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ceva tenis de prin moscova

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  • #26
    Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

    Se pare ca pe FH are o fata noua Grip-S de la TIBHAR.
    Xi En Ting-X828
    Pryde 30
    Calibra LT Sound


    • #27
      Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

      ai dreptate cipi.
      Schlager Carbon
      Acuda S1
      Acuda S1


      • #28
        Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

        Postat în original de cata_60
        Unul din cele mai frumoase meciuri ale competitiei a fost,fara indoiala ,Kreanga-Joo S H din calificari.Il puteti urmari pe ITV,
        Recomand si eu acest meci!!! E bestial
        Blade: Butterfly Schlager Carbon
        FH:TENERGY 05
        BH:TENERGY 05


        • #29
          Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

          Postat în original de Cipi
          Se pare ca pe FH are o fata noua Grip-S de la TIBHAR.
          iar lemnul nu e Stratus Carbon , doar praselele
          Blade DHS PG 2
          FH: DHS Hurricane 3
          BH: Stiga Airoc Astro M


          • #30
            Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

            Desi pare paradoxal,Samsonov joaca cu un lemn Mazunov de aprox 15 ani.Cel putin asa spune el pe un forum de tenis am preluat-o de pe tabletennisforum,nu sariti in sus
            of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most


            • #31
              Re: ceva tenis de prin moscova

              Postat în original de cata_60
              Desi pare paradoxal,Samsonov joaca cu un lemn Mazunov de aprox 15 ani.Cel putin asa spune el pe un forum de tenis am preluat-o de pe tabletennisforum,nu sariti in sus
              Tin sa nu va dau dreptate chiar el a dat un interviu dupa ce a castigat cupa mondiala in care zicea ca a renuntat la lemnul vechi de 15 ani in favoarea unui lemn Tibhar Stratus.
              Aveti aici linkul cu interviul:
              Some Q&A
              Q: You have changed your blade...
              A: Yes, now I play with Tibhar Samsonov Stratus
              Q: Also you have had some troubles with rubbers...
              A: I have spent the entire year trying various rubbers. Also I had some problems because of the uneven surface of my old blade. I had to abandon it after I have played with it for 15 years!
              Q: How do you manage to stay in the elite for so long?
              A: Well, I lead a very healthy life, my family supports me. I still have ambitions - I really want to get a medal at the Olympics or at the Worlds. Also table tennis is such an interesting sport - it's never boring.
              Q: Can you compare Samsonov-1999 when you won your first World Cup with Samsonov-2009?
              A: Hard to say. So much has changed in table tennis, some things to the worse like the size of the balls. You have to play more aggressively, physically now. Physical fitness is so much more important now.
              Q: What do you dislike most in your physical preparation?
              A: Working on your stamina via speed practice.
              Q: Still you are in great shape. And you beat kids 10 years younger than you are. For how long you plan to stay at this level?
              A: After I have won (World Cup) I said to myself I can do it for a few years more.
              Informatiile le iau de pe puteti gasi acolo mai multe legat de lemnul si fetele lui.
              Schlager Carbon
              Acuda S1
              Acuda S1

