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  • Anunturi despre echipamentele donic si xiom

    Doresc sa va retin atentia in acest anunt cu toate informatiile care le primesc si eu de la producatorii DONIC si XIOM,referitoare la noutatile din tenis de masă.
    in acest moment vreau sa va arat noua colectie de textile care va aparea in luna mai.
    primesc comenzi din acest moment

    Voi revenii cu informatii despre noile fete DONIC,vor fi fete de atac,cele mai scumpe din catalogul DONIC,,nu cunosc inca pretul de vanzare
    ---------- Post added 24-Feb-2011 at 11:14 ----------
    Rectific donic traction ms pro si donic traction ms soft

  • #2
    Luna aceasta vor aparea 3 noi lemne din colectia XIOM,deocamdata nu cunosc pretul dar voi anunta,de asemenea si data de aparitie in ROMANIA .
    Va prezint informatiile transmise de producatorul XIOM in original.
    Dear Friends,
    We’re pleased to inform you that we introduce the new blades under ‘Classic Series’, Extreme S / Offensive S / Allround S.
    Please refer to the attached photos and detail below;

    Concept: Classic. Thick classical 7-ply plus modern betterment.
    Structure: Limba surface 7-ply wood. Adjust the center plywood part for the capacity and feeling improvement.
    Point: Hard. High speed. – classical 7-ply character plus a bit softer. Stable katapulta(cf. usually 7-ply tends to go straight)
    Target: Pip-out rubber user and Club player
    Closer blade: Stiga-Clipper,Clipper CR / Butterfly- Korbel
    Strong point compared with the closer models : Suitable feeling for modern drive play.
    Concept: Classic. Soft and fast 5-ply preferred by professional player.
    Structure: Limba surface 5-ply wood. Very similar with Korbel of Butterfly.
    Point: Natural and soft standard feeling 5-ply wood. Great balance. Helpful for ball to go out. Make strong ball.
    Target: Player playing with Korbel
    Concept: Classic. A bit slow blade preferred in Europe.
    Structure: Limba surface 5-ply wood. Similar with Stiga-Allround Classic, Allround CR
    Point: Speed control allround 5-ply
    Target: Good for the beginner or young player


    • #3


      • #4
        Este site-ul firmei mele .
        Deocamdata este inca in constructie,dar in curand se va finaliza.
        Firmele care alcatuiesc acest site sunt DONIC-FIRMA GERMANA si XIOM-FIRMA KOREANA-in accesiune puternica in tenisul de masa,pentru profesionalism si in special calitate si preturi scazute ptr. ROMANIA
        Primesc cu prietenie orice recomandare ptr. acest site
        Va astept sa va inscrieti pe acest site.


        • #5
          Vazut, frumos, felicitari, spor la vânzare !!
          Marc Barbu


          • #6
            Deocamdata doar cum vor arata noile fete DONIC,pretul afara vad ca este la 48,90 euro
            inca nu au aparut .


            • #7
              Sincere felicitari pentru site!
              Semneaza: Un client multumit de serviciile si produsele dumneavoastra!
              Multa sanatate, DOMNULE Gelu!
              [size=1]Blade: XIOM - Absolute Carbon Control OFF
              FH: DONIC - Coppa JO Platin Soft -2.0
              BH: DONIC - Sonex JP Gold -2.0


              • #8
                Felicitari Gelu pentru aceasta realizare, foarte necesara pentru toata lumea. Iti doresc vanzari cat mai mari, la preturi bune, asa cum ne-ai obisnuit. Numai bine. Da-mi si mie un mp si spune-mi cum stai cu stocul la lemnul Xiom Solo, maner ST. Ma bate gandul la unul, dar vreau intai sa probez unul. Am deja o promisiune, si daca imi place te caut eu. Numai bine.
                XIOM Ofensive S Off / ST
                BH - Victas Limber V1
                FH - Xiom Omega 4 Pro


