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La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

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  • ÎNCHIS La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

    Toate preturile sunt sub nivelul preturilor recomandate de producator.
    Produsele sunt livrate in maxim o saptamana direct de la firma Dr Neubauer.
    Mai multe informatii utile gasiti accesand pagina :
    Pentru comenzi sau alte informatii:
    Rares - 0740250901

    - Dr Neubauer 'A-B-S': EURO 43,00
    Anti-Spin pret catalog 46

    A-B-S is distinctively slower than our current Anti-Spin rubbers Gorilla and Grizzly and offers a much better control. On top of that A-B-S produces a very good spin reversal for a highly effective blocking game close to the table.
    At the same time A-B-S provides good attacking possibilities through aggressive pushing and lifting, especially on chopped balls.
    A-B-S and ANTI SPECIAL come with a new rubber mixture for the topsheet and a new type of sponge. Thus the rubbers come very close to our old frictionless long pimples.
    A-B-S is ITTF-homologated since end of 2008 and is available as from now with the following sponge thickness:
    1.2mm 1.5mm 1.8mm
    The 1.2mm version is the slowest and hence the most effective for short blocking close to the table. The version with 1.5mm sponge is slightly faster and thus a bit more effective for attacking. The 1.8mm version enables both good blocking and most of all attacking.
    - Dr Neubauer 'ANTI SPECIAL': EURO 43,00
    Anti-Spin pret catalog 46
    , 1.2mm; 1.5mm und 1.8mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'GORILLA': EURO 43,00
    Anti-Spin pret catalog 46
    0.6mm; 1.0mm, 1.3mm und 1.8mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'GRIZZLY': EURO 43,00
    Anti-Spin pret catalog 46
    Lieferbar in rot/schwarz, 1.0mm; 1.6mm und 2.0mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'MONSTER CLASSIC': EURO 33,00
    long pimpled rubber with friction pret catalog 36
    OX; 1.0mm; 1.6mm und 2.0mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'BOOMERANG CLASSIC': EURO 33,00
    long pimpled rubber with friction pret catalog 36
    , OX; 0.6mm und 1.0mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'SPECIAL DEFENCE': EURO 36,00
    The new weapon for defenders-reversed rubber pret catalog 39
    1.0mm; 1.2mm und 1.5mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'DOMINATION': EURO 36,00 Noppen-innen
    1.2mm; 1.5mm; 1.8mm und 2.1mm pret catalog 39
    - Dr Neubauer 'GOLIATH SPEED': EURO 36,00
    Maximum speed for offensive play pret catalog 39
    1.5mm; 1.8mm und 2.1mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'DOMINATION SPEED': EURO 36,00
    pret catalog 39
    New built-in speed glue technology without any need for speed gluing
    1.5mm; 1.8mm und 2.1mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'DIAMANT': EURO 34,00
    half-long pimpled rubber. pret catalog 36
    The allround rubber with disruptive effect
    OX; 1.2mm; 1.5mm; 1.8mm und 2.1mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'PISTOL': EURO 34,00
    short-pimples pret catalog 36
    The ultra dynamic offensive weapon
    1.0mm; 1.4mm; 1.6mm und 2.0mm
    - Dr Neubauer 'TORNADO ULTRA': EURO 34,00short-pimples
    OX; 1.0mm; 1.5mm und 2.0mm pret catalog 36
    - Dr Neubauer 'LEOPARD': EURO 34,00
    short pimples
    OX, 1.0mm, 1.5mm und 2.0mm
    Pentru amatorii de fete long pips frictionless(Inferno,Boomergang,Monster,Roulette,S calpel),se mai pot aduce la comanda in limita stocului disponibil la producator.Pret 55 ron
    - Dr Neubauer 'KUNG FU': EURO 55,00
    pret catalog 59
    Maximum effectiveness and very good control with pimples-out and Anti-Spin rubbers .
    - Dr Neubauer 'BARRICADE DEF': EURO 45,00
    pret catalog 49
    A defensive blade with excellent control
    - Dr Neubauer 'FIREWALL PLUS': EURO 45,00
    pret catalog 49
    Our best-selling allround blade
    - Dr Neubauer 'BULLDOZER': EURO 55,00
    pret catalog 59
    Maximum effectiveness for blocking with long pimples
    - Dr Neubauer 'GLADIATOR': EURO 65,00
    pret catalog 69
    Maximum effectiveness for blocking close to the table
    - Dr Neubauer 'HIGH TECHNOLOGY PLUS': EURO 75,00
    pret catalog 79
    Offensive weapon with very good control
    - Dr Neubauer 'SPECIAL': EURO 125,00
    pret catalog 140
    Maximum disturbing effects and very short blocking when used with long pimples
    Excellent touch thanks to the Balsa handle
    The allround blade enables easy and disturbing counter-attacking, pushing and lifting with long pimples
    High speed for sudden attacking strokes such as looping or hitting
    Outstanding control and ability to switch very rapidly to deadly attacking strokes.

