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Vand paleta setup AmSir

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  • ÎNCHIS Vand paleta setup AmSir

    Vand paleta setup AmSir](folosita aprox. 6 luni max. 3 ore pe saptamana)
    Paleta este gen ofensiv, rapida, mai putin focusata pe topspin moale dat cu ajutorul lemnului.

    Pret: 150 RON (taxe transport posta romana incluse).

    Lemn:Titan Aryca Off
    Weight: 95 g
    Gauge: 6,4 mm
    Layers: 7
    Handle: concave and straight

    The optimal combination of carbon and arylates with high-quality woodveneers.
    The seven layers of this construction ensures a very high speed in combination with highest ballfeeling.
    A further development of existing arylate-carbon-rackets. You will be enthused.

    Fete: Titan Fantasy M-S 2,1 mm

    This soft rubber is essential, if speed-gluing will be prohibited soon. In AmSir “Fantasy M-S” the speed-gluing effect is already built-in the rubber. So this rubber does not require neither speed glue nor it has to be speed glued anymore. Without any speed-gluing this rubber shows a more powerful performance than any other rubber normally glued. Further it is perfect for the use together with our Tuner. AmSir® “Fantasy M-S” is marked by high speed, soft sponge, an outstanding spin elasticity and best control even at a high speed level. For a better control and accepting easy technical mistakes. “Fantasy M-S” offers everything you need for the modern offensive game.

    Informatii despre aceasta marca cu care unii joaca in liga 4 germana:
    Fișiere atașate
    TB ZLF - T05 / T05

  • #2
    pentru aradenii care vor sa o incerce se poate aranja o intalnire la CSM de pe Eminescu...
    TB ZLF - T05 / T05


    • #3
      Pret nou: 120 RON (taxe transport posta romana incluse).

      Contact prin mesaje private sau forum.
      TB ZLF - T05 / T05


      • #4
        Nu stiam de firma Amsir pana cand am vazut ieri la sala de tenis din Bistrița mai multi juniori care aveau echipament Amsir (tricouri si short).
        Deci se pare ca desi sunt mai putin cunoscuti, jucatorii legitimati au auzit de ai.
        Spor la vanzare.
        lemn: Primorac Carbon black tag
        fețe: Dignics 05/Dignics 05


        • #5
          Nici eu nu stiam de aceasta firma (nici acum nu stiu prea multe pt. ca sunt putine informatii pe net si si mai putine locuri de unde sa o cumperi - chiar sunt curios daca a mai jucat cineva cu ceva asemanator...
          Paleta am cumparat-o de la un junior care juca atunci in liga 4 germana: ei le primeau gratuit de la club (dealtfel el a taiat-o si a lipit-o pe loc apoi mi-a dat-o sa o incerc...)
          Eu zic ca e buna sa faci trecerea spre paletele profesioniste daca nu vrei sa investesti foarte multi bani de la daca esti un jucator de viteza si forta caruia ii plac paletele mai "greutze", pe care "sa le simti" in mana...

          Mersi Clau.
          TB ZLF - T05 / T05


          • #6
            Ce parere aveti despre Titan Fantasy MH 2.3mm?
            lemn:Joola Carbon
            Fh Tibhar aurus sound
            Bh Tibhar sinus sound


            • #7
              Remusashi, ai M.P.
              Blog de tenis de masă


              • #8
                Topic inchis.
                TB ZLF - T05 / T05

