Ce parere aveti despre acest lemn,se compara cu Korbel SK7,este mai bun...............as dori mic review...greutate, feeling,.........etc.
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Timo Boll W7,pareri
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- 11.iun.2010
- 777
- Lugojel, Timis, Romania, Romania
- 52
Likes given: 2Likes received: 9Taguri: Nimic
Overview of Timo Boll W7 :
Timo Boll W7 is the only all-wood blade in the family. It is thick 7-ply blade. Its basic construction is almost the same as some typical 7-ply blades as Stiga Clipper, Avalox P710/720, and Butterfly SK7. But, what distinguishes Timo Boll W7 from those typical blades is the wood material of top layer. Instead of relatively soft Limba which is used for typical 7-ply blades, relatively hard Koto used as the top layer like the other members of Timo Boll series. That reminds us Butterfly Clearfield which also used Koto as the top layer. But, the second layer of Timo Boll W7 is much softer than that of Clearfield. So Timo Boll W7 is better than Clearfield if the main weapon of player is topspin. But, at the same time, it has the advantage in hard smash and passive block, like typical thick 7-ply blades. The majority of topspin players may think that Timo Boll W7 is still too hard to be used to continuous topspin. But, you may be astonished by the stability of topspin if you try the combination of this blade and spin-oriented tension rubbers of "intermediate" type as Tenergy 64.
Thickness of blade : 6.9mm (0.27in)
Head size - Shakehand (L x W) : 157 x 150mm (6.18 x 5.91in)
Handle length : Shakehand 100mm (3.94in)
Average weight (Shakehand) : 94g (3.32 ounces)
The speed class is OFF+ (96~100). And, bending stiffness almost coincides with speed level. But, the three values of feeling are relatively small compared to speed level and fundamental bending stiffness. So players may think that Timo Boll W7 is softer than expected and quite stable for topspin attack. Overall feel is slightly higher than neutral, but close to the average of typical 7-ply blades. Index finger feel and repulsion feel is close to neutral. Players may feel that Timo Boll W7 isn't hard at all and the behavior of impact is always uniform. These characteristics may make every technic in table tennis very easy to be performed, because player can always easily understand what happens and easily correct their swing. Timo Boll W7 is a well balanced blade except for its high speed. And, it can be considered as the blade for everybody. But, please be careful that this blade is quite heavy. Heavy ones may over 100 gram. Its heavy weight prevents it from being the blade that can be recommended for everybody.
Dl. Ticu uite un review suedez pt. W7. Cu korbel sk7 ai jucat asa incat nu mai e cazul de detailieri. Una peste alta intre w7 si korbel sk7 eu ash zice ca w7 e un sk7 in "blana" de koto nu de limba si putin mai sclivisit ca sa completeze seria Timo Boll cu un all wood. Diferenta principala ar fi dupa mana mea un simt putin mai hard la w7 fata de ksk7 si ceva mai bine de un milion in plus. Asa incat testeaza-l intai daca vrei sa il cumperi altfel e posibil sa il trimiti pe acelasi drum pe care ai trimis Korbelul SK7Nittaku Violin Fastarc G-1 / Fastarc S-1
senior- 11.iun.2010
- 777
- Lugojel, Timis, Romania, Romania
- 52
Likes given: 2Likes received: 9
Postat în original de adishorul Vezi postOverview of Timo Boll W7 :
Timo Boll W7 is the only all-wood blade in the family. It is thick 7-ply blade. Its basic construction is almost the same as some typical 7-ply blades as Stiga Clipper, Avalox P710/720, and Butterfly SK7. But, what distinguishes Timo Boll W7 from those typical blades is the wood material of top layer. Instead of relatively soft Limba which is used for typical 7-ply blades, relatively hard Koto used as the top layer like the other members of Timo Boll series. That reminds us Butterfly Clearfield which also used Koto as the top layer. But, the second layer of Timo Boll W7 is much softer than that of Clearfield. So Timo Boll W7 is better than Clearfield if the main weapon of player is topspin. But, at the same time, it has the advantage in hard smash and passive block, like typical thick 7-ply blades. The majority of topspin players may think that Timo Boll W7 is still too hard to be used to continuous topspin. But, you may be astonished by the stability of topspin if you try the combination of this blade and spin-oriented tension rubbers of "intermediate" type as Tenergy 64.
Thickness of blade : 6.9mm (0.27in)
Head size - Shakehand (L x W) : 157 x 150mm (6.18 x 5.91in)
Handle length : Shakehand 100mm (3.94in)
Average weight (Shakehand) : 94g (3.32 ounces)
The speed class is OFF+ (96~100). And, bending stiffness almost coincides with speed level. But, the three values of feeling are relatively small compared to speed level and fundamental bending stiffness. So players may think that Timo Boll W7 is softer than expected and quite stable for topspin attack. Overall feel is slightly higher than neutral, but close to the average of typical 7-ply blades. Index finger feel and repulsion feel is close to neutral. Players may feel that Timo Boll W7 isn't hard at all and the behavior of impact is always uniform. These characteristics may make every technic in table tennis very easy to be performed, because player can always easily understand what happens and easily correct their swing. Timo Boll W7 is a well balanced blade except for its high speed. And, it can be considered as the blade for everybody. But, please be careful that this blade is quite heavy. Heavy ones may over 100 gram. Its heavy weight prevents it from being the blade that can be recommended for everybody.
Dl. Ticu uite un review suedez pt. W7. Cu korbel sk7 ai jucat asa incat nu mai e cazul de detailieri. Una peste alta intre w7 si korbel sk7 eu ash zice ca w7 e un sk7 in "blana" de koto nu de limba si putin mai sclivisit ca sa completeze seria Timo Boll cu un all wood. Diferenta principala ar fi dupa mana mea un simt putin mai hard la w7 fata de ksk7 si ceva mai bine de un milion in plus. Asa incat testeaza-l intai daca vrei sa il cumperi altfel e posibil sa il trimiti pe acelasi drum pe care ai trimis Korbelul SK7
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