    - Dr Neubauer 'COMBINATION EFFECT': EURO 125,00
    pret catalog 140
    The new weapon for combination bat players

    - DVD ?Tischtennis Lehrvideo?: EURO 9,00

    - "Dr. Neubauer" Edge Tape 6,9,12 mm: EURO 1,50
    - Dr. Neubauer 'PRESSURE BOX?: EURO 69,00 pret catalog 74
    - Dr. Neubauer 'CONTACT GLUE': EURO 13,00 pret catalog 16
    Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Kung Fu blade :
    1 Dr Neubauer Kung Fu blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 125 Euro
    in loc de 144 euro
    Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Gladiator blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Gladiator blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special : 130 Euro
    in loc de 154 euro
    Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Combination Effect blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Combination Effect blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 190 Euro
    in loc de 225 euro
    Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Firewall Plus blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Firewall Plus blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 115 Euro
    in loc de 134 Euro
    Special Offer with Dr Neubauer High Technology Plus blade
    1 Dr Neubauer High Technology Plus blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 140 euro
    in loc de 164 euro
    Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Special blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Special blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 190 Euro
    in loc de 225 euro
    Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Barricade DEF blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Barricade DEF blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 115 Euro
    in loc de 134 Euro
    Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Bulldozer blade
    1 Dr Neubauer Bulldozer blade
    1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
    1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
    Pret special 125 Euro
    in loc de 144 euro
    Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
    BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
    FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde

  • #2
    Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER



    • #3
      Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

      Pfuuuiii! Ce invazie de extraterestri
      TEnergy 05 | Timo Boll ALC 30th A | TEnergy 05 FX


      • #4
        Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

        Arme noi rares?
        Ce-mi recomanzi
        Butterfly Matsushita Power Defence
        FH:Yasaka Rakza Soft
        BH:Hallmark Phoenix Ox


        • #5
          Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

          Postat în original de Jax
          Arme noi rares?
          Ce-mi recomanzi
          Recomandarea ar fi ABS,care are avantajul ca se potriveste bine si pe lemne ofensive
          Vad totusi ca tu te descurci cu Phoenixul.Am auzit ca ai facut cateva concursuri frumoase in care ai alternat bine apararea clasica cu cea aproape de masa.
          Mie perrsonal,Phoenixul mi se pare o mare deceptie a celor de la Hallmark.Doar 5 minute a rezistat la mine in mana.
          Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
          BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
          FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


          • #6
            Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

            Superblocu unde e?
            Blade DHS PG 2
            FH: DHS Hurricane 3
            BH: Stiga Airoc Astro M


            • #7
              Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

              Postat în original de vali
              Superblocu unde e?
              Superblocu e amintire...
              Se poate aduce la comanda doar pentru melancolici
              Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
              BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
              FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


              • #8
                Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                Postat în original de vali
                Superblocu unde e?
                Nu cred ca-i amintire...! Eu am unul dar nu prea ma pot obisnui cu el...! Totusi va asigur ca este mai ''viu'' ca niciodata!


