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Campionatul European pt Veterani 20-25 iunie 2011 - Liberec

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  • Campionatul European pt Veterani 20-25 iunie 2011 - Liberec

    Campionatul European pentru Veterani 20-25 iunie 2011 - Liberec Cehia
    Am primit de la organizatorii Campionatului european 2011 invitatia de participare la turneul ce va avea loc la Liberec, in Cehia, intre 20 si 25 iunie 2011..
    Deoarece stiu ca sunt persoane interesate sa participe, redau mai jos textul invitatiei.
    De asemenea, vom incerca, in limita posibilitatilor, sa gasim sponsori pentru a sustine deplasarea la acest turneu a castigatorilor Campionatului National al Veteranilor, care va avea loc la sfarsitul lunii noiembrie la Topoloveni.
    Mesajul primit este urmatorul:
    Dear table tennis friends,
    It is our pleasure to introduce to you 2011 European Veterans Table Tennis Championships which will be held in Liberec, Czech Republic from June 20-25, 2011. All information about the championships can be listed under the link
    and it is our pleasure to cordially invite you who are born in 1971 at the latest. We would be very grateful to you if you forward this information to anyone else in your country who might be interested in veterans table tennis. Thank you very much for that, indeed!
    At the championships website we have prepared extensive information for your pleasure to assure you we are ready to organise very successful championships to your full satisfaction.
    Simply, we want to give back the reputation to the Euro Veterans Championships and our aim is to exceed participants' expectations.
    How can we reach it? We want to and we have strong will and ambition to do that:
    Championships will be played at least on 114 tables in 4 halls. All halls are ventilated or air-conditioned, floor will be not slippery, mostly taraflex. There will be always at least 20 practise tables for you and despite the official practise schedule on Saturday and Sunday before the Championships, Referee assures to plan competitions in that way that another practise will be available at official tables during competition days as well.
    All halls are easily accesible on foot, it does not take more than 5 minutes walk between the most distant halls.
    In case that more than 2,700 players will apply, we are ready to rent another ventilated hall with the capacity of 16 tables.
    ETTU Competition Manager Mr. Roman Plese and Referee Mr. Petr Bohumsky will schedule competitions so that categories will be played in respective hall all the time. No hectic transfers between your matches.
    We want to bring table tennis celebrities to your championships. Ex-world and ex-European champion Mikael Appelgreen is confirmed to come by DONIC, some other very famous players are under negotiation.
    We will introduce online List of Participants so you will be able to check who has already registered.
    Any participant can make comfortable online registration with immediate payment and immediate registration confirmation. This system offers you similar comfort as online reservation of an air ticket. We have tested our online registration on scale of veteran players to their full satisfaction and so we believe you also find it easy to use.
    I would like to mention one important issue. We guarantee that accommodation (hotels, pensions, student hostels) offered by the organizer is not overcharged. Our scheduled rates do not exceed rates offered by hotels themselves. No high season just because of this event! Perhaps you usually do not accept organizerâs offer. In such a case, please, be cautious when making your lodging by your own and compare your offer with the official one published here on the organizerâs site.
    We are proud to present extended accommodation offer with online booking possibility. Although Liberec is not a big city we have arranged wide range of accommodation possibilities for all of you.
    Best-selling hit - that is special discounted EVC PARTICIPANT PACKAGE offer consisting of entry fee, 4* hotel accommodation and players? party under very advantageous conditions. You can save up to 80 EUR with the purchase of this package.
    We plan to organize Players' Party for 5 Euro admission covering room rental with music of 60?s. The aim is to offer opportunity to all of us to talk about various issues, to exchange experience in our play or just to have a nice time with friends. No obligation to pay for anything else, no expensive buffet. First beer for free, everything else according to your taste and preferences.
    We provide shuttle buses between official hotels and halls and your participant badge allows you also to use Liberec city transportation for free.
    All mentioned arrangements should increase your comfort and redound to championships credit.
    Obviously, any changes for better cost money. Therefore we have been forced to adjust tournament conditions (entry fee) accordingly. Maybe you are pleasantly surprised we have increased the entry fee only of 10 Euro from Eur 110 in Porec 2009 to Eur 120 in Liberec 2011.
    Although we introduce better infrastructure and reasonable services, we keep the deadline for early registrations till December 31, 2010. Furthermore, contrary of the past championships, we allow late applications even till the end of May 2011!
    Individual registration forms are available online. It is very simple online registration and payment for everyone who prefers to apply by his/her own.
    If you have any special request (as more-bedded room, room for disabled people, hotel suite, transfer from Prague airport, etc.) please contact the Registration office. Hana and Katerina are there to help and assist you. Although they prefer communication in English as the official ETTU language, they can communicate also in French and Russian and German is comprehensible, too.
    EVC Registration Office provides Group Registration Forms in major languages.
    We are happy to organize the championships for you and look forward seeing you in Liberec next June!
    Dr. Zdenek Botek
    Czech Table Tennis Association
    Milan ?im??ek
    Event Director
    2011 European Veterans Championships

