poly ball. So be prepared for tighter serves.

                          4. Start Thinking Placement
                          While powerful strokes can still be achieved with the plastic ball, there is certainly a small loss of speed and spin. It is more comfortable to block offensive balls and once you get used to it the error margin on shots seems to be a little more on the safer side. This means placement is going to become twice as important as it is more difficult to hit through your opposition.

                          5. Close Those Angles A Bit More
                          While the ball is less reactive off the table surface, it does seem to have a firmer bounce on the rubber. In short exchanges the ball was a little harder to keep low over the net and it's more difficult to try and impart amounts of spin on a short push. You will need to create a little more angle on your short pushes in order to keep that ball low to the net, otherwise it's going to be floating a little too far into the danger zone.

                          6. Put in the Hours
                          The obvious way of mastering anything new. Don't hesitate, get your hands on some poly balls sooner rather than later. The best thing to do is to use one poly ball and one celluloid ball in the beginning and try and analyse some of the comparisons between them. This will help you understand the differences between the two balls and you will start to see some things you will need to alter in order to master the new ball.

                          7. Defensive Players Have Advantage
                          With less spin and power on the ball, defensive players are going to be more than a little pleased. We tested the ball against chop and close table long pips blocking. It appeared the defensive strokes were more consistent with the poly ball and it was a bit harder to exploit weaknesses or force mistakes. So for all you people with pips or chopping out there, you may just enjoy this new ball a bit more than you think

                          Sursa :
                          Blade 1 : Butterfly Jun Mizutani Super ZLC Blade 2: Butterfly Custom Arylate
                          Fh: Tenergy 05 2.1 mm Fh: Tenergy 05 2.1 mm
                          Bh: Tenergy 05 FX 2.1 mm Bh : Tenergy 05 FX 2.1 mm


                          • #14
                            Se va reintroduce sau va aparea ceva gen speedglue ca sa compenseze cumva scaderea de viteza si spin si sa nu isi luxeze jucatorii umarul. Dincolo de glumă am observat ca la fetele lipite cu speedglue sau la cele bine boosterizate (atentie la chinezi) nu se prea simte scaderea de viteza/spin cu mingiutele astea "zanganitoare".
                            Nittaku Violin​Fastarc G-1 / Fastarc S-1


                            • #15
                              Postat în original de adishorul Vezi post
                              Se va reintroduce sau va aparea ceva gen speedglue ca sa compenseze cumva scaderea de viteza si spin si sa nu isi luxeze jucatorii umarul. Dincolo de glumă am observat ca la fetele lipite cu speedglue sau la cele bine boosterizate (atentie la chinezi) nu se prea simte scaderea de viteza/spin cu mingiutele astea "zanganitoare".
                              Fetele noi aparute au un plus de viteza si spin,iar feedbackul este deocamdata bun referitor la fete,iar in ceea ce priveste mingile de plastic monocolore(albe) cu care se v-a juca in Europa, feedbackul in ceea ce priveste caracteristicile geometrice sunt bune ,doar cele ce tin de rezistenta mecanica a suduri sunt slabe.Exista la ora actuala o mare presiune din partea brand-urilor din tenis de masă asupra producatorului in ceea ce priveste rezistenta si longevitatea.

                              Mai trebuie sa avem rabdare ,dar noi amatori in Romania cred ca vom introduce mingea de plastic doar cand va fii destul de "coapta"



                              • #16
                                Un articol interesant l-am gasit pe facebook-ul lui Razvan si am zis ca merita sa-l citeasca lumea.E preluat de pe alta adresa,asa ca il voi publica cum l-am gasit,in engleza,pentru majoritatea nu reprezinta un impediment major

                                ENOUGH is ENOUGH

                                No one is prepared to speak out so I have decided to give my message to save a once great sport from any further decline by this irresponsible ITTF committee

                                I have now received over two hundred complaints from around the world regarding the plastic ball played in the European Championships
                                Former president Sharara introduced this inferior ball on his obsession to reduce the power of the Chinese, this failed the Chinese easily won all events in recent tournaments.
                                In the Europeans we saw the ball break many times in one match 8 times to the players and spectators disgust. We also saw some top players defeated due to the less spin and uneven bounce.
                                The ball is inferior in many ways but we are expected to pay 50% more for a product which can last for just a few minutes. Why because one man now a Chairman a position he has created for himself says so, he says we will get use to it but will not discuss the faults or answer questions.
                                I know many of the world's top players despise this ball but few will say so as it may effect their selection and their living as a professional. Up to now I have not heard one positive report from any player but many bad reports appear on the internet.
                                There is now only one solution that the players must stand together and advise their associations that the ball is inferior and brings the sport into decline Sharara has made so many errors in his reign of 15 years as president he should be forced to step down as Chairman appolagise and reinstate the celluloid ball.He should also be made to answer all the allegations regarding his involvement in financial corruption when he was president .
                                For table tennis to be recognised as a leading sport again we need a new beginning with new leadership and a new ITTF committee who respects the players and will give them a voice and a vote on all future changes
                                of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most


                                • #17
                                  In monthly pongcast ,ultimul post sunt 2 clipuri ; in primul spune despre mingea de plasic si mingea de celuloid ; a doua nu se poate transporta prin aer ,datorita inflamabilitatii mari..tot acolo spune ca mingea de plastic este mai ieftina...stiu ca este mai mult ,iar daca ar fi comparat raportul pret /calitate ,ar iesi foarte scumpa ,dar de unde pana unde se gaseste comentatorul sa spuna ca e mai ieftina? ...sunt de acord cu reinstaurarea mingii de celuloid..