                • #9
                  Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                  Superblocu e amintire...
                  Se poate aduce la comanda doar pentru melancolici
                  Dar pentru flegmatico-sangvinici cu inclinatii belicoase, nu aveti nimică
                  Lemn- Bty Viscaria
                  FH - TENERGY 05
                  BH - TENERGY 80


                  • #10
                    Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                    Postat în original de Dragomir Paul
                    Ia-n fa ghini bre shi matalutza gindeshteti shi la mini ... Shi spui ?!!!...
                    Da-mi un lemn ( nu hie coada di topor ...) si niscaiva fețe ...
                    Cu ai mai mari plasheri pintru dumitale domnle drag
                    Shi de-o hi vreo coad' di toporishca dor no hi foc ca o punim pi gratar
                    Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                    BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                    FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                    • #11
                      Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                      SPECIAL OFFERS
                      Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Kung Fu blade :
                      1 Dr Neubauer Kung Fu blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 125 Euro
                      in loc de 144 euro
                      Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Gladiator blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Gladiator blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special : 130 Euro
                      in loc de 154 euro
                      Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Combination Effect blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Combination Effect blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 190 Euro
                      in loc de 225 euro
                      Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Firewall Plus blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Firewall Plus blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 115 Euro
                      in loc de 134 Euro
                      Special Offer with Dr Neubauer High Technology Plus blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer High Technology Plus blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 140 euro
                      in loc de 164 euro
                      Special Offer with Dr Neubauer Special blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Special blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 190 Euro
                      in loc de 225 euro
                      Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Barricade DEF blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Barricade DEF blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 115 Euro
                      in loc de 134 Euro
                      Special Offer with new Dr Neubauer Bulldozer blade
                      1 Dr Neubauer Bulldozer blade
                      1 Anti-Spin or long pimpled rubber
                      1 short pimpled, half-long pimpled or reversed rubber
                      Pret special 125 Euro
                      in loc de 144 euro
                      Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                      BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                      FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                      • #12
                        Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                        esti beton tipule bravo !!!
                        Butterfly Viscaria fl
                        Butterfly tenergy05


                        • #13
                          Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                          Postat în original de raulv
                          esti beton tipule bravo !!!
                          Multumesc pentru aprecieri
                          Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                          BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                          FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                          • #14
                            Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                            The dark side... (da Doamne sa nu cad in ispita!! )
                            on-topic : Sincere felicitari pentru initiativa!
                            --=?!? / XIOM Strato / ?!?=--
                            --=Yasaka Rakza 7 Soft MAX / Nittaku Septear / Donic Baracuda MAX=--


                            • #15
                              Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                              Crede-ma, e foarte usor....
                              Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
                              Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red


                              • #16
                                Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                Mai am inca 2 Inferno red ox pe stoc
                                55 ron
                                Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                                • #17
                                  Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                  curat chilipir...
                                  Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
                                  Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red


                                  • #18
                                    Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                    Domnule LAKY,poate va ganditi sa va schimbati "otrava"de fata rosie de pe rever cu un "adevarat chilipir".Incercati si nu veti regreta,mai ales ca este una omolagata ittf.
                                    Blade: JOOLA BOMB EXTREME.
                                    Rubber: TENERGY 05 2,1mm.


                                    • #19
                                      Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                      Chiar a?a ?nsp?im?nt?toare este această fa?? Hallmark Original ox încât pân? ?i Dl. doctor , care mi-a "cosit" iarba cu 3-0 sec , se teme de ea ?
                                      lemn Dr. Neubauer Barricade DEF
                                      FH Donic Slice 1.5 mm
                                      BH TT Master Insider 0.6 mm


                                      • #20
                                        Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                        Dr.Neubauer Inferno e din aceasi oala ca si Originalul meu, fiind la fel de "dezomologata". Dumneavoastra, domnule doctor anul trecut "m-ati citit" la Brașov, dand dovada de inteligenta de joc necesara pentru a trece de mine. Dar n-au intrat zilele in sac, am mai invatat si eu ceva, asa ca sper sa ne mai "duelam" cu mai mult succes(bineinteles pentru mine!) pe la vreun turnir!
                                        Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
                                        Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red


                                        • #21
                                          Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                          Mai am pe stoc urmatoarele:
                                          2 X Monster OX negru
                                          2 X Monster OX rosu
                                          6 X Inferno OX rosu
                                          55 RON
                                          Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                          BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                          FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                                          • #22
                                            Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                            Dr Neubauer Fighter long pips - valabila din iunie-iulie 2010

