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Interviu Allan Bentsen

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  • Interviu Allan Bentsen

    TableTennisDaily exclusive interview with professional! (Hours to make, seconds to comment

    Photo by: Claus Fisker and second photo by

    Full Name: Allan Bentsen

    Age: 42

    Date Of Birth: 21.08.68

    Height: 181 cm

    Club represented: Roskilde Bordtennis, BTK61

    Highest World Ranking: 38

    Blade: Wood Rosewood
    BH Rubber: Stiga Calibra
    FH Rubber: Stiga Calibra

    Your career

    How long have you been playing table tennis for, when did you start?
    When I was 11 year old

    Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
    Two Swedish Coaches, Mikalaee Andersson and Peter Sartz

    BollForte94 from table tennis daily wants to know what do you practice the most. Do you have a certain training rechime each week or does it alter?
    My foot work and forehand I practice often, because this the places I feel I win the most points and its my strongest weapon.

    Do you serve practice often?
    Yes, when I was younger a lot, and now 3-4 times per week, about 15 minutes every time.

    Your a very successful international star now, what do you feel was your biggest achievement to date?
    When we won the Europeans Team Championship, and I played the deciding match to our 3-2 win.

    Ok, maybe you don't like looking back to this but what was your biggest low in your career?
    When I didn?t qualified for Olympic in Sydney, 2000

    Are you looking forward to the 2012 Olympics?
    For sure, but I have to make it there, and it can be difficult.

    TerIphik - Hi, I would like to know if the material (rubbers and blades) of professional players is the same to the same material as we (nonprofessional) buy in table tennis shops?
    I think it is, but of course I don?t know for all. I Think the thing is, that we always get it in the same conditions, weight, thickness from the companies. This means we know how our rubbers are going to perform and don’t have to adapt to much.

    Justchill - Hi Allan, What are the most important TT exercises for becoming a good player?
    It depends, but footwork exercises are very important as you are in the correct position for all the balls.

    Do you use booster to enhance your rubber?
    Some times.

    lesliefrancs - HI, Is pursuing a life towards TT worth the rewards? and does playing TT full time effect your personal life?
    I think I got a lot of rewards, so for me it has been ok. Do what you like and could earn money is not bad. My wife has also been table tennis player on high level, so she understand a lot, that makes it a lot easier.

    Do you run every day?
    No…. You have to be in good shape, but it doesn’t mean you have to run every day.

    GecaPhoenix - What are your views on the chinese dominniance at the moment, Why are they so good do you believe.
    I think that it will continue to be in that way, but difficult to do something against this. They have 10 million table tennis players, so they can always find good players.

    Leankints wants to know do you train on the mental aspects of the game. Do you find this side of the game is just as important as the technical parts?
    For sure the mental part is important in TT, and for some they need help and for others they do It alone. I have tried it and It works ok for me.

    DaveCochrane - Hi, I would like to know what you want to do when your playing days are over, will you stay working in table tennis such as coaching etc. I
    I am right now working as Sports Director for my club, and I think I will continue in this way, and if possible in TT.

    forestloves - HI, would you rather Win the World Championships, or win a silver in the Olympic Games?
    You remember the winners, so Gold in WC.

    topgunwow - Hi, are you happy about the speed glue ban, has it had an effect on your game?
    In the beginning I was not happy, but with all the news possibilities I think it had been solved quite ok.

    Photo by:

    I remember watching you play live against Chen Weixing (infact theres your celebration above) when you and the Danish Team won team gold at the European Championships in Arhaus 2005. What was the feeling, can you describe this?
    I had such a good feeling!!! Before the game I was warming up beside Chen, and I could see in his body language that he didn?t want to play the last game…. So I felt even stronger there. I had just beat him one month before in the Champions League and this gave me the incentive and confidence to go out there an give my all and we ended up winning!.

    We at Table Tennis Daily are fond of also your team mate Michael Maze. What’s he like to practice with?
    He is a good friend, and can so many things with the ball. Some many years ago he use to learn from me but it has now changed and I try to learn from him ha.

    Allan in action!

    Off the topic questions

    Whos the most famous person you know through table tennis?
    Many Danish sport stars

    Whos your favourite sportsmen of all time?
    Michael Laudrup a Danish football player.

    Favourite film?
    Films with a true story behind I like to watch.