                                  • #18
                                    Postat în original de cata_60 Vezi post
                                    ENOUGH is ENOUGH

                                    No one is prepared to speak out so I have decided to give my message to save a once great sport from any further decline by this irresponsible ITTF committee

                                    I have now received over two hundred complaints from around the world regarding the plastic ball played in the European Championships
                                    Former president Sharara introduced this inferior ball on his obsession to reduce the power of the Chinese, this failed the Chinese easily won all events in recent tournaments.
                                    In the Europeans we saw the ball break many times in one match 8 times to the players and spectators disgust. We also saw some top players defeated due to the less spin and uneven bounce.
                                    The ball is inferior in many ways but we are expected to pay 50% more for a product which can last for just a few minutes. Why because one man now a Chairman a position he has created for himself says so, he says we will get use to it but will not discuss the faults or answer questions.
                                    I know many of the world's top players despise this ball but few will say so as it may effect their selection and their living as a professional. Up to now I have not heard one positive report from any player but many bad reports appear on the internet.
                                    There is now only one solution that the players must stand together and advise their associations that the ball is inferior and brings the sport into decline Sharara has made so many errors in his reign of 15 years as president he should be forced to step down as Chairman appolagise and reinstate the celluloid ball.He should also be made to answer all the allegations regarding his involvement in financial corruption when he was president .
                                    For table tennis to be recognised as a leading sport again we need a new beginning with new leadership and a new ITTF committee who respects the players and will give them a voice and a vote on all future changes
                                    Suna a naibii de cunoscut!
                                    N-am mai auzit pana acum de Sharara, dar daca înlocuim numele lui cu orice nume din FIFA, FRF, FRTM, Guvern, Parlament citim deja o poveste binecunoscuta, mingiuca buclucasa fiind sigura particularitate a tenisului de masa.
                                    Din pacate "puterea corupe iar puterea absoluta corupe absolut".
                                    Bucurati-va de ... tenis, ca de altele...
                                    Blade: Butterfly Amultart; FH: Andro Rasanter R42, BH: Andro Rasanter R37


                                    • #19
                                      Blade: VECHITURA CU 70 LEI
                                      FH: FATA DE ROATA DE MASINA
                                      BH: PIAPTAN CU EFECTE SECUNDARE


                                      • #20
                                        Eu cumpar de obicei mingi DHS de pe : ; sau
                                        Dr.Levi Balsa Carbo Combi.FH:Xiom Vega Pro 2.0 BH:TSP Curl P1-r 0.5.
                                        Red+Black Kazak C. FH:SpinLord Marder IV Max BH:SpinLord Agenda 1.0


                                        • #21
                                          Care este motivul schimbarii??
                                          "Sa fim precum ne-am impaca"(Ion Barbu)
                                          Lemn:BTY - Keyshot Light; FH-Tibhar Genius 2.0
                                          BH-Xiom Yanus DF 1,5[/COLOR]


                                          • #22
                                            Postat în original de viorel.andrei Vezi post
                                            Care este motivul schimbarii??
                                            Nebunia globala!
                                            Hobby: Motoare si ski !


                                            • #23
                                              Cine ne poate obliga pe noi in Circuitul Amatur sa jucam cu mingiile noi?Nu suntem profesionisti, mergem sa ne relaxam la turnee pe banii nostri,deci regulile le putem face noi.
                                              Asa ca putem hotari noi cu ce mingii jucam.


                                              • #24
                                                Postat în original de GeluBv Vezi post
                                                Nebunia globala!
                                                Proasta nebunie..proaste mingi!
                                                "Sa fim precum ne-am impaca"(Ion Barbu)
                                                Lemn:BTY - Keyshot Light; FH-Tibhar Genius 2.0
                                                BH-Xiom Yanus DF 1,5[/COLOR]


                                                • #25
                                                  Postat în original de mmroglobalnet Vezi post
                                                  Cine ne poate obliga pe noi in Circuitul Amatur sa jucam cu mingiile noi?Nu suntem profesionisti, mergem sa ne relaxam la turnee pe banii nostri,deci regulile le putem face noi.
                                                  Asa ca putem hotari noi cu ce mingii jucam.
                                                  Asa este,...dar probabil ca dispar de pe piata,...lumea face stoc, si cat timp vom avea jucam,...dupaia ne duce valul,...cine stie!?
                                                  Hobby: Motoare si ski !