                • #9
                  Foarte interesant si necesar


                  • #10
                    Au sosit si noile lemne XIOM.
                    ALLROUND S-MANER DREPT SAU CONCAV-81 GRAME-ALL-pentru incepatori si aparatori
                    EXTREME S-MANER DREPT SAU CONCAV-91 GRAME-OFF+...GROSIME o prima impresie ,f.echilibrat,rigid,sare f.tare si egal(fara fete)pe toata suprafata,intra in categoria lemnelor STRATO,AXELO,IGNITO.-EXCELENT.Am primit recomandari pentru fete (OMEGA IV ASIA-PRO..VEGA ASIA-PRO)
                    PRET-180 LEI
                    ---------- Post added 28-Apr-2011 at 10:05 ----------
                    Postat în original de tibi Vezi post
                    Au sosit si noile lemne XIOM.
                    ALLROUND S-MANER DREPT SAU CONCAV-81 GRAME-ALL-pentru incepatori si aparatori
                    EXTREME S-MANER DREPT SAU CONCAV-91 GRAME-OFF+...GROSIME o prima impresie, f.echilibrat, rigid, sare f.tare si egal (fara fete) pe toata suprafata, intra in categoria lemnelor STRATO, AXELO, IGNITO - EXCELENT. Fetele recomandate de producator pentru aceste lemne sunt (OMEGA IV ASIA-PRO..VEGA ASIA-PRO)
                    dimensiuni 150X157mm
                    PRET-180 LEI
           o surpriza, au sosit si noile cataloage XIOM 2011, in format 3D + 1 PERECHE OCHELARI 3D, singurul catalog de tenis de masă in acest format. Are 30 de pagini, peste 250 grame, costurile de aducere in tara au fost destul de mari din toate punctele de vedere + costurile de editare. Stocul este limitat, iar pretul de vanzare este de 15 lei(transport inclus-posta romana-CU RAMBURS AR FI CEA MAI BUNA VARIANTA) CATALOGUL include si 1 pereche de ochelari 3D.
                    ASTEPT COMENZI!



                    • #11
                      Vreau eu un exemplar. Retine-l te rog. Saptamana viitoate ajung pe la București, si o sa vin dupa el. Multumesc.


                      • #12
                        Despre lemnul NEW 2011 XIOM OFFENSIVE S (OFF) nu aveti date: control, vitaza?


                        • #13
                          Lemnul CLASSIC ALLROUND S (ALL) ce control si ce viteza are? multumesc!
                          FH/Butterfly Tenergy 05
                          Blade/DHS Hurricane King
                          BH/Butterfly Tenergy 05


                          • #14
                            Au venit noile modele de textile din colectia 2011 donic
                            tricouri-stripe,neon,neonflex,cougar,argon,twist-diferite masuri
                            sorturi-eclipse,strike-diferite masuri
                            comenzile date vor fi expediate
                            astept comenzi


