vad pe la turneele asiaticilor, pe yt, ca apare in josul ecranului "kill zone" dupa care se mai joaca pana un jucator castiga - parca - 5 puncte.
care-i chestia? ala de ajunge primul la 5 castiga, sau cum? vad ca nici nu se mai joaca la avantaje, ...
ce e sistemul asta ciudat si toate rahaturile de la ittf care schimba cu totul tenisul de masa? e vorba despre seturi castigate individual, dar care se contorizeaza la echipa?!
- - - Actualizat - - -
• Matches will last 24 minutes instead of a best-of-seven format
• No deuce, first to 11 points wins the game
• Kill zone game – during a match, if one game ends on or after 22 minutes, a kill zone game will be played (first to five points)
• Team scores are determined by the number of games won by the team members.
• Four teams, with each team playing the other three teams twice during the regular season
• Each team consists of three men and three women players.
• Six matches - three women’s and three men’s singles - to be played during each session
• Seven match rounds from June to December (6 regular season, play-off and finals round)
daca astea de sus is regulile (rog sa completati) eu ma declar nesatisfacut.
care-i chestia? ala de ajunge primul la 5 castiga, sau cum? vad ca nici nu se mai joaca la avantaje, ...
ce e sistemul asta ciudat si toate rahaturile de la ittf care schimba cu totul tenisul de masa? e vorba despre seturi castigate individual, dar care se contorizeaza la echipa?!
- - - Actualizat - - -
• Matches will last 24 minutes instead of a best-of-seven format
• No deuce, first to 11 points wins the game
• Kill zone game – during a match, if one game ends on or after 22 minutes, a kill zone game will be played (first to five points)
• Team scores are determined by the number of games won by the team members.
• Four teams, with each team playing the other three teams twice during the regular season
• Each team consists of three men and three women players.
• Six matches - three women’s and three men’s singles - to be played during each session
• Seven match rounds from June to December (6 regular season, play-off and finals round)
daca astea de sus is regulile (rog sa completati) eu ma declar nesatisfacut.