Dumitrescu Cornel,Open,Bucuresti.
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"Cupa TSP Vibe", Bucuresti - Sâmbăta 09.07.2022–A+H și Duminică 10.07.2022-O+E
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Buzoianu Eduard
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Gagiu Remua - Pitești - Open
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Blade : Butterfly Omar Assar
FH: Xiom Omega V Pro
BH: Xiom Omega V Tour
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doru voin, eite, buc.One man can be more cunning than another, but not more cunning than everybody else.
(Benjamin Franklin)
Se inscriu:
Vizoli Alexandru (Fagaras) - avansati
Gherghel Cristian (Fagaras) - hobby
Cantemir Constantin Mihai (Fagaras) -hobby
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organizator tehnic- 28.mai.2017
- 1423
- București
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Inscrieri AVANSATI (09 IULIE) - 3:56:49 PM - v5.3 / cls_2022-iul
1. Dinu Gheorghe, Bucuresti, 226 - 17.32 - AW
2. Vizoli Alexandru, Fagaras, 622 - 16.07 - A
3. State Malin, Bucuresti, 2230 - 15.3 - A
4. Alexandroaie Emanuel, Bucuresti, 570 - 14.93 - A
5. Tical Nicusor, Otopeni, 413 - 14.89 - A
6. Vaireanu Danut Ionel, Bucuresti, 468 - 14.69 - AW
7. Galca Andrei, Bucuresti, 548 - 11.98 - A
8. Caranfilian Migo, Bucuresti, 438 - 10.9 - AW
9. Botosneanu Ionut, Videle, 627 - 10.69 - A
10. Ciobanu Marius, Bucuresti, 1242 - 9.63 - H
11. Varbanescu Radu, Bucuresti, 1786 - 6.58 - H
12. Khashan Salem, Bucuresti, 1234 - 5.94 - H
Inscrieri HOBBY (09 IULIE) - 3:52:56 PM - v5.3 / cls_2022-iul
1. Mavrodin Cristian, Oltenita, 1299 - 9.33 - H
2. Gherghel Cristian, Fagaras, 1336 - 7.73 - H
3. Ivan Tiberiu, Bucuresti, 1617 - 6.98 - H
4. Cocotan Vasile, Oltenita, 1502 - 6.92 - H
5. Buzoianu Eduard, Oltenita, 1699 - 6.68 - H
6. Cantemir Constantin Mihai, Fagaras, 2128 - 6.5 - H
7. Petre Daniel, Bucuresti, 1984 - 5.2 - H
8. Mitroi Florin, Bucuresti, 1495 - 4.84 - H
9. Paduraru Claudian, Bucuresti, 1756 - 4.73 - H
10. Moldovan Andrei, Bucuresti, 1671 - 4.55 - H
11. Iliescu Patricia, Bucuresti, 1576 - 4.14 - HF
Inscrieri OPEN (10 IULIE) - 4:05:28 PM - v5.3 / cls_2022-iul
1. Dumitrescu Cornel, Bucuresti, 81 - 31.88 - OW
2. Dascalasu Viorel, Bucuresti, 545 - 27.82 - OW
3. Dramba Daniel Dumitru, Bucuresti, 445 - 27.35 - O
4. Sursilov Constantin, Bucuresti, 89 - 26.3 - O
5. Chirica Alexandru, Bucuresti, 122 - 25.81 - O
6. Barca George, Pitesti, 458 - 25.66 - O
7. Alexandru Marius, Bucuresti, 147 - 24.54 - O
8. Cretu Ionut, Bucuresti, 447 - 23.95 - O
9. Baltatu Marius, Pitesti, 323 - 23.09 - OW
10. Enculescu Mihaita, Dobroesti, 362 - 22.7 - O
11. Bucur Mario, Bucuresti, 661 - 22.53 - O
12. Mihai Andrei, Bucuresti, 623 - 21.54 - O
13. Baciu Stefan, Mioveni, 206 - 20.82 - OW
14. Ghiurutan Razvan, Bucuresti, 716 - 19.97 - A
15. Varzaru Vivi, Videle, 261 - 19.05 - A
16. Gagiu Remus, Pitesti, 303 - 17.11 - A
17. Ciripan Camelia, Bucuresti, 1166 - 15.12 - AF
18. Gorneanu Andrei, Bucuresti, 984 - 12.91 - A
19. Velicescu Dragos, Pitesti, 823 - 12.83 - A
Inscrieri ELITE (10-IULIE) - 4:23:24 PM - v5.3 / cls_2022-iul
1. Boaca Valentin, Bucuresti, 12 - 51.47 - E
2. Neagoe Costin, Bucuresti, 16 - 46.01 - E
3. Ursu Teodor, Bucuresti, 306 - 40.37 - E
4. Dinca Daniel, Bucuresti, 83 - 39.49 - ED
5. Secu Valeriu, Bucuresti, 415 - 36.85 - E
6. Ivan Sorin Ioan, Targoviste, 59 - 35.91 - E
7. Boroleanu Robert, Bucuresti, 326 - 34.55 - EL
8. Gheorghe Nicolae, Bucuresti, 34 - 33.81 - E
9. Voin Doru, Bucuresti, 74 - 33.48 - EW
10. Istrate Cristian, Bucuresti, 35 - 33.17 - EW
11. Popescu Eugen, Bucuresti, 293 - 31.07 - O
12. Chirila Robert, Bucuresti, 537 - 26.88 - O
Ultima editare de Bucur Mario; 04.iul.2022, 15:23.MARIUS67 likes this.
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