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WTTD - World Table Tennis Day - AmaTur România

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  • Ai reusit sa faci un total de participanti pe tara cu toate turneele?


    • Aș dori să fac o mică obervație legată de articolul publicat de ITTF, articol care se adresează în egală măsură tuturor celor 3400 de participanți: copii, adulți, profesori, antrenori, organizatori și coordonatori.
      Articolul a apărut din dorința celor de la ITTF de a onora munca unei întregi comunități, care în zi de sărbătoare pentru Tenisul de Masă și-a suflecat mînecile și s-a pus pe treabă.
      Rezultatul a fost posibil pentru că Organizatorii și Coordonatorii au crezut în potențialul acestei idei și pentru că au făcut tot de le-a stat în puteri să ofere cele mai bune condiții participanților, ba mai mult, s-au zbătut să popularizeze acest frumos sport în Școli și pe străzi. Cinste lor!
      Mulțumiri speciale lui Kralizec și Pali care au ținut tehnic, prin telefon, cel puțin câte 7 turnee fiecare, numai în ziua de sâmbătă.

      Postat în original de Wiebke SCHEFFLER, ITTF - WTTD Team

      We would like to honor your work and publish an article on about AmaTur’s great initiative after the realization of all these events (next week). Could you prepare a statement answering the following questions (as a guideline) of more or less 200 – 300 words?
      - Can you please describe shortly how AmaTur Romania has celebrated WTTD 2017?
      - What was your motivation to organize so many events in Romania?
      - How did you invite your stakeholders to participate and how was your preparation?
      - Any message you would like to give to the Table Tennis community?
      And if you have 1 or 2 suitable pictures to publish in this article, it would be perfect. Others surely would like to see a picture of the person who has done such a great work and another one from people playing.

      I hope this is fine for you!

      In case of any doubts or questions, please let me know!

      Best regards,

      Răspunsul nostru la rugămintea ITTF a fost:
      Ultima editare de marcelgiosan; 13.apr.2017, 16:24.
      Blade: Butterfly Amultart; FH: Andro Rasanter R42, BH: Andro Rasanter R37


      • Well done, Mr. Marcel !


        • Foarte bine, doar ca vezi ca lipseste un "n" la un "organized" de pe prima pagina Oricum, ce mai conteaza un "n" la 3400 de jucatori?

          In rest, toata miscarea AmaTur din Romania merita felicitari !! Si, nu in ultimul rand, cei care se stiu ca au miscat lucrurile reusind ceva frumos...
          Iulian Toma


          • In calitate de organizator local al evenimentului WTTD la Agnita,ma simt satisfacut pentru reusita acțiunilor întreprinse si,ca si ceilalti organizatori,măgulit de aprecierile primite.
            In calitate de amaturist,ma simt onorat pentru sansa de a fi putut participa,impreuna cu toti ceilalți colegi amaturisti din tara,la aceasta sărbătoare mondială!
            Am remarcat,in ambele calitati,implicarea si munca titanică depusa de trei colegi,disponibilitatea si profesionalismul lor,altruismul izvorat din pasiunea lor imensa pentru tenisul de masa:Marcel,Pali si Kralizek,meritati si aveti tot respectul nostru,CHAPEAU !!!
            I love table tennis !


            • World Table Tennis Day 06- 09 April 2017 - incredible numbers in Romania

              Nu stiu daca a mai fost postat. Daca da, scuze !


                Suceava nu are trecuta si categoria incepatori! Multumesc!


                • Bună ziua!
                  Am deosebita plăcere și onoare să vă anunț că ITTF a premiat AmaTur România pentru organizarea celor mai multe evenimente la nivel mondial cu prilejul World Table Tennis Day.
                  Premiul constă dintr-un pachet cu echipamente Butterfly compus din 6 mese Butterfly Octet 25 - green, 6 filee Butterfly, 70 mantinele Butterfly - green, 80 de palete Butterfly pentru începători și 1200 mingi Easy Ball 40+ Butterfly.

                  Iată mai jos mail-ul de felicitare:

                  Dear Marcel,

                  Congratulations, AMATUR ROMANIA HAS WON A BUTTERFLY EQUIPMENT PACKAGE for organizing more events for World Table Tennis Day 2017 than any other organization in any other country of the world.

                  Well done! You and all the collaborators can really be proud of your work and realization and we are particularly pleased as we know that your commitment goes much further than World Table Tennis Day!

                  Butterfly and ITTF assume shipping costs to Romania, but you will be responsible for any costs once the equipment has arrived at your country, including any taxes and duties. Please inform us, if you need supporting documents to confirm that the Equipment Package is a donation.