                            • #15
                              In the current issue of the DONIC Newsletter we would like to give you a preview for the new season 2011/2012 including information about our new products as well as a lot of other news.
                              End of the season means for us at the same time preparation of the new season. At the moment we are busy with the production of the new DONIC catalogue and it is scheduled that it will be finished early June.
                              Brand-new DONIC products 2011
                              We have already informed you about most of our new products. Attached please find a summary of the new DONIC products for the coming season.
                              New DONIC rubber sheets
                              After the introduction of the important and very successful FD3-technology with the Acuda and Coppa X rubber series in last year, the top players can now look forward to another high performance rubber sheet with FD3-technology. Dynamic and spin once again optimised and with its relatively hard sponge, the new Acuda S1 Turbo is a real challenge to players who have got a certain playing level and the ones who do a lot of practising. The softer version of the DONIC Baracuda is more catchy, but not less powerful. The Baracuda Bigslam supports active spin players with a lot of feeling at all kind of shots.
                              The DONIC rubber innovation 2011 made in Japan is called VARIO SOUND. Soft rubber sheets with good “sound” gives the player a better bounce of the ball and feeling at all kind of shots. The Vario Sound is known as a rubber with inbuilt speed glue effect, however, doesn’t belong to the slower rubber sheets, but easily joins the OFF – to OFF rubbers series.
                              The latest DONIC rubber sheet development made in China which is especially adjusted to the requirements of European players is called „TRACTION“. The perfect combination of a grippy surface and dynamic sponge guarantees maximum speed and spin and at the same time extremely good control. Due to the novel speed glueing technology – glueing foil and the back of the sponge – the speed glueing effects remains for a very long time and additionally it makes it easier to fix the rubber on to the blade. “TRACTION” is available in two different versions “MS Pro” (medium sponge) and “MS Soft” (soft sponge).
                              After one year of abstinence DONIC fills again the gap of the Antispin rubbers in the new season and even puts 2 totally different versions on the market. The Anti Classic in the classic version with focus on control and the Alligator Anti with a maximum trouble effect.
                              New DONIC blades:
                              Burn Aratox: (5+2 ply)
                              For the production of the new blade series, the approved Burn technology is applied. Due to the new Aratox fibre, the blade, however, a softer and more elastic game is possible. The softer outer veneer guarantees more control and thus the Burn Aratox is very suitable for allround players. The blade belongs to the All+ category.
                              Burn Aratox RS: (5+2 ply)
                              In principle the Aratox RS has got similar playing characteristics than the Aratox. The harder outer veneer, however, makes it a bit stiffer and harder. The blade’s playing character is most suitable for the OFF- category.
                              Burn Carbotox: (5+2 ply)
                              By far the fastest and stiffest blade of the blade series. Despite it’s stiffness the blade offers an extremely good bounce of the ball and due to the inbuilt carbon fibres the blade has got an improved control. The perfect solution especially for tough offensive players who prefer sufficient control. The blade belongs to the OFF category.
                              Bloodwood 5: (5-ply)
                              Due to the use of most precious veneers this new blade series made in Sweden reaches an extremely good balance in relation to speed, control and feeling. The optimum solution for players who prefer a modern offensive game. The blade belongs to the OFF- category.
                              Bloodwood 7 Senso: (7-ply)
                              The 7-ply offensive blade with the approved Senso technology is the more stiffer and faster of the two new blade developments. The combination of the bit softer inner veneers and the hard Bloodwood outer veneer guarantee unique playing characteristics. The blade belongs to the Off category.
                              DONIC Show Court – Kit
                              Since the introduction of the Show Court table at international tournaments we continuously receive enquiries for Show Court tables. According to this request, we developed a show court kit which will be mounted to the World Champion TC table (series production). Using digital print foils on aluminium plates, the table gets an individual design whereas the colours of the club as well as sponsoring logos can be considered. Above please find photos of the DONIC Show Court table used at the Pro Tour Spanish Open 2011 (7th to 10th April 2011) where we show the World Champion TC table with Show Court Kit including digital printing.
                              A merchandising of the Show Court Kit is planned for the new season. Please give us your point of view whether such a Show Court Kit could be interesting for you and we would be pleased to send you an individual offer.
                              Results of DONIC contract players at national championships 2011
                              DONIC sponsors various international players world-wide. Following we would like to present some DONIC players and their latest successes, maybe you are not directly familiar with all of them.
                              Bartosz Such
                              Polish Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material:Persson Powerplay with Coppa X1 Turbo Platin and Coppa X1 Gold
                              Pierre-Luc Hinse
                              North American Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Li Ping Kitex with Acuda S1 and Acuda S2
                              Kasper Sternberg
                              Danish Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Persson Powerplay with Baracuda and Baracuda
                              John Murphy
                              Irish Champion in Men’s Singles and Doubles 2011
                              Playing material: Ovtcharov Carbon V1 with Baracuda and Coppa X1 Turbo Platin
                              Ivan Katkov
                              Ukrainian Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Persson Powercarbon Senso V1 with Acuda S1 and Acuda S1
                              Monika Molnar
                              Serbian Champion in Ladies’ Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Senso Carbon V1 with Coppa X2 Platin Soft and Coppa X2 Platin Soft
                              Anja Lipinska
                              Polish Champion in Ladies’ Doubles 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Senso Carbon with Coppa X1 Platin Turbo and Coppa X2 Platin Soft
                              Dimitrij Ovtcharov
                              German Vice Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Senso Carbon with Coppa Speed and Coppa Speed
                              J?rgen Persson
                              Swedish Vice Champion in Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Persson Powercarbon with Acuda S1 and Sonex JP Gold
                              Christian Hotz
                              Swiss Vice Champion Men’s Singles 2011
                              Playing material: Baum Carrera Senso with Acuda S1 and Acuda S1
                              Daniel Kriston
                              Hungarian Champion in Men’s Doubles 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Ultra Senso Carbon with Acuda S2 and Acuda S2
                              Ovidio Ionescu
                              Bronze medal Men’s Singles Romanian Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Senso Carbon with Baracuda and Baracuda
                              Marko Petkov
                              Bronze medal Men’s Singles Serbian Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Baum Carrera Senso with Acuda S2 and Acuda S2