    What car do you drive?
    Honda FRV

    Whats your favouirte music?
    Bruce Springsteen

    What do you do in your spare time other then table tennis?
    Play a little bit of poker, and take care of my family.

    Do you eat well or eat junk good?
    I think I eat well, but sometimes junk food is ok also.

    PS3, XBOX, PC?

    Your team mates

    Whos the funniest player in the trianing hall?
    Michael Maze

    Whos trains the hardest in the training hall?
    Morten Hyrup, a young star

    Who has the best nickname?
    Christian Konsgaard, it is Mr. Bean ( on danish BONNE)

    And Lastly

    And lastly Allan, thanks very much for your kindness in taking part in this interview for all the members of the Table Tennis Daily forum and guests to learn and know more about the life of a professional player.

    Would you like to add one last tip, or an inspirational message to us all?
    I think to focus on your strengths and use them to your full advantage and to also try to work on your weaknesses and bringing them to your strengths! Have fun.


    Good luck in your next competition


    Table Tennis Daily Staff and forum

    Please leave your thoughts and comments below and leave a comment on any questions you would like me to ask in the next table tennis daily interview of a professional player.

    Blog de tenis de masă

  • #2
    what is romanian for ?


    • #3
      adica mai pe limba noastra [ chooooo ]


      • #4
        Am cautat si eu o varianta in romana a acestor interviuri, dar nu exista. Aceasta e singura versiune.
        Am vazut comentatorii de mai sus ca stiu engleza, poate dati o mana de ajutor... in loc de vorbe goale.
        lemn: Primorac Carbon black tag
        fețe: Dignics 05/Dignics 05


        • #5
          Incearca optiunea traducere, de la google, eu asa am facut si a mers.
          XIOM Ofensive S Off / ST
          BH - Victas Limber V1
          FH - Xiom Omega 4 Pro


          • #6
            Am tradus pana la: "Allan in action!" - continuarea maine.
            -De cat timp joci tenis de masă, si la ce varsta ai inceput?
            -Am inceput cand aveam 11ani.
            -Cine avut cea mai mare influenta in cariera ta?
            -Mikalaee Andersson si Peter Sartz, doi antrenori suedezi.
            -BollForte94 este curios ce exersezi cel mai mult. Ai un regim de antrenament specific in fiecare saptamana sau se modifica de la o saptamana la
            -Cel mai des exersez deplasarile si forhand-ul, cred ca acestea sunt punctele mele forte si cu ele castig cele mai multe mingi.
            -Exersezi des serviciul?
            -Da, cand eram mai tanar exersam foarte mult, acum de 3-4 ori pe saptamana, aproximativ 15 minute.
            -Acum esti un jucator de mare succes international, care a fost cea mai mare realizare a ta pana in prezent?
            -Castigarea campionatului european pe echipe, cand am castigat meciul decisiv si am adus echipei scorul de 3-2.
            -Care a fost cel mai mare esec al tau?
            -Cand nu m-am calificat pentru jocurile olimpice de la Sydney din 2000.
            -Astepti cu nerabdare jocurile olimpice din 2012?
            -Sigur, dar mai intai trebuie sa ajung acolo, si asta poate fi dificil.
            - As dori sa stiu daca echipamentul (fețe si lemne) jucatorilor profesionisti este acelasi lucru cu ceea ce se gaseste in magazine?
            - Cred ca este, dar nu cunosc toate materialele. Cred ca diferenta consta in faptul ca ale noastre au mereu aceleasi proprietati (greutate,grosime
            etc). Asta inseamna ca stim cum o sa se comporte fețele noastre si nu trebuie sa ne adaptam prea mult.
            JustChill:-Salut Allan, Care sunt cele mai importante exercitii pentru a deveni un jucator bun?
            - Depinde, dar in principal deplasarile sunt foarte importante deoarece iti permit sa lovesti mereu mingea din pozitia corecta.
            -Folosesti booster pentru a creste performantele fețelor?
            - Merita sa-ti dedici viata unei cariere in tenis de masă? viata ta personala este afectata de faptul ca esti jucator profesionist?
            - Pentru mine a fost ok, am fost rasplatit de multe ori. Fa ceea ce iti place si daca poti castiga si bani din asta e foarte bine. Nevasta mea a
            fost de asemenea jucatoare profesionista, deci intelege multe si asta face totul mai usor.
            - Alergi in fiecare zi?
            - Nu, trebuie sa fii in forma dar asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa alergi in fiecare zi.
            -Ce parere ai despre dominatia chinezilor la momentul actual? De ce crezi ca sunt asa buni?
            -Cred ca dominatia va persista si este foarte dificil sa facem ceva impotriva acestui lucru. Au 10 milioane de jucatori activi, deci pot gasi
            oricand jucatori buni.
            -Te antrenezi la capitolul "mental". Crezi ca acest aspecta al jocului este la fel de important ca si cel tehnic?
            -Cu siguranta componenta psihologica este o parte importanta in tenisul de masa, unii au nevoie de ajutor, altii se descurca singuri. Am incercat
            si a functionat pentru mine.
            -Salut, as vrea sa stiu ce planuri ai pentru momentul cand nu vei mai juca, vei ramane in domeniul tenisului de masa, ca antrenor poate?
            -In prezent lucrez de asemenea ca director sportiv pentru culbul meu, cred ca voi continua in acelasi fel si daca se poate in tenisul de masa.
            -Salut, ai prefera sa castigi campionatul mondial sau o medalie de argint la jocurile olimpice?
            -Oamenii isi amintesc invingatorii, deci aur la campionatul mondial.
            -Esti de acord cu interzicerea solventilor? Ti-a afectat jocul?
            -La inceput nu am fost prea incantat, dar cred ca s-a rezolvat destul de bine avand in vedere noile posibilitati.
            -Tin minte ca te urmaream jucand live impotriva lui Chen Weixing atunci cand impreuna cu echipa Danemarcei ai castigat aurul la campionatul
            european in Arhaus 2005. Cum te-ai simtit?
            -M-am simtit minunat!!! Ma incalzeam inainte de joc alaturi de Chen si puteam citi in limbajul corpului sau ca nu isi dorea sa joace ultimul meci.
            M-am simtit si mai bun, il batusem cu o luna in urma in liga campionilor si asta mi-a dat curajul si increderea sa joc, sa dau tot ce pot, asa am
            -Utilizatorii forumului TTD sunt interesati si de colegul tau Michael Maze. Cum este sa te antrenezi cu el?
            -E un bun prieten, si poate face foarte multe lucruri cu mingea. Acum multi ani invata el de la mine, s-a invartit roata si acum incerc sa invat eu
            de la el.
            TBS - FH H3 prov, BH Pryde 40


