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Inscrieri TOP 20 ELITE ed 8 Sambata (14,01,2023)- ORA 10:00 12:15:04 - v5.3 / cls_2023-ian
1. Burlacel Ionut, Bucuresti, 1462 - 46,2 - E
2. Pantelimon Andi, Bucuresti, 21 - 42,89 - E
3. Badea Ionut, Bucuresti, 453 - 42,58 - EL
4. Ropotan Iulian, Bucuresti, 344 - 41,74 - EW
5. Popescu Ionut, Bucuresti, 1519 - 39,4 - E
6. Rogoz Nicoleta, Bucuresti, 297 - 38,48 - EF
7. Ionascu Gabriel, Bucuresti, 284 - 38,02 - E
8. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti, 460 - 37,6 - EF
9. Buta Radu, Bucuresti, 819 - 37,57 - E
10. Dragomir Cristian, Bucuresti, 2067 - 37,5 - E
11. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti, 245 - 37,22 - E
12. Mihai Andrei, Bucuresti, 153 - 35,12 - E
13. Chirila Robert, Bucuresti, 678 - 33,25 - E
14. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti, 471 - 31,98 - OF
15. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti, 1235 - 25,3 - O
16. Serban Bogdan, Bucuresti, 550 - 25,12 - OW
17. Hodis Marian, Bucuresti, 906 - 24,4 - O
18. Bruma Ovidiu, Popesti Leordeni, 1096 - 23,73 - O
19. Voinescu Ecaterina, Bucuresti, 1723 - 23,3 - OF
20. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 1812 - 19,6 - A
21. Bank Vadim, Bucuresti, 5002 - 0
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Inscrieri TOP 20 AVANSATI ed. 12 Duminica (15,01,2023)- ORA 10:00 12:16:48 - v5.3 / cls_2023-ian
1. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 637 - 18,9 - A
2. Bistreanu Armand, Bucuresti, 949 - 18,85 - A
3. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 405 - 18,35 - A
4. Galca Andrei, Bucuresti, 477 - 15,05 - A
5. State Orlando, Bucuresti, 1300 - 14,83 - A
6. Busnatu Radu Andrei, Bucuresti, 622 - 14,74 - A
7. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 1181 - 14,23 - A
8. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 517 - 14,16 - A
9. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 664 - 13,41 - A
10. Simion Robert, Bucuresti, 1894 - 11,4 - A
11. Luca Ioan, Bucuresti, 1372 - 7,53 - H
12. Vladu Daniel, Bucuresti, 1635 - 7,34 - H
13. Catargiu Andrei, Bucuresti, 3119 - 6,4 - H
14. Nicolae Daniel, Bucuresti, 3571 - 5,3 - H
6 locuri libere
in functie de dinamica inscrierilor putem suplimenta la 24 locuriCornel 67 likes this.
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Acu Paul - Elitewww.pingpongshop.ro | Magazin online & offline
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Stan Ionut - Avansatiwww.pingpongshop.ro | Magazin online & offline
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Paun Daniel - Elitewww.pingpongshop.ro | Magazin online & offline
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Florescu George - Avansatiwww.pingpongshop.ro | Magazin online & offline
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Inscrieri TOP 20 ELITE ed 8 Sambata (14,01,2023)- ORA 10:00 16:17:11 - v5.3 / cls_2023-ian
1. Burlacel Ionut, Bucuresti, 1462 - 46,2 - E
2. Pantelimon Andi, Bucuresti, 21 - 42,89 - E
3. Badea Ionut, Bucuresti, 453 - 42,58 - EL
4. Ropotan Iulian, Bucuresti, 344 - 41,74 - EW
5. Popescu Ionut, Bucuresti, 1519 - 39,4 - E
6. Rogoz Nicoleta, Bucuresti, 297 - 38,48 - EF
7. Ionascu Gabriel, Bucuresti, 284 - 38,02 - E
8. Megan Alexandra, Bucuresti, 460 - 37,6 - EF
9. Buta Radu, Bucuresti, 819 - 37,57 - E
10. Dragomir Cristian, Bucuresti, 2067 - 37,5 - E
11. Radu Daniel, Bucuresti, 245 - 37,22 - E
12. Mihai Andrei, Bucuresti, 153 - 35,12 - E
13. Paun Daniel, Bucuresti, 3938 - 33,7 - E
14. Chirila Robert, Bucuresti, 678 - 33,25 - E
15. Acsinte Oana, Bucuresti, 471 - 31,98 - OF
16. Acu Paul, Bucuresti, 1075 - 26,8 - O
17. Vasile Gelu Iulian, Bucuresti, 1235 - 25,3 - O
18. Serban Bogdan, Bucuresti, 550 - 25,12 - OW
19. Hodis Marian, Bucuresti, 906 - 24,4 - O
20. Bruma Ovidiu, Popesti Leordeni, 1096 - 23,73 - O
21. Voinescu Ecaterina, Bucuresti, 1723 - 23,3 - OF
22. Dena Corneliu, Giurgiu, 1812 - 19,6 - A
23. Bank Vadim, Bucuresti, 5002 - 0
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Inscrieri TOP 20 AVANSATI ed. 12 Duminica (15,01,2023)- ORA 10:00 16:18:40 - v5.3 / cls_2023-ian
1. Ipate Virgil, Bucuresti, 637 - 18,9 - A
2. Bistreanu Armand, Bucuresti, 949 - 18,85 - A
3. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 405 - 18,35 - A
4. Galca Andrei, Bucuresti, 477 - 15,05 - A
5. State Orlando, Bucuresti, 1300 - 14,83 - A
6. Busnatu Radu Andrei, Bucuresti, 622 - 14,74 - A
7. Jinga Vlad, Bucuresti, 1181 - 14,23 - A
8. Cocan Mircea, Bucuresti, 517 - 14,16 - A
9. Dumitrescu Robert Nicolae, Bucuresti, 664 - 13,41 - A
10. Simion Robert, Bucuresti, 1894 - 11,4 - A
11. Stan Ionut, Bucuresti, 2798 - 10,6 - A
12. Florescu George, Bucuresti, 1763 - 9,9 - H
13. Luca Ioan, Bucuresti, 1372 - 7,53 - H
14. Vladu Daniel, Bucuresti, 1635 - 7,34 - H
15. Catargiu Andrei, Bucuresti, 3119 - 6,4 - H
16. Nicolae Daniel, Bucuresti, 3571 - 5,3 - H
in functie de dinamica inscrierilor putem suplimenta la 24 locuriwww.pingpongshop.ro | Magazin online & offline
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