stie cineva cum este tibhar genius+ optimum sound de 1.8 mm?la spin,calitate,viteza?cum e fata de joola samba + 2.00 mm.astept raspunsuri!
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despre tibhar genius+optimum sound
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- 08.mai.2014
- 1159
- Bacău, Romania, Romania
- 22
Likes given: 151Likes received: 70Taguri: Nimic
Eu am Genius + Optimum (fara sound) si am si Samba plus. Sunt doua fete oarecum asemanatoare ca viteza si spin, un plus la spin pentru Genius. Poate ca Samba plus pare mai rapida la mingi mai usoare pentru ca este bouncy (saltareata), dar de cealalta parte Genius e mai rapida daca lovesti cum trebuie in ea si nu e bouncy deloc. Pentru block eu as merge cu Genius dar as lua tot 2.0.
Ia cu multe rezerve ce zic, sunt incepator. Poate spun pareri si altii mai experimentati.Lemn: HM Blades X-Solis
Forehand: Tibhar MX-S
Rever: Tibhar MX-S
Product Description
The soft version of Genius + Optimum has an extremely strong catapult effect paired with a fr usual soft Belge, light Spielgefhl. With the Genius + Optimum sound you spren how the energy of your rackets bergeht on the ball. A weapon for players who prefer a soft attack, but not mchten waive near or far from the table explosive strokes in an open game. Powerful sponge in conjunction with the new surface finish offers a perfect blend of dynamics, Spielgefhl, sound and control.
Tempo: 105
Control: 100
Spin: 108
Schwammhrte: soft Suitability: OF
Deasemenea: editare de Dan12; 11.iun.2015, 13:18.
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