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Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

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    • ... fault.aspx
      .. ceva mai nou cu ce folosesc campionii..


      • t

        a jucat cineva cu fețe TENERGY 05 de la butterfly? un spin de11,5 pare interesant
        TB SPIRIT
        TGY 05
        TGY 05 FX


        • Nici pe afara n-au jucat multi deocamdata. Pe la noi o sa joace, in curand...
          Lemn- Bty Viscaria
          FH - TENERGY 05
          BH - TENERGY 80


          • Daca doriti sa vedetzi niscaiva lemne si fețe cu autograful diversilor campioni,precum si cativa jucatori de top lipindu si paletele:
            of all the things i lost i miss my mind the most


            • 05

              05 e de la grosimea buretelui? de 0,5? sau e doar denumirea lor?
              Gionis Def
              Palio CK531A
              Rakza 7 soft


              • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                Salut ,sunt veteran , dar joc in divizia A, la Dacia Mioveni. Poate cineva sa-mi spuna daca ma pot inscrie la open-urile viitoare?
                Liviu Petrescu


                • Parca jucai la Pristavu ? Se poate, fara a puncta in clasamentul Amatour,ca invitat.
                  Blade Dr Neubauer Phenomenon, FH Dignics 05, BH Yasaka Antipower


                  • Acum joc la Mioveni. Nu-mi trebuie puncte,vreau doar sa joc!
                    Liviu Petrescu


                    • Tenergy

                      Tenergy 05

                      Ultimul racnet de la Butterfly... Astept sa primesc fețele si voi face o prezentare. Deocamdata ce zic ei despre fete...


                      Initial scrie in japoneza apoi si in engleza. Abia astept sa vad minunea...

                      It excelled in the performance that put the rotation. 'Tenaga'

                      Mule that has peculiar ball feeling to which "Spring sponge" and "Technology with built-in energy" give birth.
                      The Tsb shape of "Development code No.05" evaluated from the result of Tameu and the machine measurement by a lot of players, "Rotate most" is adopted, and a strong rotation is put. A high performance that doesn't exist in the play of the rotation subject so far is demonstrated as if the mule with built-in energy united with the high friction of high sticking mule.

                      - Back with built-in energy software
                      - Sale on April 1, 2008
                      - MADE IN JAPAN


                      - Please use the water system adhesive of the sale on April 21, 2008 when you put this
                      product on the racket.
                      - This product can be done very delicately, and the surface is very damaged. Please guard
                      the surface by 'Color film RB' etc. to protect the mule after it uses it.
                      Spring sponge SPRING SPONGE - past is a sense of "Grip it" of another dimension.

                      "Spring sponge". It is a quite new sponge that the butterfly developed.
                      It is "Grip it" sense that obtains by "Spring sponge" as for the ball. In the control feeling, a past mule is another dimension in complete. It is a size of a bubble obviously different from discovered element mixing and other sponges from among infinite choices that achieved this sense. "Spring sponge" invented by thoroughly researching mixing the element and the size of the bubble shrinks like the spring (spring), expands about and the spring, and pushes the ball out. The putting condition of the rotation and the speed, one's intention.
                      The ball of "Grip it" sense obtained by "Spring sponge" is near the rule of the ball rather than controlling the ball. It is a marvelous sponge where "Omnipotence feeling" that rules the ball like my mind is felt.

                      Zeal is symbolized. "Energy red"

                      - From the site of the spring sponge development

                      An original ball feeling of 'Tenaga' that not is so far is invented by "Spring sponge" that the butterfly originally developed. We spent years of ten years by the time this "Spring sponge" was put to practical use.
                      It was difficult to stabilize "Spring sponge" to there was a difference in how when generating it compared with the sponge for past table tennis to shrink, and suitable shape for the mule. Moreover, because the quality difference between a small amount of things produced for making for trial purposes and things mass-produced for the product was great, the examination of the production method was feeling repeated.
                      When dealing with the problem one by one by such honest work, integrated research and development facilities "Butterfly technical center (BTC)" that does all processes from the research and development of the mule to the production technology establishment is completed. The latest equipment and an advanced research system solved a lot of difficult problems all at once, and were able finally to establish the manufacturing knowhow of "Spring sponge".
                      Peculiar red to "Spring sponge" that is called "Energy red" symbolizes zeal that leads the latest technology and the table tennis field of the butterfly.
                      Lemn: XIOM ZETRO Quad OFF Zylon/Aramid/Carbon
                      Forhand: Donic BF M2 Max Backhand: Donic BF M3 2.0 mm
                      Oricine se joaca insa putini joaca...