                                            ps.revin cu detalii
                                            Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                            BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                            FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                                            • #23
                                              Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                              Dr.Neubauer Bulldog
                                              New! Available approximately as from early July 2010!
                                              The new development with high disruptive effect
                                              and dynamic attacking possibilities
                                              BULLDOG is a relatively fast Allround blade that provides two decisive characteristics thanks to a new plywood composition:
                                              When playing with long pimples or Anti-Spin rubbers the ball is being slowed down to a great extent. This way the ball can be returned very short over the net. This produces maximum disruption and spin reversal. At the same time the ball can be accelerated through aggressive pushing and lifting with this type of rubber, even counter-attacking is possible.
                                              Deadly shots can be produced while straight hitting with short or half-long pips whereas BULLDOG becomes a powerful weapon for topspin with fast inverted rubber, both close to the table and from mid-distance.
                                              Its innovative plywood composition results in a very light weight, and offers wonderful control for all shots.
                                              Category: Allround
                                              Weight: appr. 69g
                                              Plies: 7
                                              Handle: straight,flareed,anatomic
                                              Speed: 85[size=85]
                                              Control: 92
                                              Rigidity: 87
                                              Pret 45 euro + transport inclus
                                              pret catalog 49 euro
                                              Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                              BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                              FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                                              • #24
                                                Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                                Dr.Neubauer Titan
                                                New! Available as from now!
                                                The new benchmark for pips-out and Anti-Spin rubbers:
                                                Devastating disruptive effect, powerful attacking possibilities
                                                TITAN is a milestone in the development of combination blades since several essential characteristics have been combined for the first time:
                                                TITAN provides devastating disruptive effect with long pimples and Anti-Spin rubbers. Despite the use of balsa wood the speed on the backhand side has been extremely reduced.
                                                This way the ball can be returned short and low over the net
                                                Nevertheless the ball can be accelerated quite effectively through aggressive pushing, lifting and counter-attacking.
                                                On the other side the ball can be accelerated very forcefully. The blade offers dynamic attacking possibilities both with pips-out rubbers (counter-attacking, hitting) and with inverted rubbers for a powerful topspin game with a lot of spin.
                                                Another decisive characteristic of this blade manufactured by Re-Impact is its astounding control. The excellent feeling for the ball has been yet again improved.
                                                TITAN: The utmost in terms of control, disruptive effect and dynamics
                                                Category: Allround
                                                Weight: appr. 65g
                                                Plies: 7
                                                Handle: straight,flared,anatomic
                                                Speed forehand::87
                                                Speed backhand:70
                                                Control: 100
                                                Rigidity: 87
                                                Pret : 125 euro +transport inclus
                                                pret catalog :140 euro
                                                Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                                BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                                FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde


                                                • #25
                                                  Re: La comanda intreaga gama de produse Dr. NEUBAUER

                                                  Dr Neubauer Fighter
                                                  New! Available as from approximately early July 2010!
                                                  FIGHTER: The new formula for long pimples with friction and outstanding control and good disruptive effect
                                                  FIGHTER is another technological improvement in the field of long pimple rubbers with friction.
                                                  Its innovative rubber composition provides excellent control both while playing close to the table and for classical defence.
                                                  FIGHTER also offers very good attacking possibilities through aggressive pushing and counter-attacking at the table.
                                                  This new formula enables effective blocking with disruptive effect through both passive and aggressive blocking as well as dangerous chop-blocking close to the table. On top of this a highly deceptive variation of chop and float balls can be produced while defending.
                                                  FIGHTER shall be available with the following sponge thickness choice:
                                                  * OX (no sponge): Aggressive game with disruptive effect
                                                  * 1.2mm (dampening sponge): The slow sponge offers a very good control and makes the ball bounce very low
                                                  Speed: 60
                                                  Control: 75
                                                  Effect: 89

                                                  Pret : 29 euro +transport inclus
                                                  Blade : Neubauer Matador Hybrid Carbon
                                                  BH : Neubauer Abs 3 Pro
                                                  FH : Xiom Jekyll&Hyde