                              Gregory Vlassov
                              Bronze medal Men’s Singles Russian Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Burn OFF with Acuda S1 and Acuda S1
                              Patrick Baum
                              Bronze medal Men’s Singles German Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Baum Carrera Senso with Coppa Speed HS and Coppa Speed MS
                              Andr? Silva
                              Bronze medal Men’s Singles Portuguese Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Li Ping Kitex with Sonex JP Gold and Sonex JP Gold
                              Nicole Gallitschitsch
                              Bronze medal Ladies’ Singles Austrian Championships 2011
                              Playing material: Waldner Black Devil with Acuda S1 and Baracuda
                              We wish you a successful season 2011/2012
                              YOUR DONIC TEAM


                              • #16
                                Am cumparat si probat lemnul xiom extreme s. Am pus fete xiom vega pro si elite. Constat cu placere ca are consistenta si forta la atacurile drepte si topspin dar si un control f.bun la capace si retur de langa masa si de la semidistanta!
                                Xiom a reusit sa fabrice un lemn bine mesterit (in nota obisnuita), cu calitati, insa la un pret permisiv oricarui buzunar!
                                Felicitari Xiom si multumesc d-le Gelu pentru promptitudinea si amabilitatea cu care ne-ati obisnuit!
                                Xiom -Mitzutani - Xiom


                                • #17
                                  Xiom extreme S New 2011
                                  Am cumparat de la o paleta Xiom cu fete Sigma Euro iar lemnul sugerat de ei a fost Extreme S. La primele jocuri, combinat cu fețele sigma, lemnul mi s-a parut racheta, fiind prea rapid si destul de greu de controlat. De asemenea e un lemn greu (91g) si de aceea destul de greu de manevrat in regim de viteza. Jucand un pic mai mult (deja am cam 10 ore jucate) am inceput sa-l "inteleg" mai bine si constat ca e un lemn super tare. De la distanta medie si mare vreau sa spun ca este irezistibil iar topspinul este nimicitor pt adversari. Din viteza am scos lemnul la vanzare ca sa imi iau altceva (Xiom Acro sau Diva) insa incep sa ma gandesc ca poate ar trebui sa caut sa evoluez ca stil de joc, sa progresez mai mult in ce priveste controlul acestui lemn si chiar sa imi schimb stilul de la ALL+ Off- catre Off sau chiar Off+. Am senzatia ca daca l-as putea stapani un pic mai bine as juca chiar excelent. Probabil trebuie sa practic mai mult sa se invete mana cu el ... Incepe sa imi placa la maxim sa joc la distanta de masa pentru ca e fantastic la un astfel de stil de joc. Cred ca incep sa ma indragostesc de acest lemn
                                  Joola Panther FL, FH Tenegry 05 max negru, BH Yasaka Antipower rosie 2.0 mm