  • #2
    Re: Campionatul European pt Veterani 20-25 iunie 2011 - Libe

    Am facut si o traducere. Poate este de ajutor pentru colegii nostri:
    "Dragi prieteni ai tenisului de masa,
    Ne face placere sa va supunem atentiei Campionatul European de Veterani la tenis de masă care va avea loc in Liberec, Cehia in perioada 20-25 iunie 2011. Toate informatiile despre campionat pot fi gasite la adresa:
    si ne face placere sa va invitam pe cei nascuti cel tarziu in 1977. V-am fi recunoscatori daca ati transmite aceasta informatie catre oricine ar putea fi interesat din tara dv. de un campionat de veterani. Si va multumim foarte mult pentru acest lucru!
    Pe site-ul Campionatului am pregatit informatii detaliate pentru a va asigura ca suntem capabili sa organizam un Campionat de mare succes care sa va aduca o satisfactie deplina.
    Dorim sa redam reputatia Campionatului European de Veterani si de accea scopul nostru este sa depasim asteptarile participantilor.
    Cum putea atinge un asemenea scop? Dorim si avem ambitia sa facem urmatoarele:
    Campionatul sa se joace in 4 sali cu 114 mese in total. Fiecare sala are ventilatie sau aer-conditionat, podeaua nu va fi alunecoasa, cel mai probabil vom avea taraflex in majoritatea salilor. Veti avea cel putin 20 de mese de antrenament la dispozitie si in ciuda programarii antrenamentelor oficiale in Sambata si Duminica dinainte de Campionat, arbitrii ne-au asigurat ca vor planifica totul astfel incat vor mai fi sesiuni de antrenamente la mesele oficiale si in timpul zilelor competitionale.
    Acceasul la fiecare sala se realizeaza foarte usor mergand pe jos, distanta cea mai mare intre salile de joc fiind de 5 minute de mers. In cazul in care se vor inscrie mai mult de 2700 de jucatori, suntem pregatiti sa inchiriem o sala suplimentara ventilata cu o capacitate de 16 mese.
    Managerul Competitiei din partea ETTU, dl Roman Plese si dl. arbitru Petr Bohumsky vor programa competitiile astfel incat fiecare categorie sa se dispute in aceeasi sala de fiecare data. Nu vor exista transferuri precipitate intre meciurile pe care le veti disputa.
    Ne dorim sa aducem si celebritati la acest Campionat. Fostul Campion Mondial si European, Mikael Appelgreen a confirmat participarea prin intermediul firmei Donic si negociem in continuare si cu alti jucatori.
    Vom publica o lista de participanti on-line astfel incat veti putea erifica cine s-a inscris deja.
    Fiecare participant se poate inscrie foarte comod pe Internet cu plata imediata si confirmarea inregistrarii pe lista de participanti.
    Acest sistem ofera un comfort comparabil cu sistemele de rezervari online ale biletelor de avion. Am testat sistemul de inscriere online cu alti veterani si credem ca si dv. veti afla cat de usor este.
    As dori sa adaug un aspect foarte important. Va garantam ca locurile de cazare (hoteluri, pensiuni, camine de studenti) oferite de organizatori nu au tarife marite. Tarifele oferite sunt cele pe care le ofera de obicei hotelurile respective. Nu exista o perceptie sezon hotelier din cauza acestui eveniment! Poate dv. nu acceptati de obicei oferta organizatorilor. In acest caz, va rugam sa fiti precauti si sa comparati oferta gasita de dv. cu cea publicata pe site-ul acestui eveniment,
    Suntem mandri sa va prezentam o oferta extinsa de cazare cu posibilitatea efectuarii rezervarii online. Desi Liberec nu este un oras mare am aranjat o gama larga de posibilitati de cazare pentru dv.
    Cel mai popular pachet consta intr-un pachet cu tarife preferentiale si cuprinde taxa de participare, cazare la hotel de 4* si intrarea la Petrecerea Jucatorilor. Prin achizitionarea acestui pachet realizati o economie de pana la 80 de euro.
    Intentionam sa organizam Petrecerea Jucatorilor cu o taxa de acces de 5 euro, taxa care acopera costurile cu inchirierea unei incinte unde se va asculta muzica din anii '60. Scopul este acela de a da posibilitatea ca fiecare dintre noi sa poata discuta, sa schimbe experiente sau sa petreaca alaturi de prieteni. Nu sunteti obligati sa platiti pentru altceva. Bufetul nu este scump, iar prima bere este gratis, orice altceva putand comanda dupa bunul dv. plac sau preferinte.
    Vom avea linii speciale de autobuza intre hotelurile oficiale si salile de joc, iar insigna de participant va va permite sa folositi gratuit transportul in comun din Liberec.
    Toate aceste lucruri ar trebui sa aduca un plus la comfortul dv. si sa acorde credit organizarii campionatului.
    Evident ca ceea ce v-am pregatit, costa suplimentar. De aceea, am fost obligati sa ajustam si taxa de concurs. Si poate veti placut surprinsi sa aflati ca am crescut taxa de concurs cu numai 10 euro, de la 110 euro anul trecut la Porec, anul acesta va fi 120 de euro la Liberec.
    Desi am pus la punct o infrastructura mai buna si preturi rezonabile, vom pastra termenul limita pentru Inscrierile in avans: 31 Decembrie 2010. Mai mult, in plus fata de ultimul Campionat, vom prelungi perioada de inscrieri pana la sfarsitul lunii mai 2011!
    Formularele de inscriere individuale se gasesc online. Inregistrarea si plata se fac foarte simplu pentru cei care prefera sa se inscrie individual.
    Daca aveti solicitari suplimentare (cum ar fi: camere cu mai multe paturi, camere cu facilitati pentru persoane cu handicap, apartament la hotel, transfer de la Aeroportul din Praga, etc.) va rugam sa contactati Secretariatul Turneului. Hana si Katerina sunt la dispozitia dv. si va vor asista. Desi prefera comunicarein limba engleza, asistentele noastre pot comunica si in Franceza, Rusa si Germana.
    Secretariatul Turneului poate furniza Formulare de inregistrare pentru grupuri in limbile de larga circulatie.
    Suntem bucurosi sa organizam acest Campionat pentru voi si va asteptam la Liberec anul viitor in iunie!
    Ai dumneavoastra,
    Dr. Zdenek Botek
    Asociatia Ceha de Tenis de Masa
    Milan ?im??ek
    Director al Turneului

    2011 European Veterans Championships"

