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Achizitie robot de tenis

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  • Achizitie robot de tenis

    Va salut!

    Am doua preferinte legate de roboti: Robo-Pong 2050 si Butterfly Amicus Advance/Pro).

    Ma poate ajuta cineva cu informatii legate de acesti roboti, adica se merita diferenta de pret dintre cei doi?

    In termeni de fiabilitate, cred ca Amicus e mult peste, dar in termeni de ce poate sa faca cei doi roboti, ce credeti?

    Ar fi ideal daca ar putea sa-mi raspunda o persoana care a incercat cei doi roboti, ca, confirmarea sa fie una practica si nu una teoretica.


  • #2
    Eu am avut pentru un timp Newgy 1050 (similar cu 2050), cu 64 de exercitii memorate pentru un nivel de la beginner pana la avansat. Nu stiu daca ar e nevoie de mai mult de atat, decat poate pentru cineva care e jucator profesionist. Singurul inconvenient la 1050 mi s-a parut ca ar fi existenta unei singure rotite de antrenat mingile - la backspin de exemplu mi s-a parut exagerat, mult peste ceea ce ar veni de la un jucator.

    Am gasit o explicatie mai buna:

    The only problem is all newgy/robopong have one wheel only: the spin and speed are going hand in hand; the backspin they give in short serves is realistic enough though; training the banana flick with such ball will satisfy you. I could do a little movie for you and show you what the ball does when I receive a short underspin serve with an open immobile paddle so you will see the trajectory of the passive return.

    I have the 2050 and you can set it up yourself as a serve: underspin; slow speed; bounce close to the net on the other side. It is the best value in robots imo if you want a control panel to program drills (I don't do that...), pre-programmed drills and decent price. The only shortcoming compared to the big guys is that it can't give you underspin and topspin in the same drill; that feature makes any robot jump up in price to well over $1000.
    Ultima editare de georgianc; 03.apr.2018, 18:58.
    Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft / Gewo Zoom Pro OFF- / Joola World Cup / Newgy 1050