            • #7
              întrebari în afara subiectului
              Cine este cea mai faimoasa persoana pe care ai cunoscut-o prin tenisul de masa?
              Allan Bentsen: Diferite persoane celebre ale sportului danez.
              Care este sportivul tau favorit al tuturor timpurilor?
              Allan Bentsen: Michael Laudrup, un jucator de fotbal danez.
              Filmul favorit?
              Allan Bentsen: îmi plac filmele care au la baza povesti adevarate.
              Ce masina conduci?
              Allan Bentsen: Honda FRV.
              Care este cântaretul favorit?
              Allan Bentsen: Bruce Springsteen.
              Ce faci în timpul liber, în afara de tenis de masă?
              Allan Bentsen: Joc putin poker si am grija de familia mea.
              Manînci hrana sanatoasa sau servesti si mîncare de fast-food?
              Allan Bentsen: Cred ca manînc sanatos, dar uneori e buna si mîncarea de fast-food.
              PS3, XBOX, PC?
              Allan Bentsen: PC.
              Colegii de echipa
              Care-i jucatorul cel mai glumet de la antrenamente?
              Allan Bentsen: Michael Maze.
              Cine se antreneaza cel mai asiduu?
              Allan Bentsen: Morten Hyrup, un jucator t?nar.
              Cine are cea mai buna porecla?
              Allan Bentsen: Christian Konsgaard, poreclit Mr. Bean.
              ?i, în final Allan, multumesc pentru amabilitatea ta de a oferi acest interviu pentru toti membri forumului TTD pentru a ?nvata si a stii mai multe despre viata unui jucator profesionist.
              Ai mai dori sa adaugi un ultim sfat sau un mesaj care sa ne inspire pe noi toti?
              Allan Bentsen: Sa va concentrati asupra punctelor voastre forte si sa le folositi în avantajul vostru si, de asemenea, sa încercati, prin munca, ca punctele slabe sa le transformati în puncte forte! Bafta.
              Mult succes în competitiile viitoare.
              Allan Bentsen: Multumesc!