                      • Pentru cei ce doresc sa ofere conditii de joc,de nivel mondial,pot monta,cat de curand,podea aderenta speciala pt tenis de masă.
                        Nu exista nici o sala in Romania cu asa ceva!
                        Liviu Petrescu


                        • Sal

                          Am jucat cu Tenergy 05

                          Primele impresii: se simte ca Bryce Speed Fx doar ca e mai lenta putin, insa spinul e senzational. Dai topspinuri cu super efect fara nici un efort aproape.

                          Insa spin mai mare au multe fete, noutatea e buretele "Spring Sponge" care catapulteaza mingea. Daca fetele initial erau doar niste amortizoare cu efect pe lemnele dure acum fețele lucreaza si ele.

                          Mi-a placut mult senzatia de saritura pe fata si o recomand calduros tuturor. Pacat ca e cam scumpa pentru ca e noutate si bineinteles numele Butterfly.

                          Numai bine
                          Lemn: XIOM ZETRO Quad OFF Zylon/Aramid/Carbon
                          Forhand: Donic BF M2 Max Backhand: Donic BF M3 2.0 mm
                          Oricine se joaca insa putini joaca...


                          • A incercat(jucat ) careva cu fete 729 LKT-Torrent?As dorii niste detalii.Poti ,Makarone,sa spui de unde ti-ai luat XIOM-le,cumva de la americani?
                            Xi En Ting-X828
                            Pryde 30
                            Calibra LT Sound


                            • ... 273&page=1 ce maner ciudat oare cum o fi sa joci cu asa ceva?
                              Wood : LKT Instinct +
                              FH: LKT XT PRO 2.0
                              BH: Butterfly Tackfire Drive 2.1/Armstrong Attack 8 1.5


                              • Intreaba-l pe Emil Ispas de la Alba Iulia cum e, ca el are Nittaku Tenaly Carbon care este ceva asemanator dar mult mai reusit!
                                Lemn- Bty Viscaria
                                FH - TENERGY 05
                                BH - TENERGY 80


                                • E diferit de Tenaly asta , nu ca e mai naspa. Asta e ca si cum ai tine un pistol in mana. Am vazut lemn si cu gauri in lama pt deget - pistol adevarat ce mai ..
                                  Blade DHS PG 2
                                  FH: DHS Hurricane 3
                                  BH: Stiga Airoc Astro M


                                  • Postat în original de petrescu liviu
                                    Pentru cei ce doresc sa ofere conditii de joc,de nivel mondial,pot monta,cat de curand,podea aderenta speciala pt tenis de masă.
                                    Nu exista nici o sala in Romania cu asa ceva!
                                    Poti da mai multe detalii?
                                    Pret, metoda de montare, disponibilitate, etc.



                                    • m-ar interesa si pe mine asa ceva....


                                      • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                        cumpar 2 fete huricane 3 ( rosu/negru , burete max) ... daca am noroc si are cineva de vanzare sa-mi dea un semn pe privat


                                        • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                          Daca nu gasiti acum, poate o sa mai aduc eu din China, Hurricane 3. Exista cele traditionale care sunt f grele, #19, #20, #21 si acum chiar si #22 care sunt mult mai moi, mai usoare si mai controlabile. Cred ca nu difera decat buretii, topsheetul fiind acelasi.
                                          Lemn- Bty Viscaria
                                          FH - TENERGY 05
                                          BH - TENERGY 80


                                          • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                            va rog sa ma anuntati si pe mine daca aduceti in perioada urmatoare ... am vorbit si cu valigti dar nu are nici el pe stoc ... multumesc


                                            • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                              Deocamdata astept un transport minim ( de verificare) a unui dealer nou din china. Dupa aceia, in functie de aprecierea serviciului si a produselor, pot sa mai fac comenzi. Este bine sa mai repetati cererea pt ca am multe pe cap .
                                              Lemn- Bty Viscaria
                                              FH - TENERGY 05
                                              BH - TENERGY 80


                                              • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                                Sunt interesat de 1 bucata tenergy 05 rosie.. as lua de la buzau dar au un transport incredibil de scump.. are cineva de vanzare aici pe forum?
                                                Schlager Carbon
                                                Acuda S1
                                                Acuda S1


                                                • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                                  Postat în original de radu0
                                                  Sunt interesat de 1 bucata tenergy 05 rosie.. as lua de la buzau dar au un transport incredibil de scump.. are cineva de vanzare aici pe forum?
                                                  cumpara de la megaspin ca sunt ieftine - 50 euro


                                                  • Re: Echipament pentru Tenis de Masa

                                                    na`m card
                                                    Schlager Carbon
                                                    Acuda S1
                                                    Acuda S1

