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andro fibercomp

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  • andro fibercomp

    a jucat cineva cu un astfel de lemn?ce parere aveti despre el?daca pe rever i se potriveste o iarba ox pe drive ce ar merge in asa fel incat sa fie un set-up bun?multumesc.
    Poți vorbi neintrebat dar nu intreba nevorbit.

  • #2
    Re: andro fibercomp

    Sant in asteptarea acestui lemn. Este special conceput pentru iarba, inima de balsa, armat la exterior cu fibra de sticla. Conform producatorului, aceste fibre dau rapiditate jocului in regim dinamic de contraatac. Dupa caracteristici este un lemn lent, cu un foarte mare control. daca nu ma insel Igor joaca cu Fibercomp, avand pe rever o iarba. Detalii de la el....
    Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
    Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red


    • #3
      Re: andro fibercomp

      Andro Fibercomp DEF Blade
      by 729 fx ? Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:29 pm
      Defensive blades normally used by players who like low speed factors with maximum control. This combination affects the "contact time" with the ball. The modern, progressive defensive game requires a capacity to allow switching from defence into attack (typical of a modern defender).
      Tried the Andro Fibercomp Def Blade with Mark V(FH) and 729 Super FX (BH) and here is the review:
      Andro comments for Fibercomp Def
      Speed: 75
      Control: 100
      Rigidity: 89
      Ply: 5 + 2 fibre composite
      Weight: 85g ?
      - Recommended with long pimple out rubbers
      - FIBERCOMP enables "flutter balls" play with high disruption factor
      - Blade construction strengthened by two glass fiber veneers
      - Possible to switch to offensive playing
      - In defence play, high class plywood technology has excellent spin reversal
      - Balsa core gives light-weight and ideal ball feedback
      - Blade design (156mm) with extra large sweetspot that minimise mistakes
      My comments :
      This is a lightweight defensive blade and the handle has the "feel" and "control". Its widened blade head width provides excellent contact time when chopping giving extra biting grip. This low weight blade optimises the ability to change quickly into offensive action which is suitable to the modern defender. As I mentioned earlier, the blade is light and soft, hence very easy to control in defense. The speed is faster than most of the "def" blade, I would rated it as a DEF+. It is very easy to make topspin but the topspin made by this blade is not that aggresive and powerful (maybe because I am using a non-tacky rubber, will try with the DHS PF4 and see the result). It is also easy to make defensive cut. The advantage of this blade is during short attack on the table due to its flexiblility and the blade is shaped in a more offensive way.
      In summary, this blade is suitable for allround player. The pure smash very fast and stable due to its large sweetspot. This is a nice blade for players who need and crave for control.
      1) Primary set-up : Bipa - Pro XT
      2) Spare set-up : Japan LAK - CJ8000 / Friendship 799 OX
      729 fx

      Posts: 720
      Joined: Mon May 11, 2009 12:54 am
      Location: Malaysia
      Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
      Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red


      • #4
        Re: andro fibercomp

        credeti ca o"iarba"poate sa sara mai tare si din cauza ca pe "drive"am un soft mai puternic cum ar fi tenergy 05 de 2,1mm?ce fața soft credeti ca se potriveste unui long pimpless ox in asa fel incat sa nu-i afecteze prea mult rolul exemplu vreau sa pun pe acest lemn de la andro, o piranja ox pe rever dar nu stiu ce soft as putea sa incerc pe drive.imi cer scuze celor carora le pun nervii la incercare insa as vrea sa invat mai unde in alta parte decat aici.multumesc.
        Poți vorbi neintrebat dar nu intreba nevorbit.


        • #5
          Re: andro fibercomp

          Presupun ca nu prea te impaci cu Tenergy 05 pe FH, daca tot intrebi ! Daca vrei sa-ti domolesti jocul, pune un donic slice de sau un tackiness chop de 1.3-1.5.Vei da topspinuri mai putin rapide dar cu spin foarte mare. Avand un control fbun poti sa "invarti" paleta inebunind adversarul.Nu depinde deloc comportamentul ierbii, de tipul de fata de pe FH. Ti-am mai scris,pentru obtinerea unei eficiente maxime, iarba trebuie folosita pentru stilul pentru care a fost creata.
          Levi SIC Gloria OFF, Fețe: FH Xiom VEGA X max black+BH Der materialspezialist Kamikaze OX red
          Levi SIC Carbo Def, Fețe: FH Tibhar Evolution MX-D 2mm black+BH Tibhar Grass Dtecs OX red

