Paleta tenis de masă stil ofensiv Joola TPE Perform (TOP Player Edition), 7 straturi, carbon, viteza si control deosebit.
Vine echipata cu fete Yasaka Rakza X, ce ofera control si viteza de atac si un efect foarte bun.
Paleta impreuna cu fetele ofera o combinatie ce acopera la nivel inalt nevoia de control, efect si viteza odata cu activarea stratului de carbon. O paleta cu sweet spot mare si control liniar cu o plaja foarte mare de viteze, fara zone de inflexiune (la unele combinatii paleta+fete apar diferente mari de acceleratie la o mica diferenta de forta de lovire aplicata) . Ajuta la perfectionarea tehnicilor.
Paleta este folosita dar se afla in stare impecabila fara ca lemnul sa fie atins.
Fetele sunt destul de jucate, dar sunt bine conservate, compozitia mare de cauciuc natural asigurandu-le o rezitenta mare in timp cu pastrarea efectului caracteristic.
se poate proba .
Eventual schimb cu mulineta multiplicator pt somn.
Brand: Yasaka Japan / Sweden
Rakza X is the first rubber with NSS (New Surface System), Yasaka`s new production process to improve the grip of the rubber surface. NSS givesa stronger “touch” when hitting the ball, and the control in both attack and blocking is improved. RAKZA X table tennis rubber from Yasaka is the latest addition to the popular and highly successful RAXZA series of Yasaka rubbers. The top sheet is a mainly natural rubber gum.
The Joola TPE Perform is a table tennis blade which includes carbon. It is designed for the offensive gaming style. The TPE Perform corresponds to the further development of the best-seller blade Rosskopf Emotion.
The Joola TPE Perform is made of 7 thoroughly chosen veneers, which are characterized by the Top Player Edition quality. In particular, the outer ply is made of Hinoki, and significantly increases the overall bending strength of this TT blade. This is also because the hinoki layers were heat treated using a special technique. The outer layer (but also other layers) impress with an excellent quality.
What is so special about Hinoki? Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is a tree native to Central Japan, reaching a height of approx. 40 m, whereas its trunk diameter lies between 1-3 m. Hinoki is medium-heavy (440 kg/m3), quite strong (Young?s modulus: 9,000 N/mm2), and quite hard (Janka hardness: 550. As a comparison: Balsa has a hardness of only 8. It is a noble wood, and when used as a veneer in table tennis rackets, it is well-known for its positive gaming properties. These include quite a high speed, directness, and power.
These offensive properties are further strengthened by the implementation of carbon. Carbon is known for its stiffness, directness, power, and incredible speed. Also due to the carbon inlays, the Joola TPE Perform table tennis blade exhibits a high trajectory of the blade, and in increased sweet spot area.
The Joola TPE Perform- soft feeling, good speed, great touch and very, very precise.
Vine echipata cu fete Yasaka Rakza X, ce ofera control si viteza de atac si un efect foarte bun.
Paleta impreuna cu fetele ofera o combinatie ce acopera la nivel inalt nevoia de control, efect si viteza odata cu activarea stratului de carbon. O paleta cu sweet spot mare si control liniar cu o plaja foarte mare de viteze, fara zone de inflexiune (la unele combinatii paleta+fete apar diferente mari de acceleratie la o mica diferenta de forta de lovire aplicata) . Ajuta la perfectionarea tehnicilor.
Paleta este folosita dar se afla in stare impecabila fara ca lemnul sa fie atins.
Fetele sunt destul de jucate, dar sunt bine conservate, compozitia mare de cauciuc natural asigurandu-le o rezitenta mare in timp cu pastrarea efectului caracteristic.
se poate proba .
Eventual schimb cu mulineta multiplicator pt somn.
Brand: Yasaka Japan / Sweden
Rakza X is the first rubber with NSS (New Surface System), Yasaka`s new production process to improve the grip of the rubber surface. NSS givesa stronger “touch” when hitting the ball, and the control in both attack and blocking is improved. RAKZA X table tennis rubber from Yasaka is the latest addition to the popular and highly successful RAXZA series of Yasaka rubbers. The top sheet is a mainly natural rubber gum.
The Joola TPE Perform is a table tennis blade which includes carbon. It is designed for the offensive gaming style. The TPE Perform corresponds to the further development of the best-seller blade Rosskopf Emotion.
The Joola TPE Perform is made of 7 thoroughly chosen veneers, which are characterized by the Top Player Edition quality. In particular, the outer ply is made of Hinoki, and significantly increases the overall bending strength of this TT blade. This is also because the hinoki layers were heat treated using a special technique. The outer layer (but also other layers) impress with an excellent quality.
What is so special about Hinoki? Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is a tree native to Central Japan, reaching a height of approx. 40 m, whereas its trunk diameter lies between 1-3 m. Hinoki is medium-heavy (440 kg/m3), quite strong (Young?s modulus: 9,000 N/mm2), and quite hard (Janka hardness: 550. As a comparison: Balsa has a hardness of only 8. It is a noble wood, and when used as a veneer in table tennis rackets, it is well-known for its positive gaming properties. These include quite a high speed, directness, and power.
These offensive properties are further strengthened by the implementation of carbon. Carbon is known for its stiffness, directness, power, and incredible speed. Also due to the carbon inlays, the Joola TPE Perform table tennis blade exhibits a high trajectory of the blade, and in increased sweet spot area.
The Joola TPE Perform- soft feeling, good speed, great touch and very, very precise.