                  To claim your prize, please respond to this mail and give us the following information:
                  ? Name of the person responsible for the reception
                  ? Exact name and type of organization
                  ? Postal address (including ZIP code and country)
                  ? Phone number
                  ? Email
                  ? Nearest port of final destination (this is just in case, as most probably, the package will be sent overland)

                  Apart from that, please confirm:
                  ? That you will assume any costs once the equipment has arrived at your country, including taxes and duties
                  ? That it is OK for you that the ITTF publishes your initiative on our social channels. We would be glad to be able to publish a picture and/or video from you with the equipment package, once you got it.

                  If you have any further questions, just email us!

                  Best regards
                  Wiebke SCHEFFLER

                  ITTF - WTTD Team

                  Ultima editare de marcelgiosan; 29.iul.2017, 14:14.
                  Blade: Butterfly Amultart; FH: Andro Rasanter R42, BH: Andro Rasanter R37


                  • Postat în original de marcelgiosan Vezi post
                    Bună ziua!
                    Am deosebita plăcere și onoare să vă anunț că ITTF a premiat AmaTur România pentru organizarea celor mai multe evenimente la nivel mondial cu prilejul World Table Tennis Day.
                    Premiul constă dintr-un pachet cu echipamente Butterfly compus din 6 mese Butterfly Octet 25 - green, 6 filee Butterfly, 70 mantinele Butterfly - green, 80 de palete Butterfly pentru începători și 1200 mingi Easy Ball 40+ Butterfly.

                    Iată mai jos mail-ul de felicitare:

                    Dear Marcel,

                    Congratulations, AMATUR ROMANIA HAS WON A BUTTERFLY EQUIPMENT PACKAGE for organizing more events for World Table Tennis Day 2017 than any other organization in any other country of the world.

                    Well done! You and all the collaborators can really be proud of your work and realization and we are particularly pleased as we know that your commitment goes much further than World Table Tennis Day!

                    Butterfly and ITTF assume shipping costs to Romania, but you will be responsible for any costs once the equipment has arrived at your country, including any taxes and duties. Please inform us, if you need supporting documents to confirm that the Equipment Package is a donation.

                    To claim your prize, please respond to this mail and give us the following information:
                    ? Name of the person responsible for the reception
                    ? Exact name and type of organization
                    ? Postal address (including ZIP code and country)
                    ? Phone number
                    ? Email
                    ? Nearest port of final destination (this is just in case, as most probably, the package will be sent overland)

                    Apart from that, please confirm:
                    ? That you will assume any costs once the equipment has arrived at your country, including taxes and duties
                    ? That it is OK for you that the ITTF publishes your initiative on our social channels. We would be glad to be able to publish a picture and/or video from you with the equipment package, once you got it.

                    If you have any further questions, just email us!

                    Best regards
                    Wiebke SCHEFFLER

                    ITTF - WTTD Team

                    We hope to enjoy of this in the future competitions!

                    Trimis de pe al meu HUAWEI P6-U06 folosind Tapatalk


                    • Banuiesc c-o sa vedem si la TV "isprava" noastra ! Asa ceva e posibil sa nu se mai repete tinand cont ca sunt tari cu populatie numeroasa si traditie in tenisul de masa.
                      Important e ca impreuna am reusit, am dovedit ca se poate, si ne putem lauda cu "am fost si eu acolo". E mare lucru !
                      Felicitari tuturor amaturistilor !

                      Blade: lemn off...ce lemn !
                      Bh: cu tepi
                      Fh: fara tepi


                      • Nu uitati, avem un titlu de aparat !
                        Hai Romania !


                        • Și despre România (min. 1:35)

                          Opened by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, the efforts of the International Table Tennis Federation were recognised at the recent FICTS (F?d?ration Internationale Cin?ma T?l?vision Sportifs) festival staged in Milan, Italy on Monday 20th November.

                          The short film ?226 Mission Guinea Bissau? was shortlisted;
                          The video ?2017 World Table Tennis Day Celebrations!? won the second prize in its category.

                          ?It has been an honour to receive this international recognition for the videos, which brings two important events from 2017 back into attention. Mission 226 Guinea Bissau is the impacting documentary about the milestone in the ITTFs Development Programme gaining the last country on earth of a member. April 6th 2017 felt like the breakthrough of the establishment of World Table Tennis Day three years before. My special thanks go to all those who shared their celebrations with us and to Joachim Davy, who did a great effort to produce both videos among a lot of daily work. May this recognition serve as a motivation to keep strengthening our national associations and to prepare for April 6th 2018! Let?s make our sport even more popular, universal and inclusive!? Leandro Olvech :

                          ?It?s truly exciting! It?s a great honour to be shortlisted amongst other renowned networks. I?m really happy that the 2017 World Table Tennis Day Celebrations was able to finish second at the awards night.? Joachim Davy
                          Blade: Butterfly Amultart; FH: Andro Rasanter R42, BH: Andro Rasanter R